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Research article
Analysis of the Microbiota on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivated in South Korea to Identify Foodborne Pathogens
Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2018; 28(8): 1318-1331
Published August 28, 2018
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Lettuce (
Culture-dependent methods have been traditionally used to detect and identify foodborne pathogens, but there are also obvious limitations [9]. This type of analysis is time-consuming and laborious. In addition, all taxa cannot be identified from total bacteria in the samples. Therefore, 16S rRNA gene-based sequencing has been widely used to explore microbial diversity, including foodborne pathogens. Next-generation sequencing of DNA extracted from environmental samples and metagenomic databases packed with sequence information from diverse habitats are useful for this non-cultivation approach [10, 11]. Although microbial diversity within several plants has been reported [12], few studies have examined the microbial community and potential pathogens in raw food, including lettuce.
Microorganisms live in various parts of plants and interact with them. For example, the root microbiota play a very important role in the growth and health of the host, and more than 105 cell/g bacteria can colonize the surface of plants [13]. Interactions between the plant microbiota and the host continue to be revealed by 16S rRNA gene-based analysis [10]. It has been reported that plant energy metabolism is also mediated by the phyllosphere microbiota [14]. Another study revealed that the phyllosphere microbiota are affected by cross-talks with the rhizosphere microbiota [15]. Therefore, understanding the correlation between the phyllosphere microbiota in lettuce is important to prevent food poisoning caused by contaminated vegetables [16].
In this study, we conducted 16S rRNA gene-based analysis to investigate the microbiota of lettuce collected in South Korea at different seasons. We obtained lettuce from five sampling sites (
Materials and Methods
Sample Preparation
We collected 30 samples (100 g of each bundle) from five different sites in South Korea between April (relatively low temperature, monthly maximum average temperature of 21.5 ± 0.6°C, monthly minimum average temperature of 8.0 ± 0.8°C) and July (relatively high temperature, monthly maximum average temperature of 30.6 ± 0.4°C, monthly minimum average temperature of 21.7 ± 0.7°C) of 2016 (Fig. 1). According to information from the National Statistical Office, four sites in the Gyeonggi-do area (31,263 tons in 2015) and one site in the Jeon-buk area (12,645 tons in 2015) were selected on the basis of lettuce yield. Three samples were randomly harvested at each site using sterilized gloves and plastic bags. Samples were packed with ice in a box and transported to the laboratory. Analysis was performed on the same day. Samples were measured out (25 g) into filter bags (FILTRA-BAG; Labplas, Canada), designed to simplify taking an aliquot and has 1,840 holes per square inch with a pore size of approximately 330 microns, and were mixed with 225 ml of Buffered Peptone Water (OXOID, UK). Using a BagMixer 400 W (Interscience, France), the mixtures were homogenized to detach bacterial cells from the plant. The mixtures were filtered and centrifuged at 10,000 ×
Fig. 1. Map of the sampling sites. All samples were obtained from five different sites in April and July 2016. Maximum and minimum of average temperatures are noted at the bottom.
Extraction Procedure of Metagenomic DNA
Metagenomic DNA was extracted via a slightly modified DNA extraction method described in a previous study [18]. The pellet was suspended in 500μl of PVP/CTAB buffer (1%polyvinylpyrrolidone, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) with 50 μl of lysozyme solution (100 mg/ml) to remove polyphenols that cause enzymatic browning in lysates. Each pellet was incubated at 37°C for 1 h and frozen at -80°C for 10 min. For thawing, the mixture was incubated at 37°C for 10 min. The DNA pellet was then treated with a proteinase K mixture (140 μl of 0.5 M EDTA, 20 μl of 20 mg/ml Proteinase K, 40 μl of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate) and incubated at 56°C for 1 h. This was followed by centrifugation at 21,206 ×
PCR for Specific Bacterial Detection
Primers used in this study for pathogen detection are listed in Table 1 [19-24]. Amplification of the lettuce samples was carried out in a total volume of 50 μl as follows: 1 μl of extracted DNA template (32.3-119.5 ng), 1 μl of (0.2 μM) primers, 5 μl of dNTP (0.2 mM), 5 μl of 10× nTaq Buffer, 1 μl of nTaq DNA Polymerase (Enzynomics, Korea), and 36 μl of distilled water. The PCR cycling parameters were as follows: 95°C for 5 min, and then 30 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 50 sec, annealing at 55-61°C for 20-60 sec, extension at 72°C for 2 min, and final extension at 72°C for 6 min. Aliquots (20 μl) of the PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 1.2% and 2% (w/v) agarose gels (SeaKem LE Agarose; Takara, Japan).
Table 1 . PCR primers used in this study.
