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Research article
Study on Optimization of Liquid Fermentation Medium and Antitumor Activity of the Mycelium on Phyllopora lonicerae
1Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Applied Mycology, College of Life Sciences, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, P.R. China
2College of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao266109, P.R. China
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2024; 34(9): 1898-1911
Published September 28, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract
The 2013 Announcement on Approval of 7 New Resource Foods by the Chinese Ministry of Health, which includes tea tree flowers, sanctioned the use of
The addition of suitable herbal components to the liquid fermentation medium of medicinal fungi may regulate the growth metabolism of the fermentation process [20, 21]. Additionally, for parasitic fungi, host components may contribute to the fungus's growth metabolism. For instance, there are research reports that supplemented the culture medium of
Response surface methodology is a statistical approach that uses multiple quadratic regression equations to model the functional relationship between experimental factors and results. It addresses multivariate problems by analyzing these regression equations. Many optimizations of microbial fermentation process parameters have utilized this method [27-34]. Graded extraction and flow cytometry are commonly used for tracking active ingredients and studying tumor cell apoptosis [35-41]. Therefore, we optimized the liquid fermentation medium of
Materials and Methods
Fungal Materials and Cells
The wild
The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), 5-fluorouracil, and apoptosis assay kits were purchased from Beijing Solarbio Technology Co., Ltd. (China). F-12K, McCoy's 5A, MEM, DMEM, RPMI-1640, and fetal bovine serum were purchased from Shanghai Xiaopeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.(China). Phosphate-buffered saline buffer, penicillin-streptomycin-nystatin solution, and trypsin were purchased from Shanghai Genark Technology Co., Ltd. (China).
Single Factor Climbing Experiment
Carrot, potato, sucrose, peptone,
Table 1 . Design of a single factor climbing experiment.
Factor/level Carrot (%) Potato (%) Sucrose (%) Peptone (%) L. japonica petals(%)P Fungal elctor(%) L.Japonica stem(%)1 5 5 1 0.1 0 0 0 2 10 10 2 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 15 15 3 0.3 0.10 0.10 0.10 4 20 20 4 0.4 0.15 0.15 0.15 5 25 25 5 0.5 0.20 0.20 0.20
The basic culture medium used in the experiment contained glucose 2%, peptone 0.2%, KH2PO4 0.1%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%, and distilled water, with a pH of natural. According to Table 1, the content of sucrose and peptone in the basic medium was changed respectively, and different solid medium was configured. According to Table 1, potato, carrot,
Response Surface Optimization
Design-Expert software (AtatEase, USA) was utilized for experiment design. The Box–Behnken method was employed to design a three-factor, three-level response surface optimization experiment. The liquid fermentation was conducted in 500 ml conical flasks with a 200 ml bottling capacity, with four groups of biological repeats. The flasks were subjected to shake flask fermentation conditions at 32°C and 120 rpm in darkness for 30 days. The results were observed and analyzed post-fermentation.
The same software was used for experimental design and data processing. Based on the optimization model, a liquid fermentation experiment was performed to verify the optimization results. A growth curve was plotted based on the fermentation experiment results.
Preparation of Crude Extract of P. lonicerae
Preparation of Extraction Components from P. lonicerae
Fractional extraction was used for separation and purification, with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol selected for extraction. Next, 100 ml ultra-pure water was suspended with a 6 g alcohol extract sample, followed by the sequential addition of 200 ml petroleum ether, 200 ml chloroform, 300 ml ethyl acetate, and 300 ml n-butanol solvent for extraction. The extraction times were 3, 3, 6 and 3 times respectively, with each extraction lasting 1 h. The extraction liquid was concentrated to obtain petroleum ether phase, chloroform phase, ethyl acetate phase, and n-butanol phase successively. The samples were freeze-dried and stored in a 4°C refrigerator.
Cell Culture and Treatment
Skov3, A549, Hela, MCF-7, and Eca-109 cells were respectively cultured in McCoy's 5A, F-12K, MEM, DMEM, RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum as the complete medium at 37°C, 5% CO2, and 90% relative humidity. The cells were seeded into 96-well plates for culture. Five concentrations of 50, 10, 2, 0.4, and 0.08 mg/ml were selected, and the cells were treated with 100 μl of samples for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h, respectively, after which the sample solution was removed.
