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Fructan Biosynthesis by Yeast Cell Factories
1Synthetic Biology & Bioengineering Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
2Cellapy Bio Inc., Bio-Venture Center 211, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022; 32(11): 1373-1381
Published November 28, 2022
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract
Fructan, a natural fructose polymer, is a typical prebiotic that aids the growth of probiotics and beneficial microbes in the human intestine. Along with prebiotics, fructan is applied in various fields including foods and beverages, cosmetics, and medical and pharmaceutical industries owing to its physiochemical characteristics (water solubility, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and gel formation) and physiological effects (immunomodulation, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-AIDS) [1, 2]. Fructans have attracted increasing attention owing to their wide application.
Fructan is classified according to two criteria namely linkage orientation between fructose units and the degree of polymerization (DP). Based on the former criterion, it was divided into two groups: inulin and levan (Fig. 1). Inulin consists of β-(2,1)-linked β-D-fructosyl units and rarely branched through β-(2,6) linkages. Levan, is β-(2,6)-linked and branched by β-(2,1) linkages. Unlike inulin, the degree of branching (DB) of levans varies up to 13% according to the means of production [3, 4]. Regarding the DP criterion, fructan is divided into three groups: short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS, DP 2-10), medium-chain FOS (mcFOS, DP ranging to 20), and higher DP (DP > 20, inulin, and levan) [5].
Fig. 1. Basic structures of two fructans.
Structures of inulin and levan are depicted in (A) and (B), respectively.
The fructan was identified more than two centuries ago. In 1804, Rose isolated a substance from
Recently, with increased interest in healthy lifestyles, the global market for fructan has steadily increased, with an annual growth rate of > 5%, and is expected to reach approximately US$2.7 billion by 2026 [11]. Considering the increasing market size, efficient and straightforward fructan production systems have been developed. In this review, a brief overview of fructans and the recent advances in its production is provided. In summary, the natural occurrence and physiological roles of fructan and the enzymes involved in its biosynthesis are described. In the last section, we focused on the strategies of yeast cell factories to produce fructan based on earlier work.
Fructan in Nature
Fructan is a natural carbohydrate found in various plants and microbes. In general, inulin-type fructan is found in plant systems as a reserve carbohydrate, and levan-type is abundant in microbial systems as a constituent of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix. Although botanical and microbial fructans are synthesized by distinct enzyme systems, both play the same role in stress resistance.
Botanical Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Sucrose and starch are common reserve carbohydrates in most plants, and approximately 15% of flowering plants store fructan as a reserve carbohydrate. Typically, inulin has been found in various plants, including cereals, vegetables, grasses, and decorative plants [12]. In contrast, levans are found in small quantities in only a few grass plants, mainly in their stems and leaf sheaths [13]. Chicory, dahlia, Jerusalem artichoke, and yacon are good producers of inulin because they accumulate up to 80% polysaccharides in their tubers [14, 15]. Although the quantity and quality of accumulated inulin from these crops fluctuate seasonally and regionally, chicory produces a higher DP inulin, an important quality standard for inulin than other crops [16]. Owing to its growth under harsh conditions, Jerusalem artichoke is also considered an efficient producer of inulin [17].
Fructan-producing plants grow under frost and drought and are rarely found in tropical regions [18]. The correlation between fructan and frost/drought was experimentally verified using different climate-adapted
Botanical fructan is synthesized from sucrose by successive reactions with four types of fructosyltransferases (FTases):1-SST (sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 1-FFT (fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 6-SFT (sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase, EC, and 6G-FFT (fructan:fructan 6G-fructosyltransferase, EC unassigned). Edelman and Jefford proposed an inulin biosynthetic mechanism in plants that employed 1-SST and 1-FFT [22]. In this model, 1-SST transfers the fructose moiety of sucrose to another sucrose molecule, resulting in the formation of 1-kestose. Following the first enzyme reaction, 1-FFT elongates the β-(2,1) fructan chain and 6-SFT and 6G-SFT are employed to synthesize β-(2,6)-linked fructan in plants. The former conducts transfructosylation on sucrose and 6-kestose, synthesizing a higher DP levan-type fructan [23]. The latter translocates the β-(2,1)-linked fructose units of 1-kestose to the 6th carbon of glucose to form neokestose [24].