Target bacteria Target gene (name) Primer sequence (5’ → 3’) Amplicon length (bp) Reference Bacillus spp. (B. anthracis ,B. cereus ,B. mycoides ,B. pseudomycoides ,B. thuringiensis andB. weihenstephanensis )nheA F : TAAGGAGGGGCAAACAGAAG
R : TACTGCTCCAGCCACATTAC185 [21] Enterococcus casseliflavus vanC2 /C3 F : CTCCTACGATTCTCTTG
R : CGAGCAAGACCTTTAAG439 [22] Klebsiella pneumoniae rcsA F : GGATATCTGACCAGTCGG
R : TCCTTAGAGTGCCCACCCG956 [24] Total bacteria 16S rRNA V5/V6 (799Fmod6/1114R) F : CMGGATTAGATACCCKGGT
MiSeq Platform for Analysis
To conduct next-generation sequencing via Illumina MiSeq sequencing (Illumina, USA), 16S rRNA genes were amplified using V5-V6 region-specific primers (Table 1) [25, 26], with pre-adapter and sequencing primers (overhang adapter) designed to minimize the amplification of chloroplast and mitochondria 16S rRNAs attached [25]. The PCR products were purified using the MEGAquick-spin Plus kit (iNtRON, Korea). Index PCR was performed using the Illumina Nextera XT Index kit, and the library was purified with AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The size and quality of the library were validated using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 1000 chip and the KAPA qPCR kit. Equal amounts of libraries from all samples were pooled, and paired-end (2 × 300 bp) sequencing was conducted using the MiSeq system (Illumina, USA) at Macrogen (Korea), based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bacterial Load Quantification Using Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Bacterial loads obtained from lettuce were analyzed according to previous descriptions with slight modification [27]. We quantified the 16S rRNA gene in lettuce by using real-time PCR to determine total bacterial loads. Real-time PCR was conducted using a primer set that targeted the same region as that used to conduct MiSeq sequencing with the CFX Connect Optics Module (Bio-Rad, USA). Reaction mixtures (20 μl) containing 10 μl of SSoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix (2×) (Bio-Rad, USA), 10 μM of each primer, and 1 μl of DNA template (10-fold dilution series of sample DNA) or distilled water (negative control) were prepared, and samples were run in triplicates. The cycling parameters for real-time PCR were as follows: 98°C for 3 min, and then 40 cycles of denaturation at 98°C for 15 sec, annealing at 55°C for 30 sec, extension at 72°C for 30 sec, and final extension at 72°C for 1 min. The serial log-concentration of
Data Analysis
Raw sequences obtained were trimmed and chimera-checked using the MOTHUR software. The merged reads, where barcode and primer sequences were removed, were trimmed on the basis of average quality score (<25) and the number of homopolymers (>8). The UCHIME function in the MOTHUR software was used to remove chimeric sequences [29]. Determination of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was processed on the CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC Bio, Denmark) on the basis of 97% sequence similarity. Taxonomy assignment of non-chimeric reads was determined via the SILVA database (ver. 123) with a 80%confidence threshold. The above processes were also performed using the CLC Genomics Workbench. Validated reads (11,000 per sample) were used to compare the α-diversity (observed OTUs, Chao1, Shannon and Good’s coverage) using QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology). Principal coordinate analysis based on the UniFrac distance was implemented to illustrate seasonal β-diversity. Differences in bacterial composition were evaluated using permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). The network was made using the Cytoscape software (ver. 3.4.0), and was visualized using prefuse force directed layout with correlation coefficients between core bacteria [30]. Since the relative quantity of core bacteria is nonparametric, the Spearman correlation was calculated using the SAS ver. 9.4 software; Spearman’s correlation coefficient (|r| > 0.6) with FDR-corrected significance level under 0.01 was used.
Statistical Analysis
The Student’s
Results and Discussion
Comparison of Diversity Indices and Bacterial Population among Samples
A total of 2,235,280 reads (average 73,325 reads for April samples and 75,760 reads for July samples) were analyzed after quality checking the 30 lettuce samples. The read numbers were normalized to 11,000 by random subsampling (Table 2). The average number of observed OTUs in the April samples (1,450 ± 628.8) were determined to be higher (
Table 2 . Summary of diversity indices obtained from sequencing.