Cell Proliferation Inhibition
MTT assay was used to determine the cell proliferation inhibition rate [42], with 5-fluorouracil as the positive control [43]; 20 μl of 5 mg/ml MTT was mixed with 80 μl of the corresponding complete medium, added to each well of the plate, and incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator for 4 h. The mixed solution was removed, and 150 μl of dimethyl sulfoxide was added to dissolve the purple formazan crystals. The plate was shaken and mixed for 20 min, and the absorbance was measured at 490 nm. The inhibition rate was calculated using the formula:
Cell proliferation inhibition rate (%) = [1 − (A treated group/A control group)] × 100
Cell Apoptosis Assay
During cell apoptosis, phosphatidylserine on the cell membranés inner surface will transfer to the outer surface, exposing phosphatidylserine externally. Annexin V easily binds to phosphatidylserine. Therefore, annexin V and propidium iodide double staining can be used to detect cell apoptosis by flow cytometry [44]. Eca-109 cells were seeded into six-well plates at a density of 1 × 105 cells/ml and cultured to reach confluence. The experimental group was treated with petroleum ether samples of 200, 400, and 800 μg/ml sequentially, with a final volume of 2.5 ml per well. The control group received the corresponding volume of culture medium. After incubating in a carbon dioxide incubator for 48 h, the cells were processed according to the apoptosis detection kit and analyzed promptly using flow cytometry.
Statistical Analysis
The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the sample solution was calculated and plotted using GraphPad Prism 9 statistical software (GraphPad Software Inc., USA). A significance level of
Response Surface Optimization Results of P. lonicerae Liquid Fermentation Medium
Single factor climbing experiment results. As depicted in Fig. 1, the addition of carrot and sucrose had no significant effect on the mycelial growth rate. However, adding potatoes significantly promoted hyphal growth, with the most effective level at approximately 15%. Moreover, additions of peptone,
Fig. 1. Effect of factors on the hyphal growth rate.
Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.05), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Response surface optimization results. According to the results of preliminary experiments and single factor experiments, the formula of basic culture medium was glucose 2%, peptone 0.2%, KH2PO4 0.1%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%, and distilled water, with a pH of natural. Box-Behnken response surface optimization design can significantly reduce the number of tests and thus reduce the test cost when the test factors are three. In addition, the selection of lower-priced medium components is more conducive to the promotion of large-scale production of
Table 2 . Response surface optimization design.
Factor/Level L. japonica petal - X1(%) P fungal elictor - X2(%) L. japonica stem - X3(%) 1 0.05 0 0.1 0 0.15 0.1 0.2 -1 0.25 0.2 0.3
Table 3 . Response surface optimization design and fermentation results.
Group X1 X2 X3 Mycelium biomass Y (g/l) 1 0 1 -1 5.92 ± 1.35 2 1 1 0 4.38 ± 0.78 3 0 -1 1 7.53 ± 1.18 4 0 0 0 7.93 ± 0.47 5 -1 1 0 6.03 ± 0.51 6 0 0 0 7.73 ± 0.38 7 0 0 0 7.38 ± 0.02 8 0 1 1 4.25 ± 0.71 9 0 -1 -1 6.98 ± 3.58 10 1 0 1 5.10 ± 1.03 11 1 0 -1 5.92 ± 1.76 12 -1 0 -1 7.98 ± 0.08 13 1 -1 0 7.98 ± 0.08 14 0 0 0 8.12 ± 0.82 15 0 0 0 7.88 ± 0.52 16 -1 -1 0 7.42 ± 0.41 17 -1 0 1 6.73 ± 0.68
The experimental data were fitted by regression analysis, and the following second-order polynomial model was obtained.
Y = −2.02288 + 25.745 X1 + 47.23 X2 + 41.085 X3 − 55.25 X1X2 + 10.75 X1X3 − 55.5 X2X3 − 54.65 X12 − 80.9 X22 − 82.9 X32 (1)
Y represents mycelium biomass, X1 represents
Table 4 . Variance analysis of response surface fitting model.
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value P-value Model 25.190 9 2.800 14.870 0.001* X1 2.860 1 2.860 15.180 0.006* X2 10.880 1 10.880 57.820 0.000* X3 1.270 1 1.270 6.760 0.035* X1X2 1.220 1 1.220 6.490 0.038* X1X3 0.046 1 0.046 0.250 0.635 X2X3 1.230 1 1.230 6.550 0.038* X12 1.260 1 1.260 6.680 0.036* X22 2.760 1 2.760 14.640 0.007* X32 2.890 1 2.890 15.380 0.006* Residual 1.320 7 0.190 Lack of Fit 1.010 3 0.340 4.390 0.093 Puer Error 0.310 4 0.077 Cor Total 26.510 16 Df, degree of freedom; R2=0.950, CV=6.40%; *denotes signeficance level (
p < 0.05) by F-test.
