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Research article
Crystal Structure and Biochemical Analysis of a Cytochrome P450 Steroid Hydroxylase (BaCYP106A6) from Bacillus Species
1Department of Life Science and Biochemical Engineering, Sunmoon University, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea 2Research Unit of Cryogenic Novel Materials, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon 21990, Republic of Korea 3Department of Polar Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Incheon 21990, Republic of Korea 4Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Biotechnology, Sunmoon University, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea 5Genome-based BioIT Convergence Institute, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(3): 387-397
Published March 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract
Steroids are biological compounds that play key roles in the body, including controlling metabolism and the immune system, synthesizing muscle and bone, and maintaining homeostasis [1-3]. Steroid-based drugs are one of the most widely used clinical drugs to treat inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and allergic reactions and are also used as convulsants and contraceptives [4-7]. Since hydroxylated steroids generally exhibit higher biological activity than less polar steroids, research on hydroxylated steroid production methods has focused on and expanded from a chemical method that has disadvantages in terms of time and cost to an eco-friendly biocatalytic method using a bacteria-derived enzyme such as Cytochrome P450 (CYP) [5, 8].
CYP is a large family of heme-containing monooxygenases that catalyzes various reactions in secondary metabolite and natural product biosynthesis and xenobiotic metabolism in humans [9]. Plants have hundreds of CYPs per species, which are used to synthesize substrates, such as alkaloids, terpenes, and flavonoids [10]. Among them, microbial CYPs catalyze a broad spectrum of substrates and are more popular as biocatalysts industrially because of their ease of heterologous expression compared with mammalian and plant CYP [11-13]. Accordingly, the bioconversion of steroids using microbial CYPs has been addressed. For example, P450lun from
The CYP106 and CYP109 families hydroxylate various types of steroids and terpenoids. For example, CYP106A1 from
Although these members are similar, with approximately 30% or greater sequence identity, the substrate preferences and hydration site regions of each CYP differ. This indicates that sequential alignment does not distinguish the characteristics of CYPs, and biochemical and structural investigations of each CYP are necessary to understand the detailed mechanisms of bacterial CYPs for steroid hydroxylation.
In the present study, we report the biochemical characterization and crystal structure of
Materials and Methods
The substrates were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Korea) and Tokyo Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (Japan). All the enzymes, including Taq polymerase and restriction enzymes, were obtained from Takara Clontech (Korea). All other chemicals and solvents used were of the highest commercially available grade (ACS, HPLC grade; Fisher Scientific, Korea). Ampicillin, α-aminolevulinic acid, NADPH, catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glucose-6-phosphate, the redox partners of spinach FDX and FDR, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Isopropyl 1-thio-β-d-galactopyranoside (IPTG) and kanamycin were purchased from Duchefa Biochemie (Korea).
Over-expression and Purification of Ba CYP106A6
Enzyme Analysis and Substrate-Binding Assay
The concentration of the purified
To determine the degree of steroid substrate-binding to a specific enzyme, spin-shift states were identified using a UV-visible spectrophotometer and tandem quartz cuvettes. The sample cuvette chambers were filled with a total volume of 1 ml in 50 mM potassium buffer (pH 7.4), including purified protein diluted to 1 μM and substrate by concentration, and the standards were prepared without substrate. The substrates were dissolved in DMSO at a storage concentration of 40 mM, diluted in the range of 0–500 μm and used for the assay. The UV-visible absorbance spectrum was measured between 350 and 500 nm until no spectral changes were observed. The equilibrium
where [E] and [S] are the concentrations of the enzyme and substrate, respectively,
In vitro Biotransformation Assays of Ba CYP106A6 Activity
For the in vitro assay, two steroid substrates were used: progesterone and androstenedione. A stock solution (100 mM) of the substrate was dissolved in DMSO and stored until use. The in vitro reaction was carried out in a total volume of 250 μl in 50 mM potassium buffer (pH 7.4) consisting of 10 μM
HPLC and NMR Analysis
HPLC analyses for product separation were performed using an Agilent 1100 series system (G1311A Quaternary pump, G1379A Solvent degasser, G1315B Diode array detector, and G1313A Standard autosampler; Agilent Technologies, USA). This device was connected to a reversed-phase C18 GP column (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm; Mightysil; Kanto Chemical, Japan), and the analysis temperature was maintained at 40°C. The mobile phase was mixed with two solvents, water (A) and acetonitrile (B), at a rate of 1 ml·min−1. The HPLC system started with acetonitrile and water at a ratio of 15:85, increased to 50:50 for 8 min, and then to 90:10 for 18 min. The ratio was maintained for 19 min, reduced to 15:85 for 21 min, and finally, ran for 25 min. To detect the substrate and product, the UV detector was set to 242 or 245 nm. Mass analysis was performed using quadrupole time-of-flight/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the positive ion (+) mode using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (SYNAPT G2‐S/ACUITY; Waters Corp., USA). The products isolated from the steroids were analyzed using a 700 MHz NMR spectrometer (Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea). For 1H, 13C NMR, HMBC, HSQC, COSY, and ROESY, 7.3 and 15 mg progesterone and androstenedione products, respectively, were dissolved in 1 ml CDCl3.