Microbial Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Microbial fructan is a constituent of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix in biofilms. Similar to botanical inulin, microbial biofilms protect cells from various environmental stressors [25, 26]. For example, biofilms of probiotic bacteria
Since the discovery of
Microbial fructan synthesis is more efficient than plant systems because it is synthesized from sucrose by a single enzyme reaction. For inulin-type fructan, inulosucrase (ISRase, EC, for inulin) was used. Functional analysis of ISRase was conducted using enzymes from the
Microbial Production of Fructan by Yeast Cell Factories
Yeasts are used to produce fermented beverages and foods for thousands of years [53] and have played important roles in biotechnology as model organisms, recombinant protein producers [54, 55], and cell factories for high-value biochemicals and biofuels [56, 57]. Recently, yeast has been used as a cell factory for the efficient production of fructan.
Recombinant Expression of FTases in Yeasts
FTase expression in
Secretory production of microbial FTase in
To enhance the feasibility of secretory production of heterologous proteins in
FTase expression in
During the early 2000s, various FTases from many plant sources were functionally expressed in
Interestingly, various microbial FTases have been extracellularly produced in
FTase expression in other yeast species. Another methylotrophic yeast,
As described above, utilization of yeast to produce recombinant proteins, including FTase, has advantages. In particular, high-yield extracellular secretions facilitate simplified downstream processes. However, most studies indicate the need for yeast-derived signal peptides for successful secretory production of FTases. In addition, there is a concern in yeast production system because glycosylation, a typical post-translational modification, may occasionally lead to undesirable changes in the bioactivity of the target protein. In practice, most recombinant FTases produced in yeast have a molecular weight, higher than the expected size, characterized by N-glycosylation (Table 1). However, to date, there are no reports on loss of fructosylation activity by glycosylated FTases produced in yeast.
Table 1 . Recombinant FTases produced in yeast species.
Expression host Target FTase Genetic tools Expression References Species Strain Type Origin Promoter Signal peptide Location Size (kDa) Yield (U/l) Saccharomyces cerevisiae S150 LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 Native Intra-cellular 53a 720 [58] IWA LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 PHO5 Intra-cellular 53b 460 [59] YSH FTase Aspergillus foetidus ADH1 Native Extra-cellular 60c 85,200 [60] BY4742 LSRase Leuconostoc mesenteroides PGK w/o Intra-cellular n/d n/d [83] 2805 LSRase Rahnella aquatilis GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 47a 50,000 [62] 2805 LSRase B. subtils GAL10 SRL1 Extra-cellular 51c 3,800 [63] 2805 ISRase Lactobacillus reuteri GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 60c 220,000 [64] Pichia pastoris GS115 LSRase Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus AOX1 PHO1 Extra-cellular 60a 740 [73] X-33 LSRase G. diazotrophicus GAP MFα Extra-cellular 60a 4,000 [74] GS115 LSRase L. mesenteroides AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 66a 14,400 [75] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 97-120a 2,294,700 [76] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular n/d 1,020,000 [77] Kluyveromyces lactis GG799 FTase A. terreus LAC4 MFα/ Extra-cellular 80a 986,400 [79] Hansenula polymorpha A16 LSRase Z. mobilis MOX INU Extra-cellular 50c 12,200 [78] Yarrowia lipolytica CGMCC7326 FTase A. oryzae HP4D PIR1 Cell-surface n/d 850 U/g of DCW [80] w/o, without; n/d, not described
aProtein size with glycosylation
bProtein size of unprocessed precursor form
cProtein size without glycosylation
Yeast Cell Factories for Consolidated Fructan Biosynthesis
Beyond FTase producers, yeasts have been used as cell factories for efficient production of fructan for the following reasons. First, owing to the lack of a fructan metabolism pathway, the productivity of fructan is generally high. Second, yeasts consume glucose and fructose, which are by-products released during fructan conversion from sucrose. These by-products are well-known FTase inhibitors [81, 82], and the consumption of glucose and fructose by yeast cells reduces the feedback inhibition of FTase and guarantees a high conversion yield. Furthermore, removal of monosaccharides increases the purity of the fructan. Thus, a highly efficient consolidated process can be established by simple fermentation of sucrose using recombinant yeast (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Comparison of enzymatic and yeast cell factory system for fructan production.