The F value of the model was 14.870, and the P value was 0.001, which was less than 0.05, indicating that the model was accurate and reliable. The R2 value was 0.950, and the coefficient of variation was 6.40%, suggesting that the model can well reflect the test results. The predicted value of the model had a high correlation with the actual value. Among all the independent variables, interactive terms, and quadratic terms in this model, the model P values of X1, X2, X3, X1X2, X2X3, X12, X22, and X32 were less than 0.05, indicating that this model is significant.
Fig. 2 displays the contour map and response surface map of the three-factor interaction. The oval contour map indicates a significant interaction among the three factors, suggesting that each factor can enhance the effect of the others at an optimal concentration. According to the simulated quadratic equation, when the amounts of
Fig. 2. Contour map and response surface map of three-factor interaction.
Response surface plots of the effects of P fungal elicitor and
L. japonica petal on mycelial biomass, response surface plots of the effectsL. Japonica stem andL. japonica petal on mycelial biomass; response surface plots of the effectsL. Japonica stem and P fungal elicitor on mycelial biomass.
Fermentation verification test. According to the response surface optimization model, the optimal fermentation medium for
Fig. 3. Fermentation growth curve of
P. lonicerae . This figure showed the mycelial biomass changes ofP. lonicerae cultured for 30 days.
Research Results of Anti-Tumor Activity in P. lonicerae
Tumor proliferation inhibition results of crude extract of
Fig. 4. The cell proliferation levels of Skov3, A549, and Eca-109, MCF-7, Hela tumor cells after treatment with the crude extracts of
P. lonicerae CT and ST at concentrations of 0.08, 0.4, 2, 10, and 50 mg/ml for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. (A, C, E, G, I) represents the treatment of CT, and (B, D, H, F, J) represents the treatment of ST. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as the positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Table 5 presents the inhibitory effects of intracellular samples on different cell types. CT exhibited varying degrees of inhibition on the five cell types, showing a better effect on A549 cells, followed by Eca-109 cells. Similarly, ST demonstrated a better inhibitory effect on Eca-109 cells, with no significant additional inhibitory effect on A549 cells. Cell proliferation inhibition experiments using crude extracts of
Table 5 . IC50 of
P. lonicerae on five types of cells.Samples A549 IC50 (mg/ml) Eca-109 IC50 (mg/ml) Skov3 IC50 (mg/ml) MCF-7 IC50 (mg/ml) Hela IC50 (mg/ml) CT 2.42 ± 0.37 2.92 ± 0.18 4.65 ± 0.42 2.97 ± 0.33 2.99 ± 0.14 ST - 2.97 ± 0.30 3.59 ± 0.48 3.34 ± 0.19 - IC50 >10 mg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate.Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments.
Tumor proliferation inhibition results of extracts from
Table 6 . IC50 of the intracellular extracts of
P. lonicerae on two cells.Samples Eca-109 IC50 μg/ml A549 IC50 μg/ml Petroleum ether 113.3 ± 0.55 228.2 ± 2.33 Chloroform 476.3 ± 0.80 478.8 ± 1.90 Ethyl acetate 229.2 ± 0.53 436.9 ± 1.56 N-butanol - - IC50 >1000 μg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate. Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments.
Fig. 5. The cell proliferation levels of Eca-109 cells treated with extractive components for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h at extracted sample concentrations of 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, and 50 μg/ml, respectively.
(A) represents the treatment of petroleum ether samples, (B) represents the treatment of chloroform samples, (C) represents the treatment of Ethyl acetate samples, and (D) represents the treatment of N-butanol samples. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
However, the n-butanol samples (Fig. 5D) showed no significant inhibitory effect on Eca-109 cells. Similar experiments conducted on A549 cells revealed significant differences in inhibition rates among the four samples. The petroleum ether sample demonstrated a relatively more significant effect on A549 cells, with a 100%inhibition rate observed after 48 h of treatment with a 400 μg/ml sample. At other low concentrations, the inhibition rates remained below 40% (Fig. 6), with no significant effect observed. The IC50 of the sample was calculated as 228.2 μg/ml (Table 6). In contrast, the chloroform and ethyl acetate samples exhibited less effective anti-tumor activity compared to the petroleum ether sample, with IC50 values exceeding 400 μg/mL. N-butanol samples showed no significant effect.
Fig. 6. The cell proliferation levels of A549 cells treated with extractive components for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h at extracted sample concentrations of 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, and 50 μg/ml, respectively.