Sampling time Sample Analyzed reads Normalized reads Observed OTUs Estimated OTUs (Chao1) Shannon diversity index Good’s coverage April SiteA_1 44,866 11,000 2505 3019.58 8.30 0.98 SiteA_2 44,194 11,000 1504 2148.95 5.08 0.98 SiteA_3 59,017 11,000 2498 3020.41 7.47 0.99 SiteB_1 89,185 11,000 423 693.43 2.14 0.99 SiteB_2 39,668 11,000 663 1098.12 3.91 0.99 StieB_3 13,263 11,000 674 1044.66 5.54 0.97 SiteC_1 102,411 11,000 1468 1933.63 4.61 0.99 SiteC_2 77,424 11,000 1373 1837.33 4.33 0.99 SiteC_3 148,143 11,000 1017 1816.48 1.07 0.99 SiteD_1 70,046 11,000 2212 2703.39 7.22 0.99 SiteD_2 96,852 11,000 1726 2390.30 4.65 0.99 SiteD_3 88,016 11,000 1606 2123.98 4.05 0.99 SiteE_1 81,446 11,000 1598 2076.95 5.45 0.99 SiteE_2 44,212 11,000 1367 1791.90 6.28 0.99 SiteE_3 101,153 11,000 1123 1625.32 3.38 0.99 July SiteA_1 91,723 11,000 895 1472.77 4.11 0.99 SiteA_2 59,029 11,000 629 961.65 3.87 0.99 SiteA_3 62,771 11,000 798 1181.63 4.22 0.99 SiteB_1 95,582 11,000 947 1526.57 4.74 0.99 SiteB_2 76,072 11,000 654 1262.91 3.54 0.99 StieB_3 76,487 11,000 755 1277.45 4.20 0.99 SiteC_1 58,530 11,000 844 1261.41 3.39 0.99 SiteC_2 75,037 11,000 702 1103.71 3.09 0.99 SiteC_3 58,080 11,000 600 1030.50 2.58 0.99 SiteD_1 110,471 11,000 1147 1613.84 4.56 0.99 SiteD_2 95,677 11,000 949 1471.60 4.19 0.99 SiteD_3 90,779 11,000 879 1646.01 4.03 0.99 SiteE_1 65,870 11,000 589 1034.60 1.99 0.99 SiteE_2 58,241 11,000 994 1539.77 4.09 0.99 SiteE_3 62,056 11,000 441 741.30 1.83 0.99
The bacterial amounts were quantified by 16S rRNA gene analysis (Fig. 2). Results showed that total bacterial amounts in the July samples were significantly higher than those in April (
Fig. 2. Comparison of total bacterial loads in the lettuce at each time and sampling site. The amounts of total bacteria were determined using quantitative real-time PCR. April and July are represented as blue and red, respectively. The average bacterial loads at each time (A) and sampling site (B, C) are indicated The asterisks (***) indicate significant difference between the April and July groups (
p < 0.0001). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
In previous studies, it has been reported that a low bacterial load in lettuce was correlated with high species diversity in US lettuce [31]. Therefore, such trend also seems to be resulted from crop features as well as seasonal temperatures.
These results showed that the microbiota of lettuce from South Korea vary with season and region. The locations of sites B, C, and D were adjacent to each other, whereas site A and site E were located farther away. Despite the close proximity of sites B, C, and D, the species diversity of site B differed from the other two sites. This might be due to field conditions such as UV light, temperature, humidity, and water, which all have an effect on the phyllosphere microbiota [32]. Results indicated that the quantity of a particular genus is influenced by the time and site of collection, which leads to variations in the composition of the microbiota. Since a single taxon can vary with the geographical location and time of year, regional differences also seem to play a role in the microbial diversity of lettuce [33].
Microbiota Composition Differences between April and July Samples
Weighted and unweighted PCoA plots were generated on the basis of the UniFrac distance to compare the differences in bacterial composition between lettuce collected in April and July (Fig. 3). Clearly distinguished clustering patterns (PERMANOVA,
Fig. 3. Weighted/unweighted UniFrac-based principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). (A) Weighted and (B) unweighted. The April and July groups are represented as blue and red, respectively. The percentage contributions to the variance of the data from principal components 1, 2, and 3 (PCo 1, PCo 2, and PCo 3) are listed along axes representing them.
Phylum, Classs and Family Levels
The OTUs from 2,236,280 non-chimeric reads were analyzed at each taxonomy level to compare the microbiota of samples collected in April and July. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the dominant phyla in the April and July samples, respectively (Fig. 4A). Proteobacteria (average relative abundance of 49.20 ± 17.38%) were more abundant (
Fig. 4. Comparison of the taxonomic composition at the phylum, class, and family levels. (A) Comparison of bacterial composition at the phylum level. The legend only shows the phyla found at more than 0.5% in at least one sample. (B) The eight dominant classes (defined as a >1% based on total read abundance in at least one sample) are represented. Others indicate the remaining phyla and classes. (C) Comparison of dominant families (>5% of the microbiota in at least one sample) between each site in April and July.
At the class level (Fig. 4B), the most dominant classes in the collected samples were Bacilli (43.10 ± 18.21%) within Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria (42.27 ± 16.94%) within Proteobacteria. Actinobacteria were expressed (
The microbiota of the lettuce at the family level (Fig. 4C) were determined within 16 dominant families (defined as a >5% of total read abundance in at least one sample). Among them, Bacillaceae, Bacillales family XII group (incertae sedis),
Micrococcaceae, Oxalobacteraceae, and Planococcaceae were found in samples collected in April (6.42%, 4.73%, and 2.29%), rather than (
According to a report on bacterial families of the microbiota in lettuce cultivated in the USA, the relative abundance of
Genus Level
Heatmap analysis was used for prevalent genera (over 1% detected in at least one sample) to compare the microbiota of lettuce collected in April and July (Fig. 5A). The most dominant genera (average relative abundance of >1%) observed in the April samples included
Fig. 5. Heatmap analysis of the frequency of detected genera and the potential pathogens detected in lettuce in sampling sites in April and July. (A) The clustering was performed using Spearman`s rank correlation coefficient. Different colors indicate the relative abundance of each genus. Sample names indicate the sampling site and time (
e.g. , 4A; sample collected from site A in April). (B) The relative abundance of potential pathogens at each time is represented. The potential pathogens were determined by comparison with sequences in the PATRIC database (http:// (C) The presence of potential pathogens in lettuce was determined by PCR and electrophoresis. The PCR products were separated on 1.2% agarose gels exceptE. casseliflavus (2%). Lane M : DNA size marker (ExcelBand).
