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Research article
Disruption of Established Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms by a Blend of Enzymes and Botanical Extracts
1NIS Labs, 1437 Esplanade, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601, USA
2NIS Labs, 807 St Geory St. Port Dover, Ontario NO A INO, Canada
3Researched Nutritionals, Po Box 224 Los Olivos, California 93441, USA
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(6): 715-723
Published June 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract

A microbial biofilm is a community of adherent microbial cellular forms with properties that help protect the microbial community from disruption by physical, chemical, or immunological attack. Microbial forms living in biofilms are morphologically and functionally distinct from those of free-floating (planktonic) forms of the same species. Biofilms have greater resistance to chemical, physical, and immunological insults than the planktonic forms from the same species [1]. Microbial biofilms pose a major medical and industrial challenge due to resistance to chemical treatments, antibiotics, and an ability to evade immune recognition [2]. As a result, there is a strong research focus on identifying methods to discourage biofilm initiation and formation, and to disrupt existing biofilms [3].
Microbial biofilms form on liquid/solid interfaces in nature, such as rocks and clay particles and decaying plant materials. Biofilms also form on metals and plastics, including medical devices and implants, causing device-related infections, which are associated with a large majority of hospital-acquired infections [4-6]. Biofilms also form on body surfaces, such as the mucosal membranes in the gut, bladder, eye, ear, and lung, as well as in chronic wounds [2]. Persistent biofilm infections can induce a hyper-inflammatory state in the host [7], and include many chronic inflammatory infections including gastrointestinal tract [8], urinary tract, otitis media, infective endocarditis, cystic fibrosis [9], and dental plaque [10].
Biofilms secrete a complex mucus polymer structure that plays a role in microbial adhesion, cell-to-cell interactions, antimicrobial resistance, and immune evasion [11, 12]. The structural framework of the biofilm matrix contains many types of polymers, including polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, bacterial cellulose, and extracellular DNA that offers structural and functional protection [13]. The organisms living within the biofilm need to be able to communicate with each other in a process called quorum sensing [14]. Biofilms may contain multiple species coexisting and collaborating.
The difficulty in treating biofilm infections with pharmaceutical antibiotics and antimicrobials has led to a search for new treatment approaches, including disruption of the protective biofilm matrix, disruption of biofilm adhesion to the substrate, disruption of intra-biofilm communication via quorum sensing, and altering the gene expression of the microbe to be unable to sustain the biofilm environment (Table 1) [6]. When the microbes are no longer able to maintain the biofilm environment, they may revert to a free planktonic state that is more vulnerable to antimicrobial treatments and more visible to the immune system [15].
Table 1 . Enzymes in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend.
Enzymes– 67 mg/oral dose Target specificity Disruption of biofilm Lysosyme (from hen’s egg white) Peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls [45, 46] Serratiopeptidase Proteins [47, 48] Beta-glucanase Carbohydrates including fungal beta-glucans [49, 50] Lipase Lipids [26, 51] Protease Proteins [27, 28] Cellulase/ Hemicellulase Bacterial cellulose [52, 53]
Enzymes that degrade biofilm polymers have been shown to inhibit new biofilm formation, detach existing biofilm colonies, and increase sensitivity of the biofilm to antimicrobial treatments [16], with the goal of reverting the microbial forms back to their planktonic state [6]. Combinations of antimicrobials that interfere with quorum sensing and adhesion with biofilm-disrupting agents offer additional strategies [17-21].
Based on the composition of biofilm matrices, enzymes are identified that can disrupt biofilm. Lysozyme is an enzyme that is naturally present in mucosal secretions and tissues of animals and humans as part of our innate immune system and able to disrupt bacterial biofilms [22, 23]. B-1,3-glucan is a vital component of fungal biofilms including
Biofilm formation requires a different gene expression profile than the free-floating microbial forms [29, 30]. Therefore, natural, or synthetic compounds that affect those aspects of microbial gene expression may discourage biofilm formation [31], and force microbes into the free-floating form that is more recognizable by the immune system. Examples include synthetic compounds [32], botanicals [33, 34], essential oils [35], secreted metabolites from beneficial probiotic bacteria [36], and bee venom [37].
Some herbs can inhibit the quorum sensing communication between microbes that contributes to the development of biofilms. Cranberry is well known for its use in preventing and treating urinary tract infections [38]. This is in part due to its ability to prevent and disassemble biofilms by multiple mechanisms including anti-adhesion, decreasing quorum sensing, and direct anti-microbial effects [39, 40]. Berberine, rosemary, and peppermint are other herbs that have been shown to be antimicrobial, anti-quorum sensing, and contributing to biofilm breakdown [41-43]. In addition to herbs, amino acids such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) are mucolytic and effective for eliminating bacterial biofilms [44].
We evaluated the biofilm-disrupting properties of a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB) that contained a combination of enzymes and botanical antimicrobial extracts (Table 1). NEBB was tested for effects on disrupting established biofilms of five biofilm-forming microbial species, including one fungal species and four bacterial strains (Table 2). The purpose of this work was to conduct an initial screening for the effects of a consumable nutraceutical formulation, used by medical doctors to support the treatment of patients with severe chronic illnesses with suspected microbial biofilm involvement, which includes
Table 2 . Herbal ingredients in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend.
Herbal Ingredients – 905 mg/oral dose* Types of anti-microbial effects Cranberry (fruit) extract Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [38, 39], inhibition of quorum-sensing [40] Berberine Growth inhibition [41, 54], inhibition of bacterial [55] and fungal [56] biofilm formation Rosemary (leaf) extract Inhibition of bacterial [57] and fungal [58] biofilm formation Peppermint oil powder Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [59], disruption of quorum sensing [60] N-acetyl cysteine Growth inhibition [44], Disrupts mucins [61] *This includes 300 mg of N-acetyl cysteine
Bacterial culture media were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc (USA): Nutrient Broth (Catalogue number 70122), Tryptic Soy Broth (Catalogue number T8907), and BSK medium with 6% rabbit serum (Catalogue number B8291). The 96-well culture plates were obtained from Thermo-Fisher Scientific (USA): CellStar (Greiner Bio-One, Catalogue number 655-180) for all microbes except
Nutraceutical Enzyme and Botanical Blend
The nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB), BioDisrupt, was provided by the manufacturer, Researched Nutritionals, Los Olivos, CA, USA. The product is a powder that contains water-soluble enzymes (Table 1) and botanical extracts and N-acetyl Cysteine (Table 2).
In order to ensure the product was sterile, and would not introduce bacteria, yeast, or mold spores into the microbial cultures, the product was irradiated at 10 kGy. At NIS Labs, a sample of the powder was tested on Petrifilm culture plates to ensure there were no detectable aerobic bacteria, yeasts, or mold in the test product. Sterile emulsions were prepared from NEBB and introduced into the microbial biofilm cultures. Serial dilutions were tested across a broad dose range. Initial dose response testing revealed the ideal dose in biofilm cultures of this nutraceutical formulation, designed for human consumption, covered a range from 1 – 40 mg/ml, which is 10-fold higher than the dose range used for testing of antimicrobial effects of highly purified compounds.
Microbial Strains and Culture Methods
Five microbes, known for their ability to live in biofilms, were included in this testing (Table 3). The 5 microbial strains – