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Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport Systems in Model and Pathogenic Fungi
1Department of Systems Biotechnology, Chung-Ang University, Anseong 17546, Republic of Korea
2Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2024; 34(8): 1551-1562
Published August 28, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract

Iron is an essential element for all organisms because it serves as a cofactor in numerous enzymes for various cellular processes. Microbes, including pathogenic fungi, have developed a variety of strategies for acquiring iron and these include 1) reductive iron uptake (reduction of ferric iron to ferrous iron), 2) extraction and capture of iron from host sources such as heme, and 3) siderophore-mediated iron uptake.
Siderophores are secondary metabolites with a molecular weight of 200 to 2,000 Da that are secreted mainly by microbes and plants, and possess a high affinity specifically for ferric iron [1]. Most microbes produce their own siderophores to efficiently uptake iron under iron-deficient environments and, in some cases, they can also use siderophores synthesized by other organisms (so called xenosiderophores). Microbial siderophores are typically synthesized in response to iron depletion, and it has been estimated that at least 500 different types of siderophores have been classified from multiple organisms [1]. Siderophores can be classified into five main types: hydroxamates, catecholates, carboxylates, phenolates, and mixed-types (Table 1) [2]. Hydroxamate siderophores are made up of acylated and hydroxylated alkylamine in bacteria and hydroxylated and alkylated ornithine in fungi. Almost all fungal siderophores are hydroxamate types, which are further grouped into three categories: fusarinines, coprogens, and ferrichromes [3]. The first fungal hydroxamate siderophores, coprogen and ferrichrome, were identified from the smut fungus
Table 1 . Five main types of siderophores identified from bacteria and fungi.
Type Siderophores Reference Hydroxamate Coprogen, Coprogen B, Fusarinine, Ferrichrome, Ferrichrome A, Ferricrocin, Ferrirubin, Ferrirhodin, Desferrioxamine B, Rhodotorulic acid, Fusarinine C, Triacetylfusarinine C [58, 72, 101-104] Carboxylate Vibrioferrin, Staphyloferrin A, Rhizoferrin, Achromobactin, Citrate [72, 105-107] Catecholate Enterobactin, Salmochelin, Chrysobactin [108-110] Phenolate Yersiniabactin, Pyochelin [111, 112] Mixed class Pyoverdine, Mycobactin, Aerobactin, Anguibactin [113-116]
Siderophore biosynthesis is mediated by two different pathways. The first involves non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS), a multimodule enzyme complex responsible for generating structurally highly variable peptides without the use of an RNA template. The second is the NRPS-independent pathway, which is carried out by several enzymes including monooxygenases, decarboxylases, amino and acetyltransferases, amino acid ligases, and aldolases to assemble siderophores. Most hydroxamate and carboxylate siderophores are synthesized by NRPS-independent pathway [1]. After synthesis, siderophores are secreted and chelate iron in the extracellular environment. Iron-bound siderophore is then transported through the cell membrane via a few different mechanisms. In Gram-negative bacteria, the TonB-ExbB-ExbD transport protein complex at the outer membrane is responsible for siderophore uptake from the environment. Subsequently, iron-bound siderophores are further transported by permeases or ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters at the cytoplasmic membrane to the cytoplasm. Gram-positive bacteria do not possess the TonB-dependent transporter, but instead utilize ABC transporters in the plasma membrane. Subsequently, iron is dissociated from siderophores by reductive processes involved in the ferric to ferrous iron transition [13]. Several different siderophore uptake mechanisms in fungi have been identified, and these are thoroughly summarized by Das
Iron is essential for the virulence of fungal pathogens during infection, and the competition for iron between the fungal pathogens and the host significantly influences the disease processes. Fungi have developed several sophisticated strategies, including the use of siderophores, for iron acquisition under the low-iron condition of the host. Siderophores play critical roles in virulence for many but not all fungal pathogens of humans. For example, in
Overall, various studies indicate the importance of siderophore biosynthesis and transport in the physiology and virulence of fungi. Therefore, in this review, we summarized what is known about siderophore biosynthesis and transport in selected fungal pathogens to provide an overview of common and unique features and characteristics of the systems. Siderophore biosynthesis and transport in the non-pathogenic fungi,
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Model Fungi
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The mechanisms by which siderophore transporters take up their substrate and deliver iron into the cytosol has been investigated [26, 27]. In the case of Arn1, two ferrichrome binding sites exist on the surface of the protein. Extracellular ferrichrome is endocytosed via fluid-phase endocytosis and bound to the high-affinity binding site of Arn1 at the endosomal compartment causing a conformational change of the protein and subsequently triggering relocalization of the protein to the plasma membrane. Once Arn1 is located at the plasma membrane, the second molecule of ferrichrome binds to the low-affinity binding site of the protein, which triggers a second conformational change leading to rapid endocytosis and internalization of the ferrichrome-bound Arn1 to cytosol. After endocytosis, intact ferrichrome is eventually dissociated from Arn1, degraded, and iron is released. At the same time, Arn1 is recycled [26, 27]. In this context, observations with the intact holo-form of ferrichrome suggest an iron storage role for the siderophore [27]. Apart from Arn1, the involvement of substrate and ubiquitination-dependent degradation has been proposed for intracellular trafficking of Sit1/Arn3 between the plasma membrane and the vacuole [28]. Moreover, Aft1, a transcriptional activator of the iron regulon in