Crystallization and Data Collection
Initial crystallization screening was conducted using a TTP Labtech Mosquito LCP Crystallisation Robot (TTP Labtech, UK) with commercially available screening kits, such as MCSG1-4 (Molecular dimensions, UK), Index, and SaltRx (Hampton Research, USA). The sitting drop vapor-diffusion method was performed at 293 K in 96-well plates (Emerald Bio, , USA). A 200-nL protein solution and an equal volume of reservoir solution were mixed and equilibrated against 80 μl of reservoir solution.
Structure Determination and Refinement
The crystal structure of
Table 1 . X-ray diffraction data collection and refinement statistics.
Data set Ba CYP106A6X-ray source BL-5C beamline Space group P 21Unit-cell parameters (Å, °) a=53.335, b=98.997, c=92.99, α=γ=90, β=106.412 Wavelength (Å) 0.9794 Resolution (Å) 50.00–2.80 (2.85–2.80) Total reflections 142028 Unique reflections 22,227 (1,192) Average I/σ (I) 31.0 (5.0) R mergea0.126 (0.471) Redundancy 6.4 (7.4) Completeness (%) 99.1 (97.0) Refinement Resolution range (Å) 37.59-2.80 (2.94-2.80) No. of working set reflections 22,146 (3,161) No. of test set reflections 1,011 (122) No. of atoms 6,309 No. of water molecules 58 R crystb0.22 (0.28) R freec0.27 (0.39) r.m.s. bond length (Å) 0.013 r.m.s. bond angle (°) 1.667 Average B value (Å2) (protein) 42.28 Average B value (Å2) (solvent) 36.55 Ramachandran plot Favored (%) 96.08 Allowed (%) 3.13 Outliers (%) 0.78 a
R merge = Σ | <I> - I | /Σ<I>.b
R cryst = Σ | |Fo| - |Fc| | /Σ|Fo|.c
R free calculated with 5% of all reflections excluded from refinement stages using high-resolution data.Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shells.
Cloning and Construction of Recombinant Plasmids
The gene for
Results and Discussion
Purifcation and Characterization of Ba CYP106A6
To characterize
Substrate-Binding and Steroid Assays Using Ba CYP106A6
The binding of steroids to P450 causes a type I spectral shift due to the substitution of axial water molecules in the heme iron coordination sphere [20], revealing maximum and minimum spectral values of ~390 and ~420 nm, respectively. The dissociation constant (
Fig. 1. Steroid affinity test on
Ba CYP106A6. (A) Type I shift spectra andK d values using progesterone and 4- androstenedione. A total of six substrates were tested forBa CYP106A6 binding. Progesterone and androstenedione showed binding affinity, whereas corticosterone, cortisol, dexamethasone, and prednisolone did not show consistent data for affinity calculation. (B) Steroids with aBa CYP106A6-associated conversion rate > 20% were considered active steroids. (C) Steroids with aBa CYP106A6-associated conversion rate < 20% were considered less active steroids. The conversion rate of steroids was analyzed by HPLC after 15 min incubation at 20°C.
