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Research article
Modulation of Kex2p Cleavage Site for In Vitro Processing of Recombinant Proteins Produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
1Synthetic Biology Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
3Department of Biosystem and Bioengineering, KRIBB School of Bioscience, Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea
4Cellapy Bio Inc., Bio-Venture Center 211, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(11): 1513-1520
Published November 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract

Yeast is a popular eukaryotic host for recombinant protein production because it can be easily cultured to high cell densities and efficiently secrete proteins after post-translational modification similar to those in higher eukaryotic cells [1, 2]. Secretory production of recombinant proteins fused with fusion partners and in vitro processing with sequence specific endo-proteases is favored because it greatly simplifies the purification procedure compared with intracellular production. For this purpose, Factor Xa protease and enterokinase (EK) are generally used because they can produce intact target proteins when fusion partners are fused to the N-terminus of target proteins. However, they frequently cleave at other nonspecific basic residues [3-5] and cost of these proteases is too high to use in large-scale production of recombinant proteins.
The product of
Many studies have been conducted to exploit these advantages for the production of recombinant proteins. When the amount of recombinant proteins exceeds processing capacity of Kex2p in yeast, overexpression of KEX2 enhances the secretion of recombinant proteins [18]. In addition, modification of the P1' site to induce exposed loop structure of Kex2p recognition site led to the enhanced secretion of target proteins in
In this study, instead of using
Materials and Methods
Strains, Chemicals, Media, and Analysis of Secreted Proteins
Plasmid Constructions
For the construction of expression vectors, YEGα-HL18-EGF, Ser-Val peptide was added to the N-terminus of the HL domain of the YEGα-HL28-EGF vector that secretes human EGF fused with the HL tag by the MFα signal-peptide under the control of
Fig. 1.
P1' and P2' site engineering to increase in vivo processing of MFα propeptide. (A ) Schematic diagram of YEGα-HL28-EGF and YEGα-HL18-EGF vector. The amino acid sequence of HL peptide are indicated. (B ) SDS-PAGE analysis of the culture supernatant expressing YEGα-HL28-EGF (lanes 1–4) and YEGα-HL18-EGF (lanes 5–8). Concentrated culture supernatants (lanes 1 and 5). Deglycosylated culture supernatants (lanes 2 and 6). Culture supernatants treated with Kex2p (lanes 3 and 7). Culture supernatants treated with EK (lanes 4 and 8). M: protein molecular weight marker.
To construct YGaT10-HK2-
Fig. 4. In vitro processing of fusion proteins containing engineered linkers. SDS-PAGE analysis of culture supernatant of (A) HL-
CbPhy , (B) HL-EXD4 , and (C) HL-ZmBD2 , with and without Kex2p digestion. Structure of fusion proteins are indicated. C: proteins expressed without HL fusion partner. The corresponding protein bands are indicated by arrows. M: protein molecular weight markers. (D) Amino acid sequence and ProP score of the modified linkers.
Fermentation and Protein Purification
For the fermentation of recombinant strains, seed culture was prepared using 200 ml of SD-URA broth contained in a 1,000-ml Erlenmeyer flask, and incubated overnight at 30°C. The cultured seed (200 ml) was inoculated into a 5-L jar fermentor (Kobiotech, Korea) containing 1.8 L of medium consisting of 2% glucose, 40 g yeast extract, and 10 g peptone (per liter). After glucose consumption, a feeding medium containing 300 g glucose, 300 g galactose, and 150 g yeast extract (per liter) was added. The hourly feeding rate was manually increased from 2 to 10 g/l according to cell growth. The pH (5.5) was controlled using NH3 (25%). For the analysis of secreted proteins from fed-batch fermentation, 10 ml of culture supernatant was directly used for SDS-PAGE after mixing with 2×SDS-PAGE sample buffer.