(A) represents the treatment of petroleum ether samples, (B) represents the treatment of chloroform samples, (C) represents the treatment of Ethyl acetate samples, and (D) represents the treatment of N-butanol samples. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Petroleum ether samples induced apoptosis in Eca-109 cells. Apoptosis induction is a crucial mechanism of cell death triggered by anticancer drugs. In this study, early and late apoptosis of Eca-109 cells induced by petroleum ether components were detected using flow cytometry. Combining flow cytometry and detection results, it was observed that in the control group, most cells were alive, with a small percentage of dead cells (10.1%). However, after treatment with petroleum ether samples, the percentage of cells entering the apoptotic phase significantly increased, and the proportion of live cells decreased from 89.9% to 56.8%. Treatment with petroleum ether samples (200–800 μg/ml) led to a significant increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells in both the early (4.72%–26.4%) and late (11.7%–16.4%) stages (Fig. 7). These results were consistent with the findings of the MTT analysis, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of petroleum ether samples on the growth of Eca-109 cells was associated with the induction of apoptosis by these samples.
Fig. 7. Effect of petroleum ether samples on apoptosis in Eca-109 cells treated with petroleum ether samples for 48 h based on Annexin V-FITC/PI staining.
(A) represents the sample treated without petroleum ether, (B) represents the sample treated with 200 μg/ml petroleum ether, (C) represents the sample treated with 400 μg/ml petroleum ether, and (D) represents the sample treated with 800 μg/ml petroleum ether.
In this study, the experimental results revealed that the optimized medium for
In terms of
Author Contributions
M.L. and L.L. conducted principally experiments and wrote the paper. X.T. contributed strain materials and designed research. G.Z. and G.W. participated in the research of optimization of fermentation culture medium and modified the figures and tables. R.H. participated in the research of anti-tumor activity and collected the references. Y.Z. critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was supported by Special Foundation for Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province (tsqn202211188), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31970014).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Related articles in JMB
Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2024; 34(9): 1898-1911
Published online September 28, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Study on Optimization of Liquid Fermentation Medium and Antitumor Activity of the Mycelium on Phyllopora lonicerae
Min Liu1†, Lu Liu1†, Guoli Zhang1, Guangyuan Wang1, Ranran Hou2, Yinghao Zhang1, and Xuemei Tian1*
1Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Applied Mycology, College of Life Sciences, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, P.R. China
2College of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao266109, P.R. China
Correspondence to:Xuemei Tian,
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
Phylloporia lonicerae is an annual fungus that specifically parasitizes living Lonicera plants, offering significant potential for developing new resource food and medicine. However, wild resources and mycelium production of this fungus is limited, and its anti-tumor active ingredients and mechanisms remain unclear, hampering the development of this fungus. Thus, we optimized the fermentation medium of P. lonicerae and studied the anti-tumor activity of its mycelium. The results indicated that the optimum fermentation medium consisted of 2% sucrose, 0.2% peptone, 0.1% KH2PO4, 0.05% MgSO4·7H2O, 0.16% Lonicera japonica petals, 0.18% P fungal elicitor, and 0.21% L. japonica stem. The biomass reached 7.82 ± 0.41 g/l after 15 days of cultivation in the optimized medium, a 142% increase compared with the potato dextrose broth medium, with a 64% reduction in cultivation time. The intracellular alcohol extract had a higher inhibitory effect on A549 and Eca-109 cells than the intracellular water extract, with half-maximal inhibitory concentration values of 2.42 and 2.92 mg/ml, respectively. Graded extraction of the alcohol extract yielded petroleum ether phase, chloroform phase, ethyl acetate phase, and n-butanol phase. Among them, the petroleum ether phase exhibited a better effect than the positive control, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 113.3 μg/ml. Flow cytometry analysis indicated that petroleum ether components could induce apoptosis of Eca-109 cells, suggesting that this extracted component can be utilized as an anticancer agent in functional foods. This study offers valuable technical support and a theoretical foundation for promoting the comprehensive development and efficient utilization of P. lonicerae.
Keywords: Phylloporia lonicerae, liquid fermentation, anticancer activity, cell apoptosis, response surface methodology
The 2013 Announcement on Approval of 7 New Resource Foods by the Chinese Ministry of Health, which includes tea tree flowers, sanctioned the use of
The addition of suitable herbal components to the liquid fermentation medium of medicinal fungi may regulate the growth metabolism of the fermentation process [20, 21]. Additionally, for parasitic fungi, host components may contribute to the fungus's growth metabolism. For instance, there are research reports that supplemented the culture medium of
Response surface methodology is a statistical approach that uses multiple quadratic regression equations to model the functional relationship between experimental factors and results. It addresses multivariate problems by analyzing these regression equations. Many optimizations of microbial fermentation process parameters have utilized this method [27-34]. Graded extraction and flow cytometry are commonly used for tracking active ingredients and studying tumor cell apoptosis [35-41]. Therefore, we optimized the liquid fermentation medium of
Materials and Methods
Fungal Materials and Cells
The wild
The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), 5-fluorouracil, and apoptosis assay kits were purchased from Beijing Solarbio Technology Co., Ltd. (China). F-12K, McCoy's 5A, MEM, DMEM, RPMI-1640, and fetal bovine serum were purchased from Shanghai Xiaopeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd.(China). Phosphate-buffered saline buffer, penicillin-streptomycin-nystatin solution, and trypsin were purchased from Shanghai Genark Technology Co., Ltd. (China).