Schematic diagrams of enzymatic and yeast cell factory systems are compared on (A) and (B), respectively.
One significant drawback of using yeast for fructan production is the requirement for a specific gene deletion. Most yeasts produce hydrolysis enzyme (invertase) to use sucrose as a carbon source, and the invertase produced competes with FTase, decreasing conversion yields. Therefore, the use of an invertase-deficient mutant strain is essential for increasing fructan production via the yeast system.
There are three strategies for the construction of yeast cell factories for fructan production according to the expression location of recombinant FTase: intracellular, extracellular, and cell surface display are described in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Strategies for fructan biosynthesis by yeast cell factories.
Three strategies for construction of yeast cell factories for fructan biosynthesis are organized based on the reference studies. FTase, fructosyltransferase; TFP, translational fusion partner.
The intracellular FTase expression has been demonstrated by Franken
The yeast cell factory accomplishing extracellular FTase expression can overcome the major hurdle of the intracellular fructan production because it is synthesized in culture media by secreted FTase. However, this system requires FTase to be secreted efficiently. Ko
Whole-cell biocatalysis is an attractive system for the following reasons. First, this system can solve the spatial limitations of intracellular production. Second, the whole-cell catalyst system ensures high stability against abiotic stresses, such as high temperature and metal ion inhibition. Third, owing to the immobilization effect, the cell factory can be used repeatedly. Fructan synthesis via yeast cell surface-displaying FTase was reported by Shang
Table 2 . Recombinant yeast cell factories for fructan biosynthesis.
Yeast cell factories Production condition Product References FTase/Location Key genotype Strategy Scale (L) Sucrose (g/l) pH Ta (°C) Agitation (rpm) Type MWb (Da) DPc Titer (g/l) Yieldd (%) LmM1FT/Intracellular BY4742Δsuc2-SUT Sucrose uptake 0.1 50 6.5 30 n/d Levan n/a 280 7.8 15.5 [83] RaLsrA/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 30 191 5.5 30 300 Levan 810,000 n/a 76.0 39.8 [62] BsSacB/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 0.05 250 5.5 30 180 Levan 140,000 n/a 102.9 41.2 [63] ZmLevU/Surface EBY100-GAL1 Re-usability 0.02 400 6.0 35 shaking Levan 690,000 n/a 34.0 8.5 [85] LrInu/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 2 400 5.5 30 900 FOS n/a 2-20 152.6 38.2 [64] n/a, not applicable
aT, temperature
bMW, molecular weight
cDP, degree of polymerization
dYield was calculated as the amount of fructan produced relative to the initial substrate (w/w)
Conclusion and Future Perspective
Demand and interest for fructan have increased over the time, owing to its versatile applications. However, the high production cost of fructan is a major hurdle in its application. Currently, the enzymatic conversion system is favored in the industrial production of fructan because the system is well-established, easy to scale-up, and above all, free of the safety issue of the living modified organism (LMO). Nevertheless, a cell factory system (not limited to yeast) has been consistently proposed and developed owing to the overwhelming productivity required for economic production. Approximately 70 microbial species, including various yeast species, have been authorized as LMO. Therefore, LM yeasts proven to be safe for humans and the environment will be the best option for the efficient production of fructan.
Fructan in Nature
Fructan is a natural carbohydrate found in various plants and microbes. In general, inulin-type fructan is found in plant systems as a reserve carbohydrate, and levan-type is abundant in microbial systems as a constituent of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix. Although botanical and microbial fructans are synthesized by distinct enzyme systems, both play the same role in stress resistance.
Botanical Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Sucrose and starch are common reserve carbohydrates in most plants, and approximately 15% of flowering plants store fructan as a reserve carbohydrate. Typically, inulin has been found in various plants, including cereals, vegetables, grasses, and decorative plants [12]. In contrast, levans are found in small quantities in only a few grass plants, mainly in their stems and leaf sheaths [13]. Chicory, dahlia, Jerusalem artichoke, and yacon are good producers of inulin because they accumulate up to 80% polysaccharides in their tubers [14, 15]. Although the quantity and quality of accumulated inulin from these crops fluctuate seasonally and regionally, chicory produces a higher DP inulin, an important quality standard for inulin than other crops [16]. Owing to its growth under harsh conditions, Jerusalem artichoke is also considered an efficient producer of inulin [17].