Observation of Potential Pathogen Species
The sequences obtained in lettuce samples at different sampling times and location were compared with those of reported pathogenic bacteria in the PATRIC ( database. Several pathogenic bacteria, including
However, the identification of taxonomies on the species level using 16S rRNA is restricted. Considering the results of genus characterization, therefore, the PCR was performed using primers for detection of common bacterial pathogens (Fig. 5C). Eight primer sets for pathogen detection were used (5 sets for
These results demonstrate that the potential risks of food poisoning through lettuce consumption might be higher in July. Although the proportion of pathogenic bacteria in lettuce was relatively low, these bacteria could be added to the screening list of pathogens on lettuce. As we expected, the potential risks of these samples seemed to be assessed indirectly when looking at pathogens present in the microbiota.
Network Co-Occurrence Revealed the Correlation between Core Genera
Microbial communities are affected not only by the environmental factors, but also by the relationship between microbiomes. A previous report has shown that closely related species, also known as microbial hubs, form microbial networks that play an important role in plant health [17]. With the present study, microorganisms in the microbial community of foliar may not all be “residents,” but may be “transient” [58]. A method for analyzing interactions between “residents” and “transients” has recently been developed [39]. The core bacterial groups (present in more than 80% of samples with more than 0.1%in average relative abundance) in lettuce sampled in April and July were analyzed on the basis of correlations between genera. Unlike what we predicted by considering only season-dependent temperature changes, the bacterial network formed by different genera in lettuce collected in April was more complicated than that collected in July.
The bacterial network of the April group was composed of 33 nodes (genera) and 125 edges (Fig. 6A). Among various genera,
Fig. 6. Network of co-occurring genera of the lettuce in April and July. The network of co-occurring genera was constructed in Cytoscape using correlation data of lettuce in the (A) April and (B) July groups. The nodes (bacterial genera) are colored according to modularity class. A concentration represents a strong (Spearman’s correlation coefficient |r|>0.6) and significant (
p < 0.01) correlation. The size of each node is weighted average relative abundance of genus. The edges colors represent the type of correlation (green: positive, red: negative) and the edges length and width were weighted normalize value.
Fig. 7. Correlation of relative abundance between
Brevibacterium and the potential pathogenic genera (A)Acinetobacter and (B)Pseudomonas .
16S rRNA gene-based analysis of the microbiota in lettuce collected in South Korea showed different microbiome compositions not only between April and July, but also between sites. A number of potential pathogens, including well-known foodborne pathogens, were detected. The network co-occurrence of core bacteria was more complex than expected in April, as compared with that in July. These correlations suggested that new pathogens may emerge on the premise of ecology changes and microbe-microbe interactions [59]. A more detailed understanding of the microbiota in lettuce should be developed for the production of safe lettuce and prevention of food poisoning due to raw consumption of lettuce. Further studies are needed to better understand the interactions between the core genera and their potential pathogenicity for safe intake of lettuce.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2014R1A1A1002580) and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea (14162MFDS972).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Related articles in JMB
Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2018; 28(8): 1318-1331
Published online August 28, 2018
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Analysis of the Microbiota on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Cultivated in South Korea to Identify Foodborne Pathogens
Yeon-Cheol Yu , Su-Jin Yum , Da-Young Jeon and Hee-Gon Jeong *
Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a major ingredient used in many food recipes in South Korea.
Lettuce samples were collected during their maximum production period between April
and July in order to investigate the microbiota of lettuce during different seasons. 16S
rRNA gene-based sequencing was conducted using Illumina MiSeq, and real-time PCR was
performed for quantification. The number of total bacterial was greater in lettuce collected
in July than in that collected in April, albeit with reduced diversity. The bacterial
compositions varied according to the site and season of sample collection. Potential
pathogenic species such as Bacillus spp., Enterococcus casseliflavus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed season-specific differences. Results of the network cooccurrence
analysis with core genera correlations showed characteristics of bacterial
species in lettuce, and provided clues regarding the role of different microbes, including
potential pathogens, in this microbiota. Although further studies are needed to determine
the specific effects of regional and seasonal characteristics on the lettuce microbiota, our
results imply that the 16S rRNA gene-based sequencing approach can be used to detect
pathogenic bacteria in lettuce.
Keywords: Lettuce, foodborne illness, 16S rRNA gene, bacterial diversity
Lettuce (
Culture-dependent methods have been traditionally used to detect and identify foodborne pathogens, but there are also obvious limitations [9]. This type of analysis is time-consuming and laborious. In addition, all taxa cannot be identified from total bacteria in the samples. Therefore, 16S rRNA gene-based sequencing has been widely used to explore microbial diversity, including foodborne pathogens. Next-generation sequencing of DNA extracted from environmental samples and metagenomic databases packed with sequence information from diverse habitats are useful for this non-cultivation approach [10, 11]. Although microbial diversity within several plants has been reported [12], few studies have examined the microbial community and potential pathogens in raw food, including lettuce.
Microorganisms live in various parts of plants and interact with them. For example, the root microbiota play a very important role in the growth and health of the host, and more than 105 cell/g bacteria can colonize the surface of plants [13]. Interactions between the plant microbiota and the host continue to be revealed by 16S rRNA gene-based analysis [10]. It has been reported that plant energy metabolism is also mediated by the phyllosphere microbiota [14]. Another study revealed that the phyllosphere microbiota are affected by cross-talks with the rhizosphere microbiota [15]. Therefore, understanding the correlation between the phyllosphere microbiota in lettuce is important to prevent food poisoning caused by contaminated vegetables [16].