Next, we performed a bioconversion reaction of progesterone and androstenedione using recombinant
Fig. 2. In vitro HPLC and LC/MS analysis of
Ba CYP106A6. The HPLC spectra of progesterone (A) and androstenedione (B) with their correspondingBa CYP106A6 catalyzed reaction mixture. Each substrate generated a monohydroxylated product. The masses of the substrate and monohydroxylated product are shown by the arrows.
Fig. 3. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis.
1H and 13C NMR analyses of hydroxylated products of progesterone (A, B) and androstenedione (C, D).
Structure Determination and Overall Structure of Ba CYP106A6
The crystal structure of
The monomeric structure of
Fig. 4. The overall structure and active site of
Ba CYP106A6. (A) The overall structure ofBa CYP106A6 is presented as a ribbon diagram in the front view (left) and a 90° rotated view (right). The α-helices and β-strands are colored orange and cyan, respectively. The bound heme molecules are represented by a stick model and colored green. (B) Heme-binding motif ofBa CYP106A6. Hydrophobic residues surrounding the heme molecule and residues interacting with carboxyl groups of heme are presented as an orange stick model. The heme molecule is represented by a green stick model. (C) The putative substratebinding pocket ofBa CYP106A6. Several specific residues comprising substrate-binding pockets are presented as orange stick models. Disordered regions of the α4–α5 and the α9–α10 loops are colored marine. (D) Surface representation ofBa CYP106A6 shown in the same orientation as
Substrate Selectivity of BaCYP106A6
The binding mode of steroids was analyzed to better understand the substrate selectivity of
Compared with the substrate-free structure, the direction of the side chain of Leu240 and Arg295 was mainly changed among residues interacting with substrates in steroid-complexed structures. The side chain of Leu240 leans to the heme molecule in the substrate-free structure, and the side chain is pushed away by the C4 of the steroids upon steroid binding, generating a hydrophobic interaction. In the case of Arg295, its side chain protrudes inside the binding pocket and occupies a large volume of the substrate-binding pocket in a substrate-free structure (Fig. S4). However, in the steroid-binding mode, Arg295 was tilted opposite the active site (Fig. 5). These changes imply that Leu240 and Arg295 may be critical residues that recognize specific
Fig. 5. Overlay of steroids as obtained by superposition onto
Ba CYP106A6. The active (left) and less active steroids (right) occupy the substrate-binding pocket depicted in red and blue series colors. Energy-minimized structures and heme molecules are colored the same for each steroid. The hydroxyl groups at 11β and 17β of the less active steroids, marked with red dotted circles, are placed near an Arg295.
Comparison of Substrate-Binding Pocket between CYP106 and CYP109 Proteins
A DALI structural homology search revealed that the
Table 2 . Structural homolog search results for
Ba CYP106A6 from a DALI search (DALI-Lite server).Protein PDB code DALI Z-score UniProtKB code Sequence % ID with Ba CYP106A6 (aligned residue number)Reference Abietic acid-bound CYP106A2 ( B. megaterium )5IKI 54.1 Q06069 65 (379/399) [28] CYP109A2 ( B. megaterium )5OFQ 45.2 D5DF88 36 (373/387) [23] Corticosterone bound CYP109E1 ( B .megaterium )5L91 45.1 D5DKI8 42 (368/391) [43] Cytochrome P450 TbtJ1 ( Thermobispora bispora )5VWS 43.4 D6Y4Z8 36 (367/376) [44] CYP109B1 ( Bacillus subtilis )4RM4 43.3 O34374 40 (351/364) [45] Mycinamicin bound Cytochrome P450 ( Micromonospora griseorubida )2Y5N 43,0 Q59523 30 (370/400) [46] Cytochrome P450 MoxA ( Nonomuraea recticatena )2Z36 42.5 Q2L6S8 27 (373/404) [47] Cytochrome P450 OleP from ( Streptomyces antibioticus )5MNV 41.9 Q59819 29 (367/397) [48]
Fig. 6. Multiple sequence alignment and binding mode of steroids.
(A) Multiple sequence alignment of
Ba CYP106A2 with other homolog CYPs,Ba CYP106A2 (Bacillus sp. PAMC23377; PDB code 5XNT),Bm CYP106A2 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: Q06069; PDB code 4YT3),Bm CYP109A2 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: D5DF88; PDB cod 5OFQ), andBm CYP109E1 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: D5DKI8; PDB code 5L90). Secondary structures ofBa CYP106A6 are shown above the aligned sequence. Multiple sequence alignment was conducted using ClustalX [41] and edited using GeneDoc. (B) The active site of CYPs. Electrostatic surfaces and charge distribution of the proteins were analyzed using the Adaptive Poisson–Boltzmann Solver [42]. Arg295 and the corresponding residues from CYPs are represented as different-colored sticks.
Besides the Arg295 residue, CYP106 and CYP109 proteins have several striking residue composition differences in the substrate-binding pocket. In
Fig. 7. Structural comparison of
Ba CYP106A6 with other CYPs. (A) Superposition ofBa CYP106A6 and abietic acid-boundBa CYP106A2 (PDB code 5IKI). The α9, α10 helices, loop regions ofBa CYP106A6, and the corresponding regions ofBa CYP106A2 are shown as ribbon diagrams colored orange and cyan, respectively. The phenylalanine residues ofBa CYP106A6 andBa CYP106A2 are represented by stick models. Bound heme molecules and abietic acid are also represented by stick models. (B) Superposition ofBa CYP106A6 andBm CYP109E1 (PDB code 5L90).Bm CYP109E1 is colored violet. The residues Val169 and Ile241 ofBm CYP109E1 are represented by violet stick models. Phe174 ofBa CYP106A6 and Ile241 ofBm CYP109E1 occupy the same position in each substrate-binding pocket.
In this study, we isolated the
Biochemical and structural investigations revealed a substrate preference for
Supplemental Materials
This research was part of the project titled “Development of potential antibiotic compounds using polar organism resources (20200610, KOPRI Grant PM23030),” funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea. This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1D1A3A03103903). We thank the Division of Magnetic Resonance, Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Chungbuk, Korea, for NMR analyses.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Related articles in JMB
Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(3): 387-397
Published online March 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Crystal Structure and Biochemical Analysis of a Cytochrome P450 Steroid Hydroxylase (BaCYP106A6) from Bacillus Species
Ki-Hwa Kim1†, Hackwon Do2,3†, Chang Woo Lee2†, Pradeep Subedi1, Mieyoung Choi4, Yewon Nam2, Jun Hyuck Lee2,3*, and Tae-Jin Oh1,4,5*
1Department of Life Science and Biochemical Engineering, Sunmoon University, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea 2Research Unit of Cryogenic Novel Materials, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon 21990, Republic of Korea 3Department of Polar Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Incheon 21990, Republic of Korea 4Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Biotechnology, Sunmoon University, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea 5Genome-based BioIT Convergence Institute, Asan 31460, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Jun Hyuck Lee,
Tae-Jin Oh,
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a heme-containing enzyme that catalyzes hydroxylation reactions with various substrate molecules. Steroid hydroxylases are particularly useful for effectively introducing hydroxyl groups into a wide range of steroids in the pharmaceutical industry. This study reports a newly identified CYP steroid hydroxylase (BaCYP106A6) from the bacterium Bacillus sp. and characterizes it using an in vitro enzyme assay and structural investigation. Bioconversion assays indicated that BaCYP106A1 catalyzes the hydroxylation of progesterone and androstenedione, whereas no or low conversion was observed with 11β-hydroxysteroids such as cortisol, corticosterone, dexamethasone, and prednisolone. In addition, the crystal structure of BaCYP106A6 was determined at a resolution of 2.8 Å to investigate the configuration of the substrate-binding site and understand substrate preference. This structural characterization and comparison with other bacterial steroid hydroxylase CYPs allowed us to identify a unique Arg295 residue that may serve as the key residue for substrate specificity and regioselectivity in BaCYP106A6. This observation provides valuable background for further protein engineering to design commercially useful CYP steroid hydroxylases with different substrate specificities
Keywords: Crystal structure, cytochrome P450, steroid hydroxylase, X-ray crystallography
Steroids are biological compounds that play key roles in the body, including controlling metabolism and the immune system, synthesizing muscle and bone, and maintaining homeostasis [1-3]. Steroid-based drugs are one of the most widely used clinical drugs to treat inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and allergic reactions and are also used as convulsants and contraceptives [4-7]. Since hydroxylated steroids generally exhibit higher biological activity than less polar steroids, research on hydroxylated steroid production methods has focused on and expanded from a chemical method that has disadvantages in terms of time and cost to an eco-friendly biocatalytic method using a bacteria-derived enzyme such as Cytochrome P450 (CYP) [5, 8].