Aft1 directly binds to the iron responsive element (FeRE) consensus sequence, PyPuCACCCPu, of genes involved in iron transport and metabolism [36]. Among the siderophore transporters in
Apart from Arn siderophore transporters, cell wall proteins are also involved in siderophore uptake and utilization in
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
To date, little information is available on the role of siderophores in the physiology of
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Ustilago maydis
A study utilizing cross-feeding experiments with a non-enterobactin-producing
Magnaporthe grisea
The phytopathogen
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Fungal Pathogens of Humans
Aspergillus fumigatus
Genes responsible for siderophore biosynthesis have been identified and their functions characterized [65]. The
The next step in the biosynthesis of siderophores, especially ferricrocin and hydroxyferricrocin, is mediated by SidL, which is
Deletion of the genes responsible for either SidF and SidD for the triacetylfusarinine C and ferricrocin biosynthesis pathway, or SidC for the ferricrocin and hydroxyferricrocin biosynthesis pathway only caused attenuated virulence in neutropenic mice, while the
Table 2 . Siderophore transporters of
Aspergillus fumigatus and their homologs in other fungi.
Candida albicans
Global expression analysis showed that Sfu1, a GATA-type transcription factor, regulates the expression of genes involved in iron uptake and metabolism in
In addition to the transport of siderophores for its own growth,
Cryptococcus neoformans
Histoplasma capsulatum
An involvement of peroxisomes, organelles that function in multiple metabolic pathways including the glyoxylate cycle, fatty acid b-oxidation, and metabolism of reactive oxygen species, in siderophore synthesis was reported for
Accumulating experimental evidence indicates that siderophore biosynthesis and transport play crucial roles in growth, development, stress responses (
Fig. 1. Siderophore synthesis pathways identified in representative fungal species. Dotted lines indicate the pathways and enzymes not identified yet.
S. pombe andU. maydis produce ferrichrome whileA. fumigatus ,H. capsulatum , andM. grisea synthesize fusarinine, ferricrocin, and coprogen siderophores.
Iron assimilation using siderophores is of particular interest in human fungal pathogens not only because of their involvement in virulence but also because of their value for the development of novel antifungal strategies and other possible therapeutic applications. For example, much attention has been paid to generating siderophore-antifungal drug conjugates, siderophore-fluorophore conjugates, and labeling of siderophores with radionuclides to develop novel fungal diagnostic and therapeutic tools [98-100]. Further studies are needed to understand siderophore biosynthesis, transport (excretion and uptake), and the mechanisms of iron release from iron-bound siderophore upon internalization. Additionally, a broader survey of siderophore biosynthesis and transport machinery is needed to understand contributions to survival and virulence strategies in many other yet unexplored fungi, including emerging fungal pathogens of humans such as
This research was supported by the Chung-Ang University Graduate Research Scholarship in 2022 (S.C.), the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2022R1F1A1065306 (W.H.J), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AI053721 (to J.W.K.). J.W.K. is a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Scholar in Molecular Pathogenic Mycology and the Power Corporation fellow of the CIFAR program: Fungal Kingdom, Threats & Opportunities.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2024; 34(8): 1551-1562
Published online August 28, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport Systems in Model and Pathogenic Fungi
Sohyeong Choi1, James W. Kronstad2, and Won Hee Jung1*
1Department of Systems Biotechnology, Chung-Ang University, Anseong 17546, Republic of Korea
2Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Correspondence to:Won Hee Jung,
Fungi employ diverse mechanisms for iron uptake to ensure proliferation and survival in iron-limited environments. Siderophores are secondary metabolite small molecules with a high affinity specifically for ferric iron; these molecules play an essential role in iron acquisition in fungi and significantly influence fungal physiology and virulence. Fungal siderophores, which are primarily hydroxamate types, are synthesized via non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) or NRPS-independent pathways. Following synthesis, siderophores are excreted, chelate iron, and are transported into the cell by specific cell membrane transporters. In several human pathogenic fungi, siderophores are pivotal for virulence, as inhibition of their synthesis or transport significantly reduces disease in murine models of infection. This review briefly highlights siderophore biosynthesis and transport mechanisms in fungal pathogens as well the model fungi Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Understanding siderophore biosynthesis and transport in pathogenic fungi provides valuable insights into fungal biology and illuminates potential therapeutic targets for combating fungal infections.