HL-hEGF proteins were purified by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography (IMAC) on a nickel-NTA agarose column (Promega) using a low-pressure liquid chromatography (Bio-Rad HR system). Fermentation broth was filtered using 0.1 μm Sartoclear (Sartorius AG, Germany), concentrated five times using 30,000 NMWC Quick-stand (Amersham-Pharmacia Biotech, USA), and adjusted to buffer A [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 0.5 M NaCl]. After loading onto the column at a flow rate of 1 ml/min, the proteins were eluted in a gradient of buffer B [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 0.5 M NaCl, and 0.5 M imidazole]. The fractions containing the protein of interest were concentrated and exchanged into Kex2p working buffer [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 50 mM NaCl, and 2 mM CaCl2] using a 10,000 MWCO Amicon Ultra centrifugal filter device (Millipore, USA). The HL-tag was separated by digestion with CaKex2p [22], which was prepared in-house. One microgram of CaKex2p was used per 1 mg of fusion protein and was incubated at 30°C for 1 h. Intact hEGF was obtained by repeated metal-affinity chromatography on a nickel-NTA agarose column using low-pressure liquid chromatography. The molecular weights of the purified proteins were determined using ProteinWorks (Korea).
Analysis of hEGF Activity
The bioactivity of hEGF was determined by proliferation assays using HaCaT cells. Cells were cultured with growth media [DMEM (Thermo Fisher, USA) + 10% FBS (Thermo Fisher) + 100 u/ml Penicillin-Streptomycin (Thermo Fisher)] in a humidified incubator containing 5% CO2 at 37°C. After cultivation to 80–90% confluence in T75 culture flasks, the medium was replenished with DMEM + 100u/ml Penicillin-Streptomycin supplemented with different concentrations of hEGF and cultured for 48 h before harvesting. After removing the growth media, the cells were incubated for 1 h at 37°C with Ez-Cytox solution (Daeil Lab Service Co Ltd., Korea). Absorbance was measured at 490 nm using a microplate reader (Molecular devices, USA). Statistical comparison of growth was performed using the Student’s
Secretory Expression of hEGF with HL Fusion Partner in S. cerevisiae
When hEGF was expressed with the hydrophilic 28-amino acid peptide (HL28 fusion partner) from Voa1p using the YEGa-HL28-hEGF vector under the control of
Engineering of Kex2p Cleavage Sites for In Vitro Processing of Fusion Proteins
Although EK is a generally used endo-protease for the processing of fusion proteins, its application is restricted in laboratories because of nonspecific cleavage at other basic residues and high cost. First, to use Kex2p instead of EK for the in vitro processing of hEGF fusion proteins, a Kex2p cleavage site was generated by adding Arg just behind the EK cleavage site (DDDDKR, ProP 0.162). However, the hEGF fusion protein was not processed despite prolonged incubation with excess Kex2p (data not shown). Therefore, the P3 and P4 sites, instead of the P1' and P2'positions of the newly introduced Kex2p cleavage sequence, were manipulated by adding three residues at the P3, P4 and P5 sites based on ProP 1.0 analysis because the modification of the P1' and P2' sites changed the N-terminus of hEGF. Four kinds of expression vector variables at P3 and P4 sites were constructed, and the expression of hEGF fusion proteins was compared with that of YEG-HL18-hEGF constructed previously. ProP scores were adjusted to 0.167–0.695 by changing the P3 and P4 sites (Fig. 2B). The amount of secreted hEGF fusion proteins was slightly affected by the modification of linker sequences, but Kex2p processing was significantly influenced by the P3 and P4 residues. All variants were secreted as HL-hEGF fusion proteins without in vivo processing by Kex2p (Fig. 2C, lanes 2–5). To confirm in vitro processing of HL-hEGF fusion proteins by Kex2p, Kex2p digested protein bands (Fig. 2C, lanes 7–10) were compared with HL18-hEGF digested with EK (Fig. 2C, lane 6). Unlike other variants, the HK1-hEGF variant (ProP 0.167) was not cleaved by Kex2p, and with the increase in ProP score, HK2-hEGF, HK3-hEGF, and HK4-hEGF were partially processed with Kex2p (compare Fig. 2C, lanes 7 and 8–10). Although the HL tags liberated from HK2-hEGF, HK3-hEGF, and HK4-hEGF by digestion with Kex2p were larger by 5 amino acids than that from the HL18-hEGF digested with EK, they were not identified on SDS-PAGE, contrary to HL fusion partners digested with EK (Fig. 2C, compare lanes 6 and 8–10). Therefore, when the HL-hEGF fusion proteins were digested with Kex2p, the HL fusion partner appeared to be further processed into small peptides. Ultimately, to block the in vivo processing and to allow the in vitro processing of the HL-hEGF fusion protein by Kex2p, the ProP score should be higher than 0.169.