In this study, we conducted 16S rRNA gene-based analysis to investigate the microbiota of lettuce collected in South Korea at different seasons. We obtained lettuce from five sampling sites (
Materials and Methods
Sample Preparation
We collected 30 samples (100 g of each bundle) from five different sites in South Korea between April (relatively low temperature, monthly maximum average temperature of 21.5 ± 0.6°C, monthly minimum average temperature of 8.0 ± 0.8°C) and July (relatively high temperature, monthly maximum average temperature of 30.6 ± 0.4°C, monthly minimum average temperature of 21.7 ± 0.7°C) of 2016 (Fig. 1). According to information from the National Statistical Office, four sites in the Gyeonggi-do area (31,263 tons in 2015) and one site in the Jeon-buk area (12,645 tons in 2015) were selected on the basis of lettuce yield. Three samples were randomly harvested at each site using sterilized gloves and plastic bags. Samples were packed with ice in a box and transported to the laboratory. Analysis was performed on the same day. Samples were measured out (25 g) into filter bags (FILTRA-BAG; Labplas, Canada), designed to simplify taking an aliquot and has 1,840 holes per square inch with a pore size of approximately 330 microns, and were mixed with 225 ml of Buffered Peptone Water (OXOID, UK). Using a BagMixer 400 W (Interscience, France), the mixtures were homogenized to detach bacterial cells from the plant. The mixtures were filtered and centrifuged at 10,000 ×
Figure 1. Map of the sampling sites. All samples were obtained from five different sites in April and July 2016. Maximum and minimum of average temperatures are noted at the bottom.
Extraction Procedure of Metagenomic DNA
Metagenomic DNA was extracted via a slightly modified DNA extraction method described in a previous study [18]. The pellet was suspended in 500μl of PVP/CTAB buffer (1%polyvinylpyrrolidone, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) with 50 μl of lysozyme solution (100 mg/ml) to remove polyphenols that cause enzymatic browning in lysates. Each pellet was incubated at 37°C for 1 h and frozen at -80°C for 10 min. For thawing, the mixture was incubated at 37°C for 10 min. The DNA pellet was then treated with a proteinase K mixture (140 μl of 0.5 M EDTA, 20 μl of 20 mg/ml Proteinase K, 40 μl of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate) and incubated at 56°C for 1 h. This was followed by centrifugation at 21,206 ×
PCR for Specific Bacterial Detection
Primers used in this study for pathogen detection are listed in Table 1 [19-24]. Amplification of the lettuce samples was carried out in a total volume of 50 μl as follows: 1 μl of extracted DNA template (32.3-119.5 ng), 1 μl of (0.2 μM) primers, 5 μl of dNTP (0.2 mM), 5 μl of 10× nTaq Buffer, 1 μl of nTaq DNA Polymerase (Enzynomics, Korea), and 36 μl of distilled water. The PCR cycling parameters were as follows: 95°C for 5 min, and then 30 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 50 sec, annealing at 55-61°C for 20-60 sec, extension at 72°C for 2 min, and final extension at 72°C for 6 min. Aliquots (20 μl) of the PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis on 1.2% and 2% (w/v) agarose gels (SeaKem LE Agarose; Takara, Japan).
Table 1 . PCR primers used in this study..
Target bacteria Target gene (name) Primer sequence (5’ → 3’) Amplicon length (bp) Reference Bacillus spp. (B. anthracis ,B. cereus ,B. mycoides ,B. pseudomycoides ,B. thuringiensis andB. weihenstephanensis )nheA F : TAAGGAGGGGCAAACAGAAG
R : TACTGCTCCAGCCACATTAC185 [21] Enterococcus casseliflavus vanC2 /C3 F : CTCCTACGATTCTCTTG
R : CGAGCAAGACCTTTAAG439 [22] Klebsiella pneumoniae rcsA F : GGATATCTGACCAGTCGG
R : TCCTTAGAGTGCCCACCCG956 [24] Total bacteria 16S rRNA V5/V6 (799Fmod6/1114R) F : CMGGATTAGATACCCKGGT
MiSeq Platform for Analysis
To conduct next-generation sequencing via Illumina MiSeq sequencing (Illumina, USA), 16S rRNA genes were amplified using V5-V6 region-specific primers (Table 1) [25, 26], with pre-adapter and sequencing primers (overhang adapter) designed to minimize the amplification of chloroplast and mitochondria 16S rRNAs attached [25]. The PCR products were purified using the MEGAquick-spin Plus kit (iNtRON, Korea). Index PCR was performed using the Illumina Nextera XT Index kit, and the library was purified with AMPure XP beads (Beckman Coulter, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The size and quality of the library were validated using the Agilent Bioanalyzer 1000 chip and the KAPA qPCR kit. Equal amounts of libraries from all samples were pooled, and paired-end (2 × 300 bp) sequencing was conducted using the MiSeq system (Illumina, USA) at Macrogen (Korea), based on the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bacterial Load Quantification Using Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Bacterial loads obtained from lettuce were analyzed according to previous descriptions with slight modification [27]. We quantified the 16S rRNA gene in lettuce by using real-time PCR to determine total bacterial loads. Real-time PCR was conducted using a primer set that targeted the same region as that used to conduct MiSeq sequencing with the CFX Connect Optics Module (Bio-Rad, USA). Reaction mixtures (20 μl) containing 10 μl of SSoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix (2×) (Bio-Rad, USA), 10 μM of each primer, and 1 μl of DNA template (10-fold dilution series of sample DNA) or distilled water (negative control) were prepared, and samples were run in triplicates. The cycling parameters for real-time PCR were as follows: 98°C for 3 min, and then 40 cycles of denaturation at 98°C for 15 sec, annealing at 55°C for 30 sec, extension at 72°C for 30 sec, and final extension at 72°C for 1 min. The serial log-concentration of