Fructan-producing plants grow under frost and drought and are rarely found in tropical regions [18]. The correlation between fructan and frost/drought was experimentally verified using different climate-adapted
Botanical fructan is synthesized from sucrose by successive reactions with four types of fructosyltransferases (FTases):1-SST (sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 1-FFT (fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 6-SFT (sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase, EC, and 6G-FFT (fructan:fructan 6G-fructosyltransferase, EC unassigned). Edelman and Jefford proposed an inulin biosynthetic mechanism in plants that employed 1-SST and 1-FFT [22]. In this model, 1-SST transfers the fructose moiety of sucrose to another sucrose molecule, resulting in the formation of 1-kestose. Following the first enzyme reaction, 1-FFT elongates the β-(2,1) fructan chain and 6-SFT and 6G-SFT are employed to synthesize β-(2,6)-linked fructan in plants. The former conducts transfructosylation on sucrose and 6-kestose, synthesizing a higher DP levan-type fructan [23]. The latter translocates the β-(2,1)-linked fructose units of 1-kestose to the 6th carbon of glucose to form neokestose [24].
Microbial Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Microbial fructan is a constituent of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix in biofilms. Similar to botanical inulin, microbial biofilms protect cells from various environmental stressors [25, 26]. For example, biofilms of probiotic bacteria
Since the discovery of
Microbial fructan synthesis is more efficient than plant systems because it is synthesized from sucrose by a single enzyme reaction. For inulin-type fructan, inulosucrase (ISRase, EC, for inulin) was used. Functional analysis of ISRase was conducted using enzymes from the
This work was supported by the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (PJ0149382021) through the Rural Development Administration of Korea; (ii) Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (HP20C0087); (iii) the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MIST)(2021M3E5E6038113), and the Research Initiative Program of KRIBB (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Related articles in JMB
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022; 32(11): 1373-1381
Published online November 28, 2022
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Fructan Biosynthesis by Yeast Cell Factories
Hyunjun Ko1, Bong Hyun Sung1, Mi-Jin Kim1, Jung-Hoon Sohn1,2*, and Jung-Hoon Bae1*
1Synthetic Biology & Bioengineering Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
2Cellapy Bio Inc., Bio-Venture Center 211, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Jung-Hoon Bae,
Fructan is a polysaccharide composed of fructose and can be classified into several types, such as inulin, levan, and fructo-oligosaccharides, based on their linkage patterns and degree of polymerization. Owing to its structural and functional diversity, fructan has been used in various fields including prebiotics, foods and beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical applications. With increasing interest in fructans, efficient and straightforward production methods have been explored. Since the 1990s, yeast cells have been employed as producers of recombinant enzymes for enzymatic conversion of fructans including fructosyltransferases derived from various microbes and plants. More recently, yeast cell factories are highlighted as efficient workhorses for fructan production by direct fermentation. In this review, recent advances and strategies for fructan biosynthesis by yeast cell factories are discussed.
Keywords: Fructan, levan, inulin, fructosyltransferase, yeast, fermentation
Fructan, a natural fructose polymer, is a typical prebiotic that aids the growth of probiotics and beneficial microbes in the human intestine. Along with prebiotics, fructan is applied in various fields including foods and beverages, cosmetics, and medical and pharmaceutical industries owing to its physiochemical characteristics (water solubility, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and gel formation) and physiological effects (immunomodulation, anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, and anti-AIDS) [1, 2]. Fructans have attracted increasing attention owing to their wide application.
Fructan is classified according to two criteria namely linkage orientation between fructose units and the degree of polymerization (DP). Based on the former criterion, it was divided into two groups: inulin and levan (Fig. 1). Inulin consists of β-(2,1)-linked β-D-fructosyl units and rarely branched through β-(2,6) linkages. Levan, is β-(2,6)-linked and branched by β-(2,1) linkages. Unlike inulin, the degree of branching (DB) of levans varies up to 13% according to the means of production [3, 4]. Regarding the DP criterion, fructan is divided into three groups: short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS, DP 2-10), medium-chain FOS (mcFOS, DP ranging to 20), and higher DP (DP > 20, inulin, and levan) [5].