Single Factor Climbing Experiment
Carrot, potato, sucrose, peptone,
Table 1 . Design of a single factor climbing experiment..
Factor/level Carrot (%) Potato (%) Sucrose (%) Peptone (%) L. japonica petals(%)P Fungal elctor(%) L.Japonica stem(%)1 5 5 1 0.1 0 0 0 2 10 10 2 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 15 15 3 0.3 0.10 0.10 0.10 4 20 20 4 0.4 0.15 0.15 0.15 5 25 25 5 0.5 0.20 0.20 0.20
The basic culture medium used in the experiment contained glucose 2%, peptone 0.2%, KH2PO4 0.1%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%, and distilled water, with a pH of natural. According to Table 1, the content of sucrose and peptone in the basic medium was changed respectively, and different solid medium was configured. According to Table 1, potato, carrot,
Response Surface Optimization
Design-Expert software (AtatEase, USA) was utilized for experiment design. The Box–Behnken method was employed to design a three-factor, three-level response surface optimization experiment. The liquid fermentation was conducted in 500 ml conical flasks with a 200 ml bottling capacity, with four groups of biological repeats. The flasks were subjected to shake flask fermentation conditions at 32°C and 120 rpm in darkness for 30 days. The results were observed and analyzed post-fermentation.
The same software was used for experimental design and data processing. Based on the optimization model, a liquid fermentation experiment was performed to verify the optimization results. A growth curve was plotted based on the fermentation experiment results.
Preparation of Crude Extract of P. lonicerae
Preparation of Extraction Components from P. lonicerae
Fractional extraction was used for separation and purification, with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol selected for extraction. Next, 100 ml ultra-pure water was suspended with a 6 g alcohol extract sample, followed by the sequential addition of 200 ml petroleum ether, 200 ml chloroform, 300 ml ethyl acetate, and 300 ml n-butanol solvent for extraction. The extraction times were 3, 3, 6 and 3 times respectively, with each extraction lasting 1 h. The extraction liquid was concentrated to obtain petroleum ether phase, chloroform phase, ethyl acetate phase, and n-butanol phase successively. The samples were freeze-dried and stored in a 4°C refrigerator.
Cell Culture and Treatment
Skov3, A549, Hela, MCF-7, and Eca-109 cells were respectively cultured in McCoy's 5A, F-12K, MEM, DMEM, RPMI-1640 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum as the complete medium at 37°C, 5% CO2, and 90% relative humidity. The cells were seeded into 96-well plates for culture. Five concentrations of 50, 10, 2, 0.4, and 0.08 mg/ml were selected, and the cells were treated with 100 μl of samples for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h, respectively, after which the sample solution was removed.
Cell Proliferation Inhibition
MTT assay was used to determine the cell proliferation inhibition rate [42], with 5-fluorouracil as the positive control [43]; 20 μl of 5 mg/ml MTT was mixed with 80 μl of the corresponding complete medium, added to each well of the plate, and incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator for 4 h. The mixed solution was removed, and 150 μl of dimethyl sulfoxide was added to dissolve the purple formazan crystals. The plate was shaken and mixed for 20 min, and the absorbance was measured at 490 nm. The inhibition rate was calculated using the formula:
Cell proliferation inhibition rate (%) = [1 − (A treated group/A control group)] × 100
Cell Apoptosis Assay
During cell apoptosis, phosphatidylserine on the cell membranés inner surface will transfer to the outer surface, exposing phosphatidylserine externally. Annexin V easily binds to phosphatidylserine. Therefore, annexin V and propidium iodide double staining can be used to detect cell apoptosis by flow cytometry [44]. Eca-109 cells were seeded into six-well plates at a density of 1 × 105 cells/ml and cultured to reach confluence. The experimental group was treated with petroleum ether samples of 200, 400, and 800 μg/ml sequentially, with a final volume of 2.5 ml per well. The control group received the corresponding volume of culture medium. After incubating in a carbon dioxide incubator for 48 h, the cells were processed according to the apoptosis detection kit and analyzed promptly using flow cytometry.