Data Analysis
Raw sequences obtained were trimmed and chimera-checked using the MOTHUR software. The merged reads, where barcode and primer sequences were removed, were trimmed on the basis of average quality score (<25) and the number of homopolymers (>8). The UCHIME function in the MOTHUR software was used to remove chimeric sequences [29]. Determination of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was processed on the CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC Bio, Denmark) on the basis of 97% sequence similarity. Taxonomy assignment of non-chimeric reads was determined via the SILVA database (ver. 123) with a 80%confidence threshold. The above processes were also performed using the CLC Genomics Workbench. Validated reads (11,000 per sample) were used to compare the α-diversity (observed OTUs, Chao1, Shannon and Good’s coverage) using QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology). Principal coordinate analysis based on the UniFrac distance was implemented to illustrate seasonal β-diversity. Differences in bacterial composition were evaluated using permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA). The network was made using the Cytoscape software (ver. 3.4.0), and was visualized using prefuse force directed layout with correlation coefficients between core bacteria [30]. Since the relative quantity of core bacteria is nonparametric, the Spearman correlation was calculated using the SAS ver. 9.4 software; Spearman’s correlation coefficient (|r| > 0.6) with FDR-corrected significance level under 0.01 was used.
Statistical Analysis
The Student’s
Results and Discussion
Comparison of Diversity Indices and Bacterial Population among Samples
A total of 2,235,280 reads (average 73,325 reads for April samples and 75,760 reads for July samples) were analyzed after quality checking the 30 lettuce samples. The read numbers were normalized to 11,000 by random subsampling (Table 2). The average number of observed OTUs in the April samples (1,450 ± 628.8) were determined to be higher (
Table 2 . Summary of diversity indices obtained from sequencing..
Sampling time Sample Analyzed reads Normalized reads Observed OTUs Estimated OTUs (Chao1) Shannon diversity index Good’s coverage April SiteA_1 44,866 11,000 2505 3019.58 8.30 0.98 SiteA_2 44,194 11,000 1504 2148.95 5.08 0.98 SiteA_3 59,017 11,000 2498 3020.41 7.47 0.99 SiteB_1 89,185 11,000 423 693.43 2.14 0.99 SiteB_2 39,668 11,000 663 1098.12 3.91 0.99 StieB_3 13,263 11,000 674 1044.66 5.54 0.97 SiteC_1 102,411 11,000 1468 1933.63 4.61 0.99 SiteC_2 77,424 11,000 1373 1837.33 4.33 0.99 SiteC_3 148,143 11,000 1017 1816.48 1.07 0.99 SiteD_1 70,046 11,000 2212 2703.39 7.22 0.99 SiteD_2 96,852 11,000 1726 2390.30 4.65 0.99 SiteD_3 88,016 11,000 1606 2123.98 4.05 0.99 SiteE_1 81,446 11,000 1598 2076.95 5.45 0.99 SiteE_2 44,212 11,000 1367 1791.90 6.28 0.99 SiteE_3 101,153 11,000 1123 1625.32 3.38 0.99 July SiteA_1 91,723 11,000 895 1472.77 4.11 0.99 SiteA_2 59,029 11,000 629 961.65 3.87 0.99 SiteA_3 62,771 11,000 798 1181.63 4.22 0.99 SiteB_1 95,582 11,000 947 1526.57 4.74 0.99 SiteB_2 76,072 11,000 654 1262.91 3.54 0.99 StieB_3 76,487 11,000 755 1277.45 4.20 0.99 SiteC_1 58,530 11,000 844 1261.41 3.39 0.99 SiteC_2 75,037 11,000 702 1103.71 3.09 0.99 SiteC_3 58,080 11,000 600 1030.50 2.58 0.99 SiteD_1 110,471 11,000 1147 1613.84 4.56 0.99 SiteD_2 95,677 11,000 949 1471.60 4.19 0.99 SiteD_3 90,779 11,000 879 1646.01 4.03 0.99 SiteE_1 65,870 11,000 589 1034.60 1.99 0.99 SiteE_2 58,241 11,000 994 1539.77 4.09 0.99 SiteE_3 62,056 11,000 441 741.30 1.83 0.99
The bacterial amounts were quantified by 16S rRNA gene analysis (Fig. 2). Results showed that total bacterial amounts in the July samples were significantly higher than those in April (
Figure 2. Comparison of total bacterial loads in the lettuce at each time and sampling site. The amounts of total bacteria were determined using quantitative real-time PCR. April and July are represented as blue and red, respectively. The average bacterial loads at each time (A) and sampling site (B, C) are indicated The asterisks (***) indicate significant difference between the April and July groups (
p < 0.0001). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
In previous studies, it has been reported that a low bacterial load in lettuce was correlated with high species diversity in US lettuce [31]. Therefore, such trend also seems to be resulted from crop features as well as seasonal temperatures.