Keywords: Fungus, iron, siderophore, virulence
Iron is an essential element for all organisms because it serves as a cofactor in numerous enzymes for various cellular processes. Microbes, including pathogenic fungi, have developed a variety of strategies for acquiring iron and these include 1) reductive iron uptake (reduction of ferric iron to ferrous iron), 2) extraction and capture of iron from host sources such as heme, and 3) siderophore-mediated iron uptake.
Siderophores are secondary metabolites with a molecular weight of 200 to 2,000 Da that are secreted mainly by microbes and plants, and possess a high affinity specifically for ferric iron [1]. Most microbes produce their own siderophores to efficiently uptake iron under iron-deficient environments and, in some cases, they can also use siderophores synthesized by other organisms (so called xenosiderophores). Microbial siderophores are typically synthesized in response to iron depletion, and it has been estimated that at least 500 different types of siderophores have been classified from multiple organisms [1]. Siderophores can be classified into five main types: hydroxamates, catecholates, carboxylates, phenolates, and mixed-types (Table 1) [2]. Hydroxamate siderophores are made up of acylated and hydroxylated alkylamine in bacteria and hydroxylated and alkylated ornithine in fungi. Almost all fungal siderophores are hydroxamate types, which are further grouped into three categories: fusarinines, coprogens, and ferrichromes [3]. The first fungal hydroxamate siderophores, coprogen and ferrichrome, were identified from the smut fungus
Table 1 . Five main types of siderophores identified from bacteria and fungi..
Type Siderophores Reference Hydroxamate Coprogen, Coprogen B, Fusarinine, Ferrichrome, Ferrichrome A, Ferricrocin, Ferrirubin, Ferrirhodin, Desferrioxamine B, Rhodotorulic acid, Fusarinine C, Triacetylfusarinine C [58, 72, 101-104] Carboxylate Vibrioferrin, Staphyloferrin A, Rhizoferrin, Achromobactin, Citrate [72, 105-107] Catecholate Enterobactin, Salmochelin, Chrysobactin [108-110] Phenolate Yersiniabactin, Pyochelin [111, 112] Mixed class Pyoverdine, Mycobactin, Aerobactin, Anguibactin [113-116]
Siderophore biosynthesis is mediated by two different pathways. The first involves non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS), a multimodule enzyme complex responsible for generating structurally highly variable peptides without the use of an RNA template. The second is the NRPS-independent pathway, which is carried out by several enzymes including monooxygenases, decarboxylases, amino and acetyltransferases, amino acid ligases, and aldolases to assemble siderophores. Most hydroxamate and carboxylate siderophores are synthesized by NRPS-independent pathway [1]. After synthesis, siderophores are secreted and chelate iron in the extracellular environment. Iron-bound siderophore is then transported through the cell membrane via a few different mechanisms. In Gram-negative bacteria, the TonB-ExbB-ExbD transport protein complex at the outer membrane is responsible for siderophore uptake from the environment. Subsequently, iron-bound siderophores are further transported by permeases or ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters at the cytoplasmic membrane to the cytoplasm. Gram-positive bacteria do not possess the TonB-dependent transporter, but instead utilize ABC transporters in the plasma membrane. Subsequently, iron is dissociated from siderophores by reductive processes involved in the ferric to ferrous iron transition [13]. Several different siderophore uptake mechanisms in fungi have been identified, and these are thoroughly summarized by Das
Iron is essential for the virulence of fungal pathogens during infection, and the competition for iron between the fungal pathogens and the host significantly influences the disease processes. Fungi have developed several sophisticated strategies, including the use of siderophores, for iron acquisition under the low-iron condition of the host. Siderophores play critical roles in virulence for many but not all fungal pathogens of humans. For example, in
Overall, various studies indicate the importance of siderophore biosynthesis and transport in the physiology and virulence of fungi. Therefore, in this review, we summarized what is known about siderophore biosynthesis and transport in selected fungal pathogens to provide an overview of common and unique features and characteristics of the systems. Siderophore biosynthesis and transport in the non-pathogenic fungi,
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Model Fungi