Statistical Analysis
The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the sample solution was calculated and plotted using GraphPad Prism 9 statistical software (GraphPad Software Inc., USA). A significance level of
Response Surface Optimization Results of P. lonicerae Liquid Fermentation Medium
Single factor climbing experiment results. As depicted in Fig. 1, the addition of carrot and sucrose had no significant effect on the mycelial growth rate. However, adding potatoes significantly promoted hyphal growth, with the most effective level at approximately 15%. Moreover, additions of peptone,
Figure 1. Effect of factors on the hyphal growth rate.
Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.05), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Response surface optimization results. According to the results of preliminary experiments and single factor experiments, the formula of basic culture medium was glucose 2%, peptone 0.2%, KH2PO4 0.1%, MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%, and distilled water, with a pH of natural. Box-Behnken response surface optimization design can significantly reduce the number of tests and thus reduce the test cost when the test factors are three. In addition, the selection of lower-priced medium components is more conducive to the promotion of large-scale production of
Table 2 . Response surface optimization design..
Factor/Level L. japonica petal - X1(%) P fungal elictor - X2(%) L. japonica stem - X3(%) 1 0.05 0 0.1 0 0.15 0.1 0.2 -1 0.25 0.2 0.3
Table 3 . Response surface optimization design and fermentation results..
Group X1 X2 X3 Mycelium biomass Y (g/l) 1 0 1 -1 5.92 ± 1.35 2 1 1 0 4.38 ± 0.78 3 0 -1 1 7.53 ± 1.18 4 0 0 0 7.93 ± 0.47 5 -1 1 0 6.03 ± 0.51 6 0 0 0 7.73 ± 0.38 7 0 0 0 7.38 ± 0.02 8 0 1 1 4.25 ± 0.71 9 0 -1 -1 6.98 ± 3.58 10 1 0 1 5.10 ± 1.03 11 1 0 -1 5.92 ± 1.76 12 -1 0 -1 7.98 ± 0.08 13 1 -1 0 7.98 ± 0.08 14 0 0 0 8.12 ± 0.82 15 0 0 0 7.88 ± 0.52 16 -1 -1 0 7.42 ± 0.41 17 -1 0 1 6.73 ± 0.68
The experimental data were fitted by regression analysis, and the following second-order polynomial model was obtained.
Y = −2.02288 + 25.745 X1 + 47.23 X2 + 41.085 X3 − 55.25 X1X2 + 10.75 X1X3 − 55.5 X2X3 − 54.65 X12 − 80.9 X22 − 82.9 X32 (1)
Y represents mycelium biomass, X1 represents
Table 4 . Variance analysis of response surface fitting model..
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value P-value Model 25.190 9 2.800 14.870 0.001* X1 2.860 1 2.860 15.180 0.006* X2 10.880 1 10.880 57.820 0.000* X3 1.270 1 1.270 6.760 0.035* X1X2 1.220 1 1.220 6.490 0.038* X1X3 0.046 1 0.046 0.250 0.635 X2X3 1.230 1 1.230 6.550 0.038* X12 1.260 1 1.260 6.680 0.036* X22 2.760 1 2.760 14.640 0.007* X32 2.890 1 2.890 15.380 0.006* Residual 1.320 7 0.190 Lack of Fit 1.010 3 0.340 4.390 0.093 Puer Error 0.310 4 0.077 Cor Total 26.510 16 Df, degree of freedom; R2=0.950, CV=6.40%; *denotes signeficance level (
p < 0.05) by F-test..
The F value of the model was 14.870, and the P value was 0.001, which was less than 0.05, indicating that the model was accurate and reliable. The R2 value was 0.950, and the coefficient of variation was 6.40%, suggesting that the model can well reflect the test results. The predicted value of the model had a high correlation with the actual value. Among all the independent variables, interactive terms, and quadratic terms in this model, the model P values of X1, X2, X3, X1X2, X2X3, X12, X22, and X32 were less than 0.05, indicating that this model is significant.
Fig. 2 displays the contour map and response surface map of the three-factor interaction. The oval contour map indicates a significant interaction among the three factors, suggesting that each factor can enhance the effect of the others at an optimal concentration. According to the simulated quadratic equation, when the amounts of
Figure 2. Contour map and response surface map of three-factor interaction.
Response surface plots of the effects of P fungal elicitor and
L. japonica petal on mycelial biomass, response surface plots of the effectsL. Japonica stem andL. japonica petal on mycelial biomass; response surface plots of the effectsL. Japonica stem and P fungal elicitor on mycelial biomass.