Figure 1. Basic structures of two fructans.
Structures of inulin and levan are depicted in (A) and (B), respectively.
The fructan was identified more than two centuries ago. In 1804, Rose isolated a substance from
Recently, with increased interest in healthy lifestyles, the global market for fructan has steadily increased, with an annual growth rate of > 5%, and is expected to reach approximately US$2.7 billion by 2026 [11]. Considering the increasing market size, efficient and straightforward fructan production systems have been developed. In this review, a brief overview of fructans and the recent advances in its production is provided. In summary, the natural occurrence and physiological roles of fructan and the enzymes involved in its biosynthesis are described. In the last section, we focused on the strategies of yeast cell factories to produce fructan based on earlier work.
Fructan in Nature
Fructan is a natural carbohydrate found in various plants and microbes. In general, inulin-type fructan is found in plant systems as a reserve carbohydrate, and levan-type is abundant in microbial systems as a constituent of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix. Although botanical and microbial fructans are synthesized by distinct enzyme systems, both play the same role in stress resistance.
Botanical Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Sucrose and starch are common reserve carbohydrates in most plants, and approximately 15% of flowering plants store fructan as a reserve carbohydrate. Typically, inulin has been found in various plants, including cereals, vegetables, grasses, and decorative plants [12]. In contrast, levans are found in small quantities in only a few grass plants, mainly in their stems and leaf sheaths [13]. Chicory, dahlia, Jerusalem artichoke, and yacon are good producers of inulin because they accumulate up to 80% polysaccharides in their tubers [14, 15]. Although the quantity and quality of accumulated inulin from these crops fluctuate seasonally and regionally, chicory produces a higher DP inulin, an important quality standard for inulin than other crops [16]. Owing to its growth under harsh conditions, Jerusalem artichoke is also considered an efficient producer of inulin [17].
Fructan-producing plants grow under frost and drought and are rarely found in tropical regions [18]. The correlation between fructan and frost/drought was experimentally verified using different climate-adapted
Botanical fructan is synthesized from sucrose by successive reactions with four types of fructosyltransferases (FTases):1-SST (sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 1-FFT (fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 6-SFT (sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase, EC, and 6G-FFT (fructan:fructan 6G-fructosyltransferase, EC unassigned). Edelman and Jefford proposed an inulin biosynthetic mechanism in plants that employed 1-SST and 1-FFT [22]. In this model, 1-SST transfers the fructose moiety of sucrose to another sucrose molecule, resulting in the formation of 1-kestose. Following the first enzyme reaction, 1-FFT elongates the β-(2,1) fructan chain and 6-SFT and 6G-SFT are employed to synthesize β-(2,6)-linked fructan in plants. The former conducts transfructosylation on sucrose and 6-kestose, synthesizing a higher DP levan-type fructan [23]. The latter translocates the β-(2,1)-linked fructose units of 1-kestose to the 6th carbon of glucose to form neokestose [24].
Microbial Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Microbial fructan is a constituent of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix in biofilms. Similar to botanical inulin, microbial biofilms protect cells from various environmental stressors [25, 26]. For example, biofilms of probiotic bacteria
Since the discovery of
Microbial fructan synthesis is more efficient than plant systems because it is synthesized from sucrose by a single enzyme reaction. For inulin-type fructan, inulosucrase (ISRase, EC, for inulin) was used. Functional analysis of ISRase was conducted using enzymes from the
Microbial Production of Fructan by Yeast Cell Factories
Yeasts are used to produce fermented beverages and foods for thousands of years [53] and have played important roles in biotechnology as model organisms, recombinant protein producers [54, 55], and cell factories for high-value biochemicals and biofuels [56, 57]. Recently, yeast has been used as a cell factory for the efficient production of fructan.
Recombinant Expression of FTases in Yeasts
FTase expression in
Secretory production of microbial FTase in
To enhance the feasibility of secretory production of heterologous proteins in
FTase expression in
During the early 2000s, various FTases from many plant sources were functionally expressed in
Interestingly, various microbial FTases have been extracellularly produced in
FTase expression in other yeast species. Another methylotrophic yeast,
As described above, utilization of yeast to produce recombinant proteins, including FTase, has advantages. In particular, high-yield extracellular secretions facilitate simplified downstream processes. However, most studies indicate the need for yeast-derived signal peptides for successful secretory production of FTases. In addition, there is a concern in yeast production system because glycosylation, a typical post-translational modification, may occasionally lead to undesirable changes in the bioactivity of the target protein. In practice, most recombinant FTases produced in yeast have a molecular weight, higher than the expected size, characterized by N-glycosylation (Table 1). However, to date, there are no reports on loss of fructosylation activity by glycosylated FTases produced in yeast.
Table 1 . Recombinant FTases produced in yeast species..
Expression host Target FTase Genetic tools Expression References Species Strain Type Origin Promoter Signal peptide Location Size (kDa) Yield (U/l) Saccharomyces cerevisiae S150 LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 Native Intra-cellular 53a 720 [58] IWA LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 PHO5 Intra-cellular 53b 460 [59] YSH FTase Aspergillus foetidus ADH1 Native Extra-cellular 60c 85,200 [60] BY4742 LSRase Leuconostoc mesenteroides PGK w/o Intra-cellular n/d n/d [83] 2805 LSRase Rahnella aquatilis GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 47a 50,000 [62] 2805 LSRase B. subtils GAL10 SRL1 Extra-cellular 51c 3,800 [63] 2805 ISRase Lactobacillus reuteri GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 60c 220,000 [64] Pichia pastoris GS115 LSRase Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus AOX1 PHO1 Extra-cellular 60a 740 [73] X-33 LSRase G. diazotrophicus GAP MFα Extra-cellular 60a 4,000 [74] GS115 LSRase L. mesenteroides AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 66a 14,400 [75] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 97-120a 2,294,700 [76] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular n/d 1,020,000 [77] Kluyveromyces lactis GG799 FTase A. terreus LAC4 MFα/ Extra-cellular 80a 986,400 [79] Hansenula polymorpha A16 LSRase Z. mobilis MOX INU Extra-cellular 50c 12,200 [78] Yarrowia lipolytica CGMCC7326 FTase A. oryzae HP4D PIR1 Cell-surface n/d 850 U/g of DCW [80] w/o, without; n/d, not described.
aProtein size with glycosylation.
bProtein size of unprocessed precursor form.
cProtein size without glycosylation.
Yeast Cell Factories for Consolidated Fructan Biosynthesis
Beyond FTase producers, yeasts have been used as cell factories for efficient production of fructan for the following reasons. First, owing to the lack of a fructan metabolism pathway, the productivity of fructan is generally high. Second, yeasts consume glucose and fructose, which are by-products released during fructan conversion from sucrose. These by-products are well-known FTase inhibitors [81, 82], and the consumption of glucose and fructose by yeast cells reduces the feedback inhibition of FTase and guarantees a high conversion yield. Furthermore, removal of monosaccharides increases the purity of the fructan. Thus, a highly efficient consolidated process can be established by simple fermentation of sucrose using recombinant yeast (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Comparison of enzymatic and yeast cell factory system for fructan production.
Schematic diagrams of enzymatic and yeast cell factory systems are compared on (A) and (B), respectively.
One significant drawback of using yeast for fructan production is the requirement for a specific gene deletion. Most yeasts produce hydrolysis enzyme (invertase) to use sucrose as a carbon source, and the invertase produced competes with FTase, decreasing conversion yields. Therefore, the use of an invertase-deficient mutant strain is essential for increasing fructan production via the yeast system.
There are three strategies for the construction of yeast cell factories for fructan production according to the expression location of recombinant FTase: intracellular, extracellular, and cell surface display are described in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. Strategies for fructan biosynthesis by yeast cell factories.
Three strategies for construction of yeast cell factories for fructan biosynthesis are organized based on the reference studies. FTase, fructosyltransferase; TFP, translational fusion partner.
The intracellular FTase expression has been demonstrated by Franken
The yeast cell factory accomplishing extracellular FTase expression can overcome the major hurdle of the intracellular fructan production because it is synthesized in culture media by secreted FTase. However, this system requires FTase to be secreted efficiently. Ko
Whole-cell biocatalysis is an attractive system for the following reasons. First, this system can solve the spatial limitations of intracellular production. Second, the whole-cell catalyst system ensures high stability against abiotic stresses, such as high temperature and metal ion inhibition. Third, owing to the immobilization effect, the cell factory can be used repeatedly. Fructan synthesis via yeast cell surface-displaying FTase was reported by Shang
Table 2 . Recombinant yeast cell factories for fructan biosynthesis..
Yeast cell factories Production condition Product References FTase/Location Key genotype Strategy Scale (L) Sucrose (g/l) pH Ta (°C) Agitation (rpm) Type MWb (Da) DPc Titer (g/l) Yieldd (%) LmM1FT/Intracellular BY4742Δsuc2-SUT Sucrose uptake 0.1 50 6.5 30 n/d Levan n/a 280 7.8 15.5 [83] RaLsrA/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 30 191 5.5 30 300 Levan 810,000 n/a 76.0 39.8 [62] BsSacB/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 0.05 250 5.5 30 180 Levan 140,000 n/a 102.9 41.2 [63] ZmLevU/Surface EBY100-GAL1 Re-usability 0.02 400 6.0 35 shaking Levan 690,000 n/a 34.0 8.5 [85] LrInu/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 2 400 5.5 30 900 FOS n/a 2-20 152.6 38.2 [64] n/a, not applicable.
aT, temperature.
bMW, molecular weight.
cDP, degree of polymerization.
dYield was calculated as the amount of fructan produced relative to the initial substrate (w/w).
Conclusion and Future Perspective
Demand and interest for fructan have increased over the time, owing to its versatile applications. However, the high production cost of fructan is a major hurdle in its application. Currently, the enzymatic conversion system is favored in the industrial production of fructan because the system is well-established, easy to scale-up, and above all, free of the safety issue of the living modified organism (LMO). Nevertheless, a cell factory system (not limited to yeast) has been consistently proposed and developed owing to the overwhelming productivity required for economic production. Approximately 70 microbial species, including various yeast species, have been authorized as LMO. Therefore, LM yeasts proven to be safe for humans and the environment will be the best option for the efficient production of fructan.
Fructan in Nature
Fructan is a natural carbohydrate found in various plants and microbes. In general, inulin-type fructan is found in plant systems as a reserve carbohydrate, and levan-type is abundant in microbial systems as a constituent of the exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix. Although botanical and microbial fructans are synthesized by distinct enzyme systems, both play the same role in stress resistance.
Botanical Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Sucrose and starch are common reserve carbohydrates in most plants, and approximately 15% of flowering plants store fructan as a reserve carbohydrate. Typically, inulin has been found in various plants, including cereals, vegetables, grasses, and decorative plants [12]. In contrast, levans are found in small quantities in only a few grass plants, mainly in their stems and leaf sheaths [13]. Chicory, dahlia, Jerusalem artichoke, and yacon are good producers of inulin because they accumulate up to 80% polysaccharides in their tubers [14, 15]. Although the quantity and quality of accumulated inulin from these crops fluctuate seasonally and regionally, chicory produces a higher DP inulin, an important quality standard for inulin than other crops [16]. Owing to its growth under harsh conditions, Jerusalem artichoke is also considered an efficient producer of inulin [17].
Fructan-producing plants grow under frost and drought and are rarely found in tropical regions [18]. The correlation between fructan and frost/drought was experimentally verified using different climate-adapted
Botanical fructan is synthesized from sucrose by successive reactions with four types of fructosyltransferases (FTases):1-SST (sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 1-FFT (fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase, EC, 6-SFT (sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase, EC, and 6G-FFT (fructan:fructan 6G-fructosyltransferase, EC unassigned). Edelman and Jefford proposed an inulin biosynthetic mechanism in plants that employed 1-SST and 1-FFT [22]. In this model, 1-SST transfers the fructose moiety of sucrose to another sucrose molecule, resulting in the formation of 1-kestose. Following the first enzyme reaction, 1-FFT elongates the β-(2,1) fructan chain and 6-SFT and 6G-SFT are employed to synthesize β-(2,6)-linked fructan in plants. The former conducts transfructosylation on sucrose and 6-kestose, synthesizing a higher DP levan-type fructan [23]. The latter translocates the β-(2,1)-linked fructose units of 1-kestose to the 6th carbon of glucose to form neokestose [24].
Microbial Fructan and the Related Enzymes
Microbial fructan is a constituent of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix in biofilms. Similar to botanical inulin, microbial biofilms protect cells from various environmental stressors [25, 26]. For example, biofilms of probiotic bacteria
Since the discovery of
Microbial fructan synthesis is more efficient than plant systems because it is synthesized from sucrose by a single enzyme reaction. For inulin-type fructan, inulosucrase (ISRase, EC, for inulin) was used. Functional analysis of ISRase was conducted using enzymes from the
This work was supported by the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (PJ0149382021) through the Rural Development Administration of Korea; (ii) Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (HP20C0087); (iii) the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MIST)(2021M3E5E6038113), and the Research Initiative Program of KRIBB (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Table 1 . Recombinant FTases produced in yeast species..
Expression host Target FTase Genetic tools Expression References Species Strain Type Origin Promoter Signal peptide Location Size (kDa) Yield (U/l) Saccharomyces cerevisiae S150 LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 Native Intra-cellular 53a 720 [58] IWA LSRase Bacillus subtils ADH1 PHO5 Intra-cellular 53b 460 [59] YSH FTase Aspergillus foetidus ADH1 Native Extra-cellular 60c 85,200 [60] BY4742 LSRase Leuconostoc mesenteroides PGK w/o Intra-cellular n/d n/d [83] 2805 LSRase Rahnella aquatilis GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 47a 50,000 [62] 2805 LSRase B. subtils GAL10 SRL1 Extra-cellular 51c 3,800 [63] 2805 ISRase Lactobacillus reuteri GAL10 UTH1 Extra-cellular 60c 220,000 [64] Pichia pastoris GS115 LSRase Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus AOX1 PHO1 Extra-cellular 60a 740 [73] X-33 LSRase G. diazotrophicus GAP MFα Extra-cellular 60a 4,000 [74] GS115 LSRase L. mesenteroides AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 66a 14,400 [75] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular 97-120a 2,294,700 [76] GS115 FTase A. niger AOX1 MFα Extra-cellular n/d 1,020,000 [77] Kluyveromyces lactis GG799 FTase A. terreus LAC4 MFα/ Extra-cellular 80a 986,400 [79] Hansenula polymorpha A16 LSRase Z. mobilis MOX INU Extra-cellular 50c 12,200 [78] Yarrowia lipolytica CGMCC7326 FTase A. oryzae HP4D PIR1 Cell-surface n/d 850 U/g of DCW [80] w/o, without; n/d, not described.
aProtein size with glycosylation.
bProtein size of unprocessed precursor form.
cProtein size without glycosylation.
Table 2 . Recombinant yeast cell factories for fructan biosynthesis..
Yeast cell factories Production condition Product References FTase/Location Key genotype Strategy Scale (L) Sucrose (g/l) pH Ta (°C) Agitation (rpm) Type MWb (Da) DPc Titer (g/l) Yieldd (%) LmM1FT/Intracellular BY4742Δsuc2-SUT Sucrose uptake 0.1 50 6.5 30 n/d Levan n/a 280 7.8 15.5 [83] RaLsrA/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 30 191 5.5 30 300 Levan 810,000 n/a 76.0 39.8 [62] BsSacB/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 0.05 250 5.5 30 180 Levan 140,000 n/a 102.9 41.2 [63] ZmLevU/Surface EBY100-GAL1 Re-usability 0.02 400 6.0 35 shaking Levan 690,000 n/a 34.0 8.5 [85] LrInu/Secretion Y2805Δgal80Δsuc2 Optimal secretion 2 400 5.5 30 900 FOS n/a 2-20 152.6 38.2 [64] n/a, not applicable.
aT, temperature.
bMW, molecular weight.
cDP, degree of polymerization.
dYield was calculated as the amount of fructan produced relative to the initial substrate (w/w).
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