Fig. 2. P3 and P4 site engineering for in vitro processing of HL-hEGF fusion proteins. (A) Schematic diagram of the MFα-HL18-hEGF fusion protein. (B) Amino acid sequences and ProP scores of modified linkers. (C) SDS-PAGE analysis of concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HL18-EGF (lane 1), YEGα-HK1-EGF (lane 2), YEGα-HK2-EGF (lane 3), YEGα-HK3-EGF (lane 4), YEGα-HK4-EGF (lane 5), concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HL18-EGF after digestion with EK (lane 6), concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HK1-EGF (lane 7), YEGα-HK2-EGF (lane 8), YEGα-HK3-EGF (lane 9), and YEGα-HK4-EGF (lane 10) after digestion with Kex2p. M: protein molecular weight marker.
Production of Intact hEGF Using In Vitro Processing by Kex2p
To confirm in vivo processing during prolonged cultivation and large-scale production of intact hEGF by in vitro processing with Kex2p, fed-batch fermentations of recombinant
Table 1 . Purification table for hEGF.
Procedure HK2-hEGF HK3-hEGF HK4-hEGF Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Fermentation sup 930 100 858 100 650 100 1st IMAC 407 44 211 24 124 19 2nd IMAC 162 18 76 9 40 6
Fig. 3. Production of HL-EGF variants by fed-fermentation and IMAC purification. SDS-PAGE analysis of culture broth (10 μl) of strains expressing (A) HK2-EGF, (B) HK3-EGF, and (C) HK4-EGF at the indicated times. Structure of fusion proteins are indicated. HL-EGF and EGF bands are indicated by arrows. (D) Purification of HK2-EGF by IMAC. lane 1: eluted fraction from 1st IMAC, lane 2: after digestion with Kex2p, lane 3: unbound fraction from 2nd IMAC. M: protein molecular weight markers. (E) Bioactivity assay of the purified hEGF.
General Application and Optimization of In Vitro Processing by Kex2p
To confirm the general application of Kex2p for the in vitro processing of fusion proteins in yeast, phytase, exendin-4, and defensin-2 were expressed with HL fusion partners. Phytase is a phosphatase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acids found in many plant tissues. Exendin-4 is a potent glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist that promotes insulin secretion, and defensins are host defense peptides (typically 18–45 amino acids long) with antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. Phytase from
For the production of intact recombinant proteins, N-terminal fusion partners and endoproteases cleaving the C-terminus of recognition sites, such as Factor Xa protease, enterokinase, and Kex2p, are usually employed because they remove fusion tags without leaving any unwanted amino acid residues on the target proteins. Although Kex2p is a commercialized endoprotease that cleaves specific sequences, it is not generally used for the production of recombinant proteins compared to other endoproteases because of concerns about substrate specificity, high price, and the requirement of
In this research, to use Kex2p for the production of recombinant protein in yeast without using
When the HL-hEGF fusion protein was expressed using the MFa pro-peptide, despite the C-terminus of the cleavage site (P'1 residue, Glu) is not a reluctant residue for Kex2p, the processing of MFa pro-peptide from HL-hEGF fusion protein by Kex2p was not sufficient. Thus, the N-terminus of the HL domain was modified using ProP 1.0 server. After the addition of 20 amino acids to the N-terminus of the HL fusion partner, the ProP score was compared. When Ser was added, the ProP score was the highest and further increased to 0.567 with the addition of Val at the P'2 site. As expected, in vivo processing of the MFa pro-peptide by Kex2p was significantly improved by the addition of the Ser-Val dipeptide to the N-terminus of the HL fusion partner (Fig. 1). The addition of Ser-Val dipeptide at the P'1 and P'2 sites guaranteed the highest ProP score regardless of the P'3 and P'4 sites in the ProP score analysis using different proteins. Therefore, the Ser-Val dipeptide sequence can be generally used to improve the processing of fusion proteins by Kex2p in yeast.