CYP is a large family of heme-containing monooxygenases that catalyzes various reactions in secondary metabolite and natural product biosynthesis and xenobiotic metabolism in humans [9]. Plants have hundreds of CYPs per species, which are used to synthesize substrates, such as alkaloids, terpenes, and flavonoids [10]. Among them, microbial CYPs catalyze a broad spectrum of substrates and are more popular as biocatalysts industrially because of their ease of heterologous expression compared with mammalian and plant CYP [11-13]. Accordingly, the bioconversion of steroids using microbial CYPs has been addressed. For example, P450lun from
The CYP106 and CYP109 families hydroxylate various types of steroids and terpenoids. For example, CYP106A1 from
Although these members are similar, with approximately 30% or greater sequence identity, the substrate preferences and hydration site regions of each CYP differ. This indicates that sequential alignment does not distinguish the characteristics of CYPs, and biochemical and structural investigations of each CYP are necessary to understand the detailed mechanisms of bacterial CYPs for steroid hydroxylation.
In the present study, we report the biochemical characterization and crystal structure of
Materials and Methods
The substrates were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Korea) and Tokyo Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. (Japan). All the enzymes, including Taq polymerase and restriction enzymes, were obtained from Takara Clontech (Korea). All other chemicals and solvents used were of the highest commercially available grade (ACS, HPLC grade; Fisher Scientific, Korea). Ampicillin, α-aminolevulinic acid, NADPH, catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glucose-6-phosphate, the redox partners of spinach FDX and FDR, were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Isopropyl 1-thio-β-d-galactopyranoside (IPTG) and kanamycin were purchased from Duchefa Biochemie (Korea).
Over-expression and Purification of Ba CYP106A6
Enzyme Analysis and Substrate-Binding Assay
The concentration of the purified
To determine the degree of steroid substrate-binding to a specific enzyme, spin-shift states were identified using a UV-visible spectrophotometer and tandem quartz cuvettes. The sample cuvette chambers were filled with a total volume of 1 ml in 50 mM potassium buffer (pH 7.4), including purified protein diluted to 1 μM and substrate by concentration, and the standards were prepared without substrate. The substrates were dissolved in DMSO at a storage concentration of 40 mM, diluted in the range of 0–500 μm and used for the assay. The UV-visible absorbance spectrum was measured between 350 and 500 nm until no spectral changes were observed. The equilibrium
where [E] and [S] are the concentrations of the enzyme and substrate, respectively,
In vitro Biotransformation Assays of Ba CYP106A6 Activity
For the in vitro assay, two steroid substrates were used: progesterone and androstenedione. A stock solution (100 mM) of the substrate was dissolved in DMSO and stored until use. The in vitro reaction was carried out in a total volume of 250 μl in 50 mM potassium buffer (pH 7.4) consisting of 10 μM
HPLC and NMR Analysis
HPLC analyses for product separation were performed using an Agilent 1100 series system (G1311A Quaternary pump, G1379A Solvent degasser, G1315B Diode array detector, and G1313A Standard autosampler; Agilent Technologies, USA). This device was connected to a reversed-phase C18 GP column (4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm; Mightysil; Kanto Chemical, Japan), and the analysis temperature was maintained at 40°C. The mobile phase was mixed with two solvents, water (A) and acetonitrile (B), at a rate of 1 ml·min−1. The HPLC system started with acetonitrile and water at a ratio of 15:85, increased to 50:50 for 8 min, and then to 90:10 for 18 min. The ratio was maintained for 19 min, reduced to 15:85 for 21 min, and finally, ran for 25 min. To detect the substrate and product, the UV detector was set to 242 or 245 nm. Mass analysis was performed using quadrupole time-of-flight/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the positive ion (+) mode using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (SYNAPT G2‐S/ACUITY; Waters Corp., USA). The products isolated from the steroids were analyzed using a 700 MHz NMR spectrometer (Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea). For 1H, 13C NMR, HMBC, HSQC, COSY, and ROESY, 7.3 and 15 mg progesterone and androstenedione products, respectively, were dissolved in 1 ml CDCl3.
Crystallization and Data Collection
Initial crystallization screening was conducted using a TTP Labtech Mosquito LCP Crystallisation Robot (TTP Labtech, UK) with commercially available screening kits, such as MCSG1-4 (Molecular dimensions, UK), Index, and SaltRx (Hampton Research, USA). The sitting drop vapor-diffusion method was performed at 293 K in 96-well plates (Emerald Bio, , USA). A 200-nL protein solution and an equal volume of reservoir solution were mixed and equilibrated against 80 μl of reservoir solution.
Structure Determination and Refinement
The crystal structure of
Table 1 . X-ray diffraction data collection and refinement statistics..
Data set Ba CYP106A6X-ray source BL-5C beamline Space group P 21Unit-cell parameters (Å, °) a=53.335, b=98.997, c=92.99, α=γ=90, β=106.412 Wavelength (Å) 0.9794 Resolution (Å) 50.00–2.80 (2.85–2.80) Total reflections 142028 Unique reflections 22,227 (1,192) Average I/σ (I) 31.0 (5.0) R mergea0.126 (0.471) Redundancy 6.4 (7.4) Completeness (%) 99.1 (97.0) Refinement Resolution range (Å) 37.59-2.80 (2.94-2.80) No. of working set reflections 22,146 (3,161) No. of test set reflections 1,011 (122) No. of atoms 6,309 No. of water molecules 58 R crystb0.22 (0.28) R freec0.27 (0.39) r.m.s. bond length (Å) 0.013 r.m.s. bond angle (°) 1.667 Average B value (Å2) (protein) 42.28 Average B value (Å2) (solvent) 36.55 Ramachandran plot Favored (%) 96.08 Allowed (%) 3.13 Outliers (%) 0.78 a
R merge = Σ | <I> - I | /Σ<I>..b
R cryst = Σ | |Fo| - |Fc| | /Σ|Fo|..c
R free calculated with 5% of all reflections excluded from refinement stages using high-resolution data..Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shells..
Cloning and Construction of Recombinant Plasmids
The gene for
Results and Discussion
Purifcation and Characterization of Ba CYP106A6
To characterize
Substrate-Binding and Steroid Assays Using Ba CYP106A6
The binding of steroids to P450 causes a type I spectral shift due to the substitution of axial water molecules in the heme iron coordination sphere [20], revealing maximum and minimum spectral values of ~390 and ~420 nm, respectively. The dissociation constant (
Figure 1. Steroid affinity test on
Ba CYP106A6. (A) Type I shift spectra andK d values using progesterone and 4- androstenedione. A total of six substrates were tested forBa CYP106A6 binding. Progesterone and androstenedione showed binding affinity, whereas corticosterone, cortisol, dexamethasone, and prednisolone did not show consistent data for affinity calculation. (B) Steroids with aBa CYP106A6-associated conversion rate > 20% were considered active steroids. (C) Steroids with aBa CYP106A6-associated conversion rate < 20% were considered less active steroids. The conversion rate of steroids was analyzed by HPLC after 15 min incubation at 20°C.
Next, we performed a bioconversion reaction of progesterone and androstenedione using recombinant
Figure 2. In vitro HPLC and LC/MS analysis of
Ba CYP106A6. The HPLC spectra of progesterone (A) and androstenedione (B) with their correspondingBa CYP106A6 catalyzed reaction mixture. Each substrate generated a monohydroxylated product. The masses of the substrate and monohydroxylated product are shown by the arrows.
Figure 3. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis.
1H and 13C NMR analyses of hydroxylated products of progesterone (A, B) and androstenedione (C, D).