These results showed that the microbiota of lettuce from South Korea vary with season and region. The locations of sites B, C, and D were adjacent to each other, whereas site A and site E were located farther away. Despite the close proximity of sites B, C, and D, the species diversity of site B differed from the other two sites. This might be due to field conditions such as UV light, temperature, humidity, and water, which all have an effect on the phyllosphere microbiota [32]. Results indicated that the quantity of a particular genus is influenced by the time and site of collection, which leads to variations in the composition of the microbiota. Since a single taxon can vary with the geographical location and time of year, regional differences also seem to play a role in the microbial diversity of lettuce [33].
Microbiota Composition Differences between April and July Samples
Weighted and unweighted PCoA plots were generated on the basis of the UniFrac distance to compare the differences in bacterial composition between lettuce collected in April and July (Fig. 3). Clearly distinguished clustering patterns (PERMANOVA,
Figure 3. Weighted/unweighted UniFrac-based principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). (A) Weighted and (B) unweighted. The April and July groups are represented as blue and red, respectively. The percentage contributions to the variance of the data from principal components 1, 2, and 3 (PCo 1, PCo 2, and PCo 3) are listed along axes representing them.
Phylum, Classs and Family Levels
The OTUs from 2,236,280 non-chimeric reads were analyzed at each taxonomy level to compare the microbiota of samples collected in April and July. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the dominant phyla in the April and July samples, respectively (Fig. 4A). Proteobacteria (average relative abundance of 49.20 ± 17.38%) were more abundant (
Figure 4. Comparison of the taxonomic composition at the phylum, class, and family levels. (A) Comparison of bacterial composition at the phylum level. The legend only shows the phyla found at more than 0.5% in at least one sample. (B) The eight dominant classes (defined as a >1% based on total read abundance in at least one sample) are represented. Others indicate the remaining phyla and classes. (C) Comparison of dominant families (>5% of the microbiota in at least one sample) between each site in April and July.
At the class level (Fig. 4B), the most dominant classes in the collected samples were Bacilli (43.10 ± 18.21%) within Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria (42.27 ± 16.94%) within Proteobacteria. Actinobacteria were expressed (
The microbiota of the lettuce at the family level (Fig. 4C) were determined within 16 dominant families (defined as a >5% of total read abundance in at least one sample). Among them, Bacillaceae, Bacillales family XII group (incertae sedis),
Micrococcaceae, Oxalobacteraceae, and Planococcaceae were found in samples collected in April (6.42%, 4.73%, and 2.29%), rather than (
According to a report on bacterial families of the microbiota in lettuce cultivated in the USA, the relative abundance of
Genus Level
Heatmap analysis was used for prevalent genera (over 1% detected in at least one sample) to compare the microbiota of lettuce collected in April and July (Fig. 5A). The most dominant genera (average relative abundance of >1%) observed in the April samples included
Figure 5. Heatmap analysis of the frequency of detected genera and the potential pathogens detected in lettuce in sampling sites in April and July. (A) The clustering was performed using Spearman`s rank correlation coefficient. Different colors indicate the relative abundance of each genus. Sample names indicate the sampling site and time (
e.g. , 4A; sample collected from site A in April). (B) The relative abundance of potential pathogens at each time is represented. The potential pathogens were determined by comparison with sequences in the PATRIC database (http:// (C) The presence of potential pathogens in lettuce was determined by PCR and electrophoresis. The PCR products were separated on 1.2% agarose gels exceptE. casseliflavus (2%). Lane M : DNA size marker (ExcelBand).
Observation of Potential Pathogen Species
The sequences obtained in lettuce samples at different sampling times and location were compared with those of reported pathogenic bacteria in the PATRIC ( database. Several pathogenic bacteria, including
However, the identification of taxonomies on the species level using 16S rRNA is restricted. Considering the results of genus characterization, therefore, the PCR was performed using primers for detection of common bacterial pathogens (Fig. 5C). Eight primer sets for pathogen detection were used (5 sets for
These results demonstrate that the potential risks of food poisoning through lettuce consumption might be higher in July. Although the proportion of pathogenic bacteria in lettuce was relatively low, these bacteria could be added to the screening list of pathogens on lettuce. As we expected, the potential risks of these samples seemed to be assessed indirectly when looking at pathogens present in the microbiota.