Unlike the Kex2p cleavage site after the pro-peptide, for the production of recombinant proteins as fusion proteins with fusion partners, the Kex2p cleavage site between fusion partners and target proteins should be adjustable to block in vivo processing and guarantee in vitro processing. Although the ProP server predicts pro-peptide cleavage sites when the ProP score is >0.5, there are many pro-peptides efficiently cleaved by Kex2p with a ProP score < 0.5, such as MF and K1 killer toxin. To produce four recombinant proteins with fusion partners, the ProP score of the Kex2p cleavage site was adjusted by modifying the P4 and P3 sites. The optimal ProP score guaranteeing in vitro Kex2p processing without in vivo processing was varied on target proteins but optimized at approximately 0.15–0.20. In some cases, modulation of Kex2p cleavage site resulted in a decrease in total expression levels of the target proteins (HK1, Fig. 4C). Therefore, the amino acids at the P4 and P3 sites lowering expression of target proteins should be excluded.
When the N-termini of the target proteins are favorable for Kex2p cleavage, the ProP score should be lowered to block in vivo processing by changing the P4 or P3 sites to reluctant amino acids and vice versa. There were some exceptions to the application of this method for the production of some recombinant proteins. For example, the ProP score of parathyroid hormone (PTH) fused with the HL fusion partner was not lowered to an uncleavable score by changing the P4 or P3 sites because the N-terminal sequence of PTH is Ser-Val, guaranteeing the highest ProP score. Consequently, it was impossible to produce an HL-PTH fusion protein without in vivo processing. In contrast, in the case of epidermal growth factor from chicken (gEGF), although the ProP score of the HL-gEGF fusion protein increased to <0.5 after modification of the P4 or P3 sites and the N-terminal residues were favorable for Kex2p cleavage, the fusion tag was not cleaved after incubation with an excess amount of Kex2p.
Considering that the ProP server was constructed based on the furin and PC-specific network, and the substrate specificity of furin and PCs is slightly different from that of Kex2p, the ProP server cannot precisely predict the processing of all pro-proteins by Kex2p. Nevertheless, modulation of the Kex2p recognition site based on the ProP score for the controlled processing of fusion proteins by Kex2p was demonstrated. The system developed in this study may increase the use of Kex2p for the production of recombinant proteins in yeast.
Author Contributions
JHB and JHS designed this study. SLP and MJK conducted experiments. SHK, HJP and BHS analyzed the data. JHB and MJK wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. I certify that the above information is true and correct. All the authors contributed to the study and the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, I agree to transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript to the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, which covers the rights to use, reproduce, or distribute the article.
This work was partly supported by High Value-added Food Technology Development Program funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA)(321026051SB010), Agriculture Science and Technology Development Program funded by the Rural Development Administration of Korea(PJ0149382022), the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (2022M3A9l308236712), and the Research Initiative Program(1711196158) of KRIBB.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(11): 1513-1520
Published online November 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Modulation of Kex2p Cleavage Site for In Vitro Processing of Recombinant Proteins Produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mi-Jin Kim1†, Se-Lin Park1,2†, Seung Hwa Kim1,3, Hyun-Joo Park4, Bong Hyun Sung1,3, Jung-Hoon Sohn1,3,4*, and Jung-Hoon Bae1*
1Synthetic Biology Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
3Department of Biosystem and Bioengineering, KRIBB School of Bioscience, Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea
4Cellapy Bio Inc., Bio-Venture Center 211, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Jung-Hoon Sohn,
Jung-Hoon Bae,
†These authors contributed equally to this study
Kex2 protease (Kex2p) is a membrane-bound serine protease responsible for the proteolytic maturation of various secretory proteins by cleaving after dibasic residues in the late Golgi network. In this study, we present an application of Kex2p as an alternative endoprotease for the in vitro processing of recombinant fusion proteins produced by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The proteins were expressed with a fusion partner connected by a Kex2p cleavage sequence for enhanced expression and easy purification. To avoid in vivo processing of fusion proteins by Kex2p during secretion and to guarantee efficient removal of the fusion partners by in vitro Kex2p processing, P1′, P2′, P4, and P3 sites of Kex2p cleavage sites were elaborately manipulated. The general use of Kex2p in recombinant protein production was confirmed using several recombinant proteins.