Structure Determination and Overall Structure of Ba CYP106A6
The crystal structure of
The monomeric structure of
Figure 4. The overall structure and active site of
Ba CYP106A6. (A) The overall structure ofBa CYP106A6 is presented as a ribbon diagram in the front view (left) and a 90° rotated view (right). The α-helices and β-strands are colored orange and cyan, respectively. The bound heme molecules are represented by a stick model and colored green. (B) Heme-binding motif ofBa CYP106A6. Hydrophobic residues surrounding the heme molecule and residues interacting with carboxyl groups of heme are presented as an orange stick model. The heme molecule is represented by a green stick model. (C) The putative substratebinding pocket ofBa CYP106A6. Several specific residues comprising substrate-binding pockets are presented as orange stick models. Disordered regions of the α4–α5 and the α9–α10 loops are colored marine. (D) Surface representation ofBa CYP106A6 shown in the same orientation as
Substrate Selectivity of BaCYP106A6
The binding mode of steroids was analyzed to better understand the substrate selectivity of
Compared with the substrate-free structure, the direction of the side chain of Leu240 and Arg295 was mainly changed among residues interacting with substrates in steroid-complexed structures. The side chain of Leu240 leans to the heme molecule in the substrate-free structure, and the side chain is pushed away by the C4 of the steroids upon steroid binding, generating a hydrophobic interaction. In the case of Arg295, its side chain protrudes inside the binding pocket and occupies a large volume of the substrate-binding pocket in a substrate-free structure (Fig. S4). However, in the steroid-binding mode, Arg295 was tilted opposite the active site (Fig. 5). These changes imply that Leu240 and Arg295 may be critical residues that recognize specific
Figure 5. Overlay of steroids as obtained by superposition onto
Ba CYP106A6. The active (left) and less active steroids (right) occupy the substrate-binding pocket depicted in red and blue series colors. Energy-minimized structures and heme molecules are colored the same for each steroid. The hydroxyl groups at 11β and 17β of the less active steroids, marked with red dotted circles, are placed near an Arg295.
Comparison of Substrate-Binding Pocket between CYP106 and CYP109 Proteins
A DALI structural homology search revealed that the
Table 2 . Structural homolog search results for
Ba CYP106A6 from a DALI search (DALI-Lite server)..Protein PDB code DALI Z-score UniProtKB code Sequence % ID with Ba CYP106A6 (aligned residue number)Reference Abietic acid-bound CYP106A2 ( B. megaterium )5IKI 54.1 Q06069 65 (379/399) [28] CYP109A2 ( B. megaterium )5OFQ 45.2 D5DF88 36 (373/387) [23] Corticosterone bound CYP109E1 ( B .megaterium )5L91 45.1 D5DKI8 42 (368/391) [43] Cytochrome P450 TbtJ1 ( Thermobispora bispora )5VWS 43.4 D6Y4Z8 36 (367/376) [44] CYP109B1 ( Bacillus subtilis )4RM4 43.3 O34374 40 (351/364) [45] Mycinamicin bound Cytochrome P450 ( Micromonospora griseorubida )2Y5N 43,0 Q59523 30 (370/400) [46] Cytochrome P450 MoxA ( Nonomuraea recticatena )2Z36 42.5 Q2L6S8 27 (373/404) [47] Cytochrome P450 OleP from ( Streptomyces antibioticus )5MNV 41.9 Q59819 29 (367/397) [48]
Figure 6. Multiple sequence alignment and binding mode of steroids.
(A) Multiple sequence alignment of
Ba CYP106A2 with other homolog CYPs,Ba CYP106A2 (Bacillus sp. PAMC23377; PDB code 5XNT),Bm CYP106A2 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: Q06069; PDB code 4YT3),Bm CYP109A2 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: D5DF88; PDB cod 5OFQ), andBm CYP109E1 (B. megaterium ; UniProtKB code: D5DKI8; PDB code 5L90). Secondary structures ofBa CYP106A6 are shown above the aligned sequence. Multiple sequence alignment was conducted using ClustalX [41] and edited using GeneDoc. (B) The active site of CYPs. Electrostatic surfaces and charge distribution of the proteins were analyzed using the Adaptive Poisson–Boltzmann Solver [42]. Arg295 and the corresponding residues from CYPs are represented as different-colored sticks.