Fermentation verification test. According to the response surface optimization model, the optimal fermentation medium for
Figure 3. Fermentation growth curve of
P. lonicerae . This figure showed the mycelial biomass changes ofP. lonicerae cultured for 30 days.
Research Results of Anti-Tumor Activity in P. lonicerae
Tumor proliferation inhibition results of crude extract of
Figure 4. The cell proliferation levels of Skov3, A549, and Eca-109, MCF-7, Hela tumor cells after treatment with the crude extracts of
P. lonicerae CT and ST at concentrations of 0.08, 0.4, 2, 10, and 50 mg/ml for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. (A, C, E, G, I) represents the treatment of CT, and (B, D, H, F, J) represents the treatment of ST. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as the positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Table 5 presents the inhibitory effects of intracellular samples on different cell types. CT exhibited varying degrees of inhibition on the five cell types, showing a better effect on A549 cells, followed by Eca-109 cells. Similarly, ST demonstrated a better inhibitory effect on Eca-109 cells, with no significant additional inhibitory effect on A549 cells. Cell proliferation inhibition experiments using crude extracts of
Table 5 . IC50 of
P. lonicerae on five types of cells..Samples A549 IC50 (mg/ml) Eca-109 IC50 (mg/ml) Skov3 IC50 (mg/ml) MCF-7 IC50 (mg/ml) Hela IC50 (mg/ml) CT 2.42 ± 0.37 2.92 ± 0.18 4.65 ± 0.42 2.97 ± 0.33 2.99 ± 0.14 ST - 2.97 ± 0.30 3.59 ± 0.48 3.34 ± 0.19 - IC50 >10 mg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate.Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments..
Tumor proliferation inhibition results of extracts from
Table 6 . IC50 of the intracellular extracts of
P. lonicerae on two cells..Samples Eca-109 IC50 μg/ml A549 IC50 μg/ml Petroleum ether 113.3 ± 0.55 228.2 ± 2.33 Chloroform 476.3 ± 0.80 478.8 ± 1.90 Ethyl acetate 229.2 ± 0.53 436.9 ± 1.56 N-butanol - - IC50 >1000 μg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate. Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments..
Figure 5. The cell proliferation levels of Eca-109 cells treated with extractive components for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h at extracted sample concentrations of 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, and 50 μg/ml, respectively.
(A) represents the treatment of petroleum ether samples, (B) represents the treatment of chloroform samples, (C) represents the treatment of Ethyl acetate samples, and (D) represents the treatment of N-butanol samples. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
However, the n-butanol samples (Fig. 5D) showed no significant inhibitory effect on Eca-109 cells. Similar experiments conducted on A549 cells revealed significant differences in inhibition rates among the four samples. The petroleum ether sample demonstrated a relatively more significant effect on A549 cells, with a 100%inhibition rate observed after 48 h of treatment with a 400 μg/ml sample. At other low concentrations, the inhibition rates remained below 40% (Fig. 6), with no significant effect observed. The IC50 of the sample was calculated as 228.2 μg/ml (Table 6). In contrast, the chloroform and ethyl acetate samples exhibited less effective anti-tumor activity compared to the petroleum ether sample, with IC50 values exceeding 400 μg/mL. N-butanol samples showed no significant effect.
Figure 6. The cell proliferation levels of A549 cells treated with extractive components for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h at extracted sample concentrations of 1600, 800, 400, 200, 100, and 50 μg/ml, respectively.
(A) represents the treatment of petroleum ether samples, (B) represents the treatment of chloroform samples, (C) represents the treatment of Ethyl acetate samples, and (D) represents the treatment of N-butanol samples. 5-FU (200 μg/ml) was used as a positive control. Different letters indicate significant difference (
p < 0.01), while similar letters indicate no difference.
Petroleum ether samples induced apoptosis in Eca-109 cells. Apoptosis induction is a crucial mechanism of cell death triggered by anticancer drugs. In this study, early and late apoptosis of Eca-109 cells induced by petroleum ether components were detected using flow cytometry. Combining flow cytometry and detection results, it was observed that in the control group, most cells were alive, with a small percentage of dead cells (10.1%). However, after treatment with petroleum ether samples, the percentage of cells entering the apoptotic phase significantly increased, and the proportion of live cells decreased from 89.9% to 56.8%. Treatment with petroleum ether samples (200–800 μg/ml) led to a significant increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells in both the early (4.72%–26.4%) and late (11.7%–16.4%) stages (Fig. 7). These results were consistent with the findings of the MTT analysis, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of petroleum ether samples on the growth of Eca-109 cells was associated with the induction of apoptosis by these samples.