Network Co-Occurrence Revealed the Correlation between Core Genera
Microbial communities are affected not only by the environmental factors, but also by the relationship between microbiomes. A previous report has shown that closely related species, also known as microbial hubs, form microbial networks that play an important role in plant health [17]. With the present study, microorganisms in the microbial community of foliar may not all be “residents,” but may be “transient” [58]. A method for analyzing interactions between “residents” and “transients” has recently been developed [39]. The core bacterial groups (present in more than 80% of samples with more than 0.1%in average relative abundance) in lettuce sampled in April and July were analyzed on the basis of correlations between genera. Unlike what we predicted by considering only season-dependent temperature changes, the bacterial network formed by different genera in lettuce collected in April was more complicated than that collected in July.
The bacterial network of the April group was composed of 33 nodes (genera) and 125 edges (Fig. 6A). Among various genera,
Figure 6. Network of co-occurring genera of the lettuce in April and July. The network of co-occurring genera was constructed in Cytoscape using correlation data of lettuce in the (A) April and (B) July groups. The nodes (bacterial genera) are colored according to modularity class. A concentration represents a strong (Spearman’s correlation coefficient |r|>0.6) and significant (
p < 0.01) correlation. The size of each node is weighted average relative abundance of genus. The edges colors represent the type of correlation (green: positive, red: negative) and the edges length and width were weighted normalize value.
Figure 7. Correlation of relative abundance between
Brevibacterium and the potential pathogenic genera (A)Acinetobacter and (B)Pseudomonas .
16S rRNA gene-based analysis of the microbiota in lettuce collected in South Korea showed different microbiome compositions not only between April and July, but also between sites. A number of potential pathogens, including well-known foodborne pathogens, were detected. The network co-occurrence of core bacteria was more complex than expected in April, as compared with that in July. These correlations suggested that new pathogens may emerge on the premise of ecology changes and microbe-microbe interactions [59]. A more detailed understanding of the microbiota in lettuce should be developed for the production of safe lettuce and prevention of food poisoning due to raw consumption of lettuce. Further studies are needed to better understand the interactions between the core genera and their potential pathogenicity for safe intake of lettuce.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2014R1A1A1002580) and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea (14162MFDS972).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
Fig 7.
Table 1 . PCR primers used in this study..
Target bacteria Target gene (name) Primer sequence (5’ → 3’) Amplicon length (bp) Reference Bacillus spp. (B. anthracis ,B. cereus ,B. mycoides ,B. pseudomycoides ,B. thuringiensis andB. weihenstephanensis )nheA F : TAAGGAGGGGCAAACAGAAG
R : TACTGCTCCAGCCACATTAC185 [21] Enterococcus casseliflavus vanC2 /C3 F : CTCCTACGATTCTCTTG
R : CGAGCAAGACCTTTAAG439 [22] Klebsiella pneumoniae rcsA F : GGATATCTGACCAGTCGG
R : TCCTTAGAGTGCCCACCCG956 [24] Total bacteria 16S rRNA V5/V6 (799Fmod6/1114R) F : CMGGATTAGATACCCKGGT
Table 2 . Summary of diversity indices obtained from sequencing..
Sampling time Sample Analyzed reads Normalized reads Observed OTUs Estimated OTUs (Chao1) Shannon diversity index Good’s coverage April SiteA_1 44,866 11,000 2505 3019.58 8.30 0.98 SiteA_2 44,194 11,000 1504 2148.95 5.08 0.98 SiteA_3 59,017 11,000 2498 3020.41 7.47 0.99 SiteB_1 89,185 11,000 423 693.43 2.14 0.99 SiteB_2 39,668 11,000 663 1098.12 3.91 0.99 StieB_3 13,263 11,000 674 1044.66 5.54 0.97 SiteC_1 102,411 11,000 1468 1933.63 4.61 0.99 SiteC_2 77,424 11,000 1373 1837.33 4.33 0.99 SiteC_3 148,143 11,000 1017 1816.48 1.07 0.99 SiteD_1 70,046 11,000 2212 2703.39 7.22 0.99 SiteD_2 96,852 11,000 1726 2390.30 4.65 0.99 SiteD_3 88,016 11,000 1606 2123.98 4.05 0.99 SiteE_1 81,446 11,000 1598 2076.95 5.45 0.99 SiteE_2 44,212 11,000 1367 1791.90 6.28 0.99 SiteE_3 101,153 11,000 1123 1625.32 3.38 0.99 July SiteA_1 91,723 11,000 895 1472.77 4.11 0.99 SiteA_2 59,029 11,000 629 961.65 3.87 0.99 SiteA_3 62,771 11,000 798 1181.63 4.22 0.99 SiteB_1 95,582 11,000 947 1526.57 4.74 0.99 SiteB_2 76,072 11,000 654 1262.91 3.54 0.99 StieB_3 76,487 11,000 755 1277.45 4.20 0.99 SiteC_1 58,530 11,000 844 1261.41 3.39 0.99 SiteC_2 75,037 11,000 702 1103.71 3.09 0.99 SiteC_3 58,080 11,000 600 1030.50 2.58 0.99 SiteD_1 110,471 11,000 1147 1613.84 4.56 0.99 SiteD_2 95,677 11,000 949 1471.60 4.19 0.99 SiteD_3 90,779 11,000 879 1646.01 4.03 0.99 SiteE_1 65,870 11,000 589 1034.60 1.99 0.99 SiteE_2 58,241 11,000 994 1539.77 4.09 0.99 SiteE_3 62,056 11,000 441 741.30 1.83 0.99
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