Besides the Arg295 residue, CYP106 and CYP109 proteins have several striking residue composition differences in the substrate-binding pocket. In
Figure 7. Structural comparison of
Ba CYP106A6 with other CYPs. (A) Superposition ofBa CYP106A6 and abietic acid-boundBa CYP106A2 (PDB code 5IKI). The α9, α10 helices, loop regions ofBa CYP106A6, and the corresponding regions ofBa CYP106A2 are shown as ribbon diagrams colored orange and cyan, respectively. The phenylalanine residues ofBa CYP106A6 andBa CYP106A2 are represented by stick models. Bound heme molecules and abietic acid are also represented by stick models. (B) Superposition ofBa CYP106A6 andBm CYP109E1 (PDB code 5L90).Bm CYP109E1 is colored violet. The residues Val169 and Ile241 ofBm CYP109E1 are represented by violet stick models. Phe174 ofBa CYP106A6 and Ile241 ofBm CYP109E1 occupy the same position in each substrate-binding pocket.
In this study, we isolated the
Biochemical and structural investigations revealed a substrate preference for
Supplemental Materials
This research was part of the project titled “Development of potential antibiotic compounds using polar organism resources (20200610, KOPRI Grant PM23030),” funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea. This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1D1A3A03103903). We thank the Division of Magnetic Resonance, Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Chungbuk, Korea, for NMR analyses.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
Fig 7.
Table 1 . X-ray diffraction data collection and refinement statistics..
Data set Ba CYP106A6X-ray source BL-5C beamline Space group P 21Unit-cell parameters (Å, °) a=53.335, b=98.997, c=92.99, α=γ=90, β=106.412 Wavelength (Å) 0.9794 Resolution (Å) 50.00–2.80 (2.85–2.80) Total reflections 142028 Unique reflections 22,227 (1,192) Average I/σ (I) 31.0 (5.0) R mergea0.126 (0.471) Redundancy 6.4 (7.4) Completeness (%) 99.1 (97.0) Refinement Resolution range (Å) 37.59-2.80 (2.94-2.80) No. of working set reflections 22,146 (3,161) No. of test set reflections 1,011 (122) No. of atoms 6,309 No. of water molecules 58 R crystb0.22 (0.28) R freec0.27 (0.39) r.m.s. bond length (Å) 0.013 r.m.s. bond angle (°) 1.667 Average B value (Å2) (protein) 42.28 Average B value (Å2) (solvent) 36.55 Ramachandran plot Favored (%) 96.08 Allowed (%) 3.13 Outliers (%) 0.78 a
R merge = Σ | <I> - I | /Σ<I>..b
R cryst = Σ | |Fo| - |Fc| | /Σ|Fo|..c
R free calculated with 5% of all reflections excluded from refinement stages using high-resolution data..Values in parentheses refer to the highest-resolution shells..
Table 2 . Structural homolog search results for
Ba CYP106A6 from a DALI search (DALI-Lite server)..Protein PDB code DALI Z-score UniProtKB code Sequence % ID with Ba CYP106A6 (aligned residue number)Reference Abietic acid-bound CYP106A2 ( B. megaterium )5IKI 54.1 Q06069 65 (379/399) [28] CYP109A2 ( B. megaterium )5OFQ 45.2 D5DF88 36 (373/387) [23] Corticosterone bound CYP109E1 ( B .megaterium )5L91 45.1 D5DKI8 42 (368/391) [43] Cytochrome P450 TbtJ1 ( Thermobispora bispora )5VWS 43.4 D6Y4Z8 36 (367/376) [44] CYP109B1 ( Bacillus subtilis )4RM4 43.3 O34374 40 (351/364) [45] Mycinamicin bound Cytochrome P450 ( Micromonospora griseorubida )2Y5N 43,0 Q59523 30 (370/400) [46] Cytochrome P450 MoxA ( Nonomuraea recticatena )2Z36 42.5 Q2L6S8 27 (373/404) [47] Cytochrome P450 OleP from ( Streptomyces antibioticus )5MNV 41.9 Q59819 29 (367/397) [48]
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