Figure 7. Effect of petroleum ether samples on apoptosis in Eca-109 cells treated with petroleum ether samples for 48 h based on Annexin V-FITC/PI staining.
(A) represents the sample treated without petroleum ether, (B) represents the sample treated with 200 μg/ml petroleum ether, (C) represents the sample treated with 400 μg/ml petroleum ether, and (D) represents the sample treated with 800 μg/ml petroleum ether.
In this study, the experimental results revealed that the optimized medium for
In terms of
Author Contributions
M.L. and L.L. conducted principally experiments and wrote the paper. X.T. contributed strain materials and designed research. G.Z. and G.W. participated in the research of optimization of fermentation culture medium and modified the figures and tables. R.H. participated in the research of anti-tumor activity and collected the references. Y.Z. critically reviewed the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was supported by Special Foundation for Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province (tsqn202211188), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31970014).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
Fig 7.
Table 1 . Design of a single factor climbing experiment..
Factor/level Carrot (%) Potato (%) Sucrose (%) Peptone (%) L. japonica petals(%)P Fungal elctor(%) L.Japonica stem(%)1 5 5 1 0.1 0 0 0 2 10 10 2 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05 3 15 15 3 0.3 0.10 0.10 0.10 4 20 20 4 0.4 0.15 0.15 0.15 5 25 25 5 0.5 0.20 0.20 0.20
Table 2 . Response surface optimization design..
Factor/Level L. japonica petal - X1(%) P fungal elictor - X2(%) L. japonica stem - X3(%) 1 0.05 0 0.1 0 0.15 0.1 0.2 -1 0.25 0.2 0.3
Table 3 . Response surface optimization design and fermentation results..
Group X1 X2 X3 Mycelium biomass Y (g/l) 1 0 1 -1 5.92 ± 1.35 2 1 1 0 4.38 ± 0.78 3 0 -1 1 7.53 ± 1.18 4 0 0 0 7.93 ± 0.47 5 -1 1 0 6.03 ± 0.51 6 0 0 0 7.73 ± 0.38 7 0 0 0 7.38 ± 0.02 8 0 1 1 4.25 ± 0.71 9 0 -1 -1 6.98 ± 3.58 10 1 0 1 5.10 ± 1.03 11 1 0 -1 5.92 ± 1.76 12 -1 0 -1 7.98 ± 0.08 13 1 -1 0 7.98 ± 0.08 14 0 0 0 8.12 ± 0.82 15 0 0 0 7.88 ± 0.52 16 -1 -1 0 7.42 ± 0.41 17 -1 0 1 6.73 ± 0.68
Table 4 . Variance analysis of response surface fitting model..
Source Type III Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Value P-value Model 25.190 9 2.800 14.870 0.001* X1 2.860 1 2.860 15.180 0.006* X2 10.880 1 10.880 57.820 0.000* X3 1.270 1 1.270 6.760 0.035* X1X2 1.220 1 1.220 6.490 0.038* X1X3 0.046 1 0.046 0.250 0.635 X2X3 1.230 1 1.230 6.550 0.038* X12 1.260 1 1.260 6.680 0.036* X22 2.760 1 2.760 14.640 0.007* X32 2.890 1 2.890 15.380 0.006* Residual 1.320 7 0.190 Lack of Fit 1.010 3 0.340 4.390 0.093 Puer Error 0.310 4 0.077 Cor Total 26.510 16 Df, degree of freedom; R2=0.950, CV=6.40%; *denotes signeficance level (
p < 0.05) by F-test..
Table 5 . IC50 of
P. lonicerae on five types of cells..Samples A549 IC50 (mg/ml) Eca-109 IC50 (mg/ml) Skov3 IC50 (mg/ml) MCF-7 IC50 (mg/ml) Hela IC50 (mg/ml) CT 2.42 ± 0.37 2.92 ± 0.18 4.65 ± 0.42 2.97 ± 0.33 2.99 ± 0.14 ST - 2.97 ± 0.30 3.59 ± 0.48 3.34 ± 0.19 - IC50 >10 mg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate.Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments..
Table 6 . IC50 of the intracellular extracts of
P. lonicerae on two cells..Samples Eca-109 IC50 μg/ml A549 IC50 μg/ml Petroleum ether 113.3 ± 0.55 228.2 ± 2.33 Chloroform 476.3 ± 0.80 478.8 ± 1.90 Ethyl acetate 229.2 ± 0.53 436.9 ± 1.56 N-butanol - - IC50 >1000 μg/ml is recorded as "-".All experiments were performed in triplicate. Each value represents the mean ± SD (
n = 3). n represents number of experiments..
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