Keywords: Recombinant protein, secretion, Kex2p, in-vitro processing, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Yeast is a popular eukaryotic host for recombinant protein production because it can be easily cultured to high cell densities and efficiently secrete proteins after post-translational modification similar to those in higher eukaryotic cells [1, 2]. Secretory production of recombinant proteins fused with fusion partners and in vitro processing with sequence specific endo-proteases is favored because it greatly simplifies the purification procedure compared with intracellular production. For this purpose, Factor Xa protease and enterokinase (EK) are generally used because they can produce intact target proteins when fusion partners are fused to the N-terminus of target proteins. However, they frequently cleave at other nonspecific basic residues [3-5] and cost of these proteases is too high to use in large-scale production of recombinant proteins.
The product of
Many studies have been conducted to exploit these advantages for the production of recombinant proteins. When the amount of recombinant proteins exceeds processing capacity of Kex2p in yeast, overexpression of KEX2 enhances the secretion of recombinant proteins [18]. In addition, modification of the P1' site to induce exposed loop structure of Kex2p recognition site led to the enhanced secretion of target proteins in
In this study, instead of using
Materials and Methods
Strains, Chemicals, Media, and Analysis of Secreted Proteins
Plasmid Constructions
For the construction of expression vectors, YEGα-HL18-EGF, Ser-Val peptide was added to the N-terminus of the HL domain of the YEGα-HL28-EGF vector that secretes human EGF fused with the HL tag by the MFα signal-peptide under the control of
Figure 1.
P1' and P2' site engineering to increase in vivo processing of MFα propeptide. (A ) Schematic diagram of YEGα-HL28-EGF and YEGα-HL18-EGF vector. The amino acid sequence of HL peptide are indicated. (B ) SDS-PAGE analysis of the culture supernatant expressing YEGα-HL28-EGF (lanes 1–4) and YEGα-HL18-EGF (lanes 5–8). Concentrated culture supernatants (lanes 1 and 5). Deglycosylated culture supernatants (lanes 2 and 6). Culture supernatants treated with Kex2p (lanes 3 and 7). Culture supernatants treated with EK (lanes 4 and 8). M: protein molecular weight marker.
To construct YGaT10-HK2-
Figure 4. In vitro processing of fusion proteins containing engineered linkers. SDS-PAGE analysis of culture supernatant of (A) HL-
CbPhy , (B) HL-EXD4 , and (C) HL-ZmBD2 , with and without Kex2p digestion. Structure of fusion proteins are indicated. C: proteins expressed without HL fusion partner. The corresponding protein bands are indicated by arrows. M: protein molecular weight markers. (D) Amino acid sequence and ProP score of the modified linkers.
Fermentation and Protein Purification
For the fermentation of recombinant strains, seed culture was prepared using 200 ml of SD-URA broth contained in a 1,000-ml Erlenmeyer flask, and incubated overnight at 30°C. The cultured seed (200 ml) was inoculated into a 5-L jar fermentor (Kobiotech, Korea) containing 1.8 L of medium consisting of 2% glucose, 40 g yeast extract, and 10 g peptone (per liter). After glucose consumption, a feeding medium containing 300 g glucose, 300 g galactose, and 150 g yeast extract (per liter) was added. The hourly feeding rate was manually increased from 2 to 10 g/l according to cell growth. The pH (5.5) was controlled using NH3 (25%). For the analysis of secreted proteins from fed-batch fermentation, 10 ml of culture supernatant was directly used for SDS-PAGE after mixing with 2×SDS-PAGE sample buffer.