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The mechanisms by which siderophore transporters take up their substrate and deliver iron into the cytosol has been investigated [26, 27]. In the case of Arn1, two ferrichrome binding sites exist on the surface of the protein. Extracellular ferrichrome is endocytosed via fluid-phase endocytosis and bound to the high-affinity binding site of Arn1 at the endosomal compartment causing a conformational change of the protein and subsequently triggering relocalization of the protein to the plasma membrane. Once Arn1 is located at the plasma membrane, the second molecule of ferrichrome binds to the low-affinity binding site of the protein, which triggers a second conformational change leading to rapid endocytosis and internalization of the ferrichrome-bound Arn1 to cytosol. After endocytosis, intact ferrichrome is eventually dissociated from Arn1, degraded, and iron is released. At the same time, Arn1 is recycled [26, 27]. In this context, observations with the intact holo-form of ferrichrome suggest an iron storage role for the siderophore [27]. Apart from Arn1, the involvement of substrate and ubiquitination-dependent degradation has been proposed for intracellular trafficking of Sit1/Arn3 between the plasma membrane and the vacuole [28]. Moreover, Aft1, a transcriptional activator of the iron regulon in
Aft1 directly binds to the iron responsive element (FeRE) consensus sequence, PyPuCACCCPu, of genes involved in iron transport and metabolism [36]. Among the siderophore transporters in
Apart from Arn siderophore transporters, cell wall proteins are also involved in siderophore uptake and utilization in
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
To date, little information is available on the role of siderophores in the physiology of
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Ustilago maydis
A study utilizing cross-feeding experiments with a non-enterobactin-producing
Magnaporthe grisea
The phytopathogen
Siderophore Biosynthesis and Transport in Fungal Pathogens of Humans
Aspergillus fumigatus
Genes responsible for siderophore biosynthesis have been identified and their functions characterized [65]. The
The next step in the biosynthesis of siderophores, especially ferricrocin and hydroxyferricrocin, is mediated by SidL, which is
Deletion of the genes responsible for either SidF and SidD for the triacetylfusarinine C and ferricrocin biosynthesis pathway, or SidC for the ferricrocin and hydroxyferricrocin biosynthesis pathway only caused attenuated virulence in neutropenic mice, while the
Table 2 . Siderophore transporters of
Aspergillus fumigatus and their homologs in other fungi..
Candida albicans
Global expression analysis showed that Sfu1, a GATA-type transcription factor, regulates the expression of genes involved in iron uptake and metabolism in
In addition to the transport of siderophores for its own growth,
Cryptococcus neoformans
Histoplasma capsulatum
An involvement of peroxisomes, organelles that function in multiple metabolic pathways including the glyoxylate cycle, fatty acid b-oxidation, and metabolism of reactive oxygen species, in siderophore synthesis was reported for
Accumulating experimental evidence indicates that siderophore biosynthesis and transport play crucial roles in growth, development, stress responses (
Figure 1. Siderophore synthesis pathways identified in representative fungal species. Dotted lines indicate the pathways and enzymes not identified yet.
S. pombe andU. maydis produce ferrichrome whileA. fumigatus ,H. capsulatum , andM. grisea synthesize fusarinine, ferricrocin, and coprogen siderophores.
Iron assimilation using siderophores is of particular interest in human fungal pathogens not only because of their involvement in virulence but also because of their value for the development of novel antifungal strategies and other possible therapeutic applications. For example, much attention has been paid to generating siderophore-antifungal drug conjugates, siderophore-fluorophore conjugates, and labeling of siderophores with radionuclides to develop novel fungal diagnostic and therapeutic tools [98-100]. Further studies are needed to understand siderophore biosynthesis, transport (excretion and uptake), and the mechanisms of iron release from iron-bound siderophore upon internalization. Additionally, a broader survey of siderophore biosynthesis and transport machinery is needed to understand contributions to survival and virulence strategies in many other yet unexplored fungi, including emerging fungal pathogens of humans such as
This research was supported by the Chung-Ang University Graduate Research Scholarship in 2022 (S.C.), the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2022R1F1A1065306 (W.H.J), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01AI053721 (to J.W.K.). J.W.K. is a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Scholar in Molecular Pathogenic Mycology and the Power Corporation fellow of the CIFAR program: Fungal Kingdom, Threats & Opportunities.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.

Table 1 . Five main types of siderophores identified from bacteria and fungi..
Type Siderophores Reference Hydroxamate Coprogen, Coprogen B, Fusarinine, Ferrichrome, Ferrichrome A, Ferricrocin, Ferrirubin, Ferrirhodin, Desferrioxamine B, Rhodotorulic acid, Fusarinine C, Triacetylfusarinine C [58, 72, 101-104] Carboxylate Vibrioferrin, Staphyloferrin A, Rhizoferrin, Achromobactin, Citrate [72, 105-107] Catecholate Enterobactin, Salmochelin, Chrysobactin [108-110] Phenolate Yersiniabactin, Pyochelin [111, 112] Mixed class Pyoverdine, Mycobactin, Aerobactin, Anguibactin [113-116]
Table 2 . Siderophore transporters of
Aspergillus fumigatus and their homologs in other fungi..
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