HL-hEGF proteins were purified by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography (IMAC) on a nickel-NTA agarose column (Promega) using a low-pressure liquid chromatography (Bio-Rad HR system). Fermentation broth was filtered using 0.1 μm Sartoclear (Sartorius AG, Germany), concentrated five times using 30,000 NMWC Quick-stand (Amersham-Pharmacia Biotech, USA), and adjusted to buffer A [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 0.5 M NaCl]. After loading onto the column at a flow rate of 1 ml/min, the proteins were eluted in a gradient of buffer B [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 0.5 M NaCl, and 0.5 M imidazole]. The fractions containing the protein of interest were concentrated and exchanged into Kex2p working buffer [50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 50 mM NaCl, and 2 mM CaCl2] using a 10,000 MWCO Amicon Ultra centrifugal filter device (Millipore, USA). The HL-tag was separated by digestion with CaKex2p [22], which was prepared in-house. One microgram of CaKex2p was used per 1 mg of fusion protein and was incubated at 30°C for 1 h. Intact hEGF was obtained by repeated metal-affinity chromatography on a nickel-NTA agarose column using low-pressure liquid chromatography. The molecular weights of the purified proteins were determined using ProteinWorks (Korea).
Analysis of hEGF Activity
The bioactivity of hEGF was determined by proliferation assays using HaCaT cells. Cells were cultured with growth media [DMEM (Thermo Fisher, USA) + 10% FBS (Thermo Fisher) + 100 u/ml Penicillin-Streptomycin (Thermo Fisher)] in a humidified incubator containing 5% CO2 at 37°C. After cultivation to 80–90% confluence in T75 culture flasks, the medium was replenished with DMEM + 100u/ml Penicillin-Streptomycin supplemented with different concentrations of hEGF and cultured for 48 h before harvesting. After removing the growth media, the cells were incubated for 1 h at 37°C with Ez-Cytox solution (Daeil Lab Service Co Ltd., Korea). Absorbance was measured at 490 nm using a microplate reader (Molecular devices, USA). Statistical comparison of growth was performed using the Student’s
Secretory Expression of hEGF with HL Fusion Partner in S. cerevisiae
When hEGF was expressed with the hydrophilic 28-amino acid peptide (HL28 fusion partner) from Voa1p using the YEGa-HL28-hEGF vector under the control of
Engineering of Kex2p Cleavage Sites for In Vitro Processing of Fusion Proteins
Although EK is a generally used endo-protease for the processing of fusion proteins, its application is restricted in laboratories because of nonspecific cleavage at other basic residues and high cost. First, to use Kex2p instead of EK for the in vitro processing of hEGF fusion proteins, a Kex2p cleavage site was generated by adding Arg just behind the EK cleavage site (DDDDKR, ProP 0.162). However, the hEGF fusion protein was not processed despite prolonged incubation with excess Kex2p (data not shown). Therefore, the P3 and P4 sites, instead of the P1' and P2'positions of the newly introduced Kex2p cleavage sequence, were manipulated by adding three residues at the P3, P4 and P5 sites based on ProP 1.0 analysis because the modification of the P1' and P2' sites changed the N-terminus of hEGF. Four kinds of expression vector variables at P3 and P4 sites were constructed, and the expression of hEGF fusion proteins was compared with that of YEG-HL18-hEGF constructed previously. ProP scores were adjusted to 0.167–0.695 by changing the P3 and P4 sites (Fig. 2B). The amount of secreted hEGF fusion proteins was slightly affected by the modification of linker sequences, but Kex2p processing was significantly influenced by the P3 and P4 residues. All variants were secreted as HL-hEGF fusion proteins without in vivo processing by Kex2p (Fig. 2C, lanes 2–5). To confirm in vitro processing of HL-hEGF fusion proteins by Kex2p, Kex2p digested protein bands (Fig. 2C, lanes 7–10) were compared with HL18-hEGF digested with EK (Fig. 2C, lane 6). Unlike other variants, the HK1-hEGF variant (ProP 0.167) was not cleaved by Kex2p, and with the increase in ProP score, HK2-hEGF, HK3-hEGF, and HK4-hEGF were partially processed with Kex2p (compare Fig. 2C, lanes 7 and 8–10). Although the HL tags liberated from HK2-hEGF, HK3-hEGF, and HK4-hEGF by digestion with Kex2p were larger by 5 amino acids than that from the HL18-hEGF digested with EK, they were not identified on SDS-PAGE, contrary to HL fusion partners digested with EK (Fig. 2C, compare lanes 6 and 8–10). Therefore, when the HL-hEGF fusion proteins were digested with Kex2p, the HL fusion partner appeared to be further processed into small peptides. Ultimately, to block the in vivo processing and to allow the in vitro processing of the HL-hEGF fusion protein by Kex2p, the ProP score should be higher than 0.169.
Figure 2. P3 and P4 site engineering for in vitro processing of HL-hEGF fusion proteins. (A) Schematic diagram of the MFα-HL18-hEGF fusion protein. (B) Amino acid sequences and ProP scores of modified linkers. (C) SDS-PAGE analysis of concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HL18-EGF (lane 1), YEGα-HK1-EGF (lane 2), YEGα-HK2-EGF (lane 3), YEGα-HK3-EGF (lane 4), YEGα-HK4-EGF (lane 5), concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HL18-EGF after digestion with EK (lane 6), concentrated culture supernatants of transformants expressing YEGα-HK1-EGF (lane 7), YEGα-HK2-EGF (lane 8), YEGα-HK3-EGF (lane 9), and YEGα-HK4-EGF (lane 10) after digestion with Kex2p. M: protein molecular weight marker.
Production of Intact hEGF Using In Vitro Processing by Kex2p
To confirm in vivo processing during prolonged cultivation and large-scale production of intact hEGF by in vitro processing with Kex2p, fed-batch fermentations of recombinant
Table 1 . Purification table for hEGF..
Procedure HK2-hEGF HK3-hEGF HK4-hEGF Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Total protein (mg) Yield (%) Fermentation sup 930 100 858 100 650 100 1st IMAC 407 44 211 24 124 19 2nd IMAC 162 18 76 9 40 6
Figure 3. Production of HL-EGF variants by fed-fermentation and IMAC purification. SDS-PAGE analysis of culture broth (10 μl) of strains expressing (A) HK2-EGF, (B) HK3-EGF, and (C) HK4-EGF at the indicated times. Structure of fusion proteins are indicated. HL-EGF and EGF bands are indicated by arrows. (D) Purification of HK2-EGF by IMAC. lane 1: eluted fraction from 1st IMAC, lane 2: after digestion with Kex2p, lane 3: unbound fraction from 2nd IMAC. M: protein molecular weight markers. (E) Bioactivity assay of the purified hEGF.
General Application and Optimization of In Vitro Processing by Kex2p
To confirm the general application of Kex2p for the in vitro processing of fusion proteins in yeast, phytase, exendin-4, and defensin-2 were expressed with HL fusion partners. Phytase is a phosphatase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acids found in many plant tissues. Exendin-4 is a potent glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist that promotes insulin secretion, and defensins are host defense peptides (typically 18–45 amino acids long) with antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. Phytase from
For the production of intact recombinant proteins, N-terminal fusion partners and endoproteases cleaving the C-terminus of recognition sites, such as Factor Xa protease, enterokinase, and Kex2p, are usually employed because they remove fusion tags without leaving any unwanted amino acid residues on the target proteins. Although Kex2p is a commercialized endoprotease that cleaves specific sequences, it is not generally used for the production of recombinant proteins compared to other endoproteases because of concerns about substrate specificity, high price, and the requirement of
In this research, to use Kex2p for the production of recombinant protein in yeast without using
When the HL-hEGF fusion protein was expressed using the MFa pro-peptide, despite the C-terminus of the cleavage site (P'1 residue, Glu) is not a reluctant residue for Kex2p, the processing of MFa pro-peptide from HL-hEGF fusion protein by Kex2p was not sufficient. Thus, the N-terminus of the HL domain was modified using ProP 1.0 server. After the addition of 20 amino acids to the N-terminus of the HL fusion partner, the ProP score was compared. When Ser was added, the ProP score was the highest and further increased to 0.567 with the addition of Val at the P'2 site. As expected, in vivo processing of the MFa pro-peptide by Kex2p was significantly improved by the addition of the Ser-Val dipeptide to the N-terminus of the HL fusion partner (Fig. 1). The addition of Ser-Val dipeptide at the P'1 and P'2 sites guaranteed the highest ProP score regardless of the P'3 and P'4 sites in the ProP score analysis using different proteins. Therefore, the Ser-Val dipeptide sequence can be generally used to improve the processing of fusion proteins by Kex2p in yeast.
Unlike the Kex2p cleavage site after the pro-peptide, for the production of recombinant proteins as fusion proteins with fusion partners, the Kex2p cleavage site between fusion partners and target proteins should be adjustable to block in vivo processing and guarantee in vitro processing. Although the ProP server predicts pro-peptide cleavage sites when the ProP score is >0.5, there are many pro-peptides efficiently cleaved by Kex2p with a ProP score < 0.5, such as MF and K1 killer toxin. To produce four recombinant proteins with fusion partners, the ProP score of the Kex2p cleavage site was adjusted by modifying the P4 and P3 sites. The optimal ProP score guaranteeing in vitro Kex2p processing without in vivo processing was varied on target proteins but optimized at approximately 0.15–0.20. In some cases, modulation of Kex2p cleavage site resulted in a decrease in total expression levels of the target proteins (HK1, Fig. 4C). Therefore, the amino acids at the P4 and P3 sites lowering expression of target proteins should be excluded.
When the N-termini of the target proteins are favorable for Kex2p cleavage, the ProP score should be lowered to block in vivo processing by changing the P4 or P3 sites to reluctant amino acids and vice versa. There were some exceptions to the application of this method for the production of some recombinant proteins. For example, the ProP score of parathyroid hormone (PTH) fused with the HL fusion partner was not lowered to an uncleavable score by changing the P4 or P3 sites because the N-terminal sequence of PTH is Ser-Val, guaranteeing the highest ProP score. Consequently, it was impossible to produce an HL-PTH fusion protein without in vivo processing. In contrast, in the case of epidermal growth factor from chicken (gEGF), although the ProP score of the HL-gEGF fusion protein increased to <0.5 after modification of the P4 or P3 sites and the N-terminal residues were favorable for Kex2p cleavage, the fusion tag was not cleaved after incubation with an excess amount of Kex2p.
Considering that the ProP server was constructed based on the furin and PC-specific network, and the substrate specificity of furin and PCs is slightly different from that of Kex2p, the ProP server cannot precisely predict the processing of all pro-proteins by Kex2p. Nevertheless, modulation of the Kex2p recognition site based on the ProP score for the controlled processing of fusion proteins by Kex2p was demonstrated. The system developed in this study may increase the use of Kex2p for the production of recombinant proteins in yeast.
Author Contributions
JHB and JHS designed this study. SLP and MJK conducted experiments. SHK, HJP and BHS analyzed the data. JHB and MJK wrote the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. I certify that the above information is true and correct. All the authors contributed to the study and the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, I agree to transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript to the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, which covers the rights to use, reproduce, or distribute the article.
This work was partly supported by High Value-added Food Technology Development Program funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA)(321026051SB010), Agriculture Science and Technology Development Program funded by the Rural Development Administration of Korea(PJ0149382022), the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (2022M3A9l308236712), and the Research Initiative Program(1711196158) of KRIBB.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Fig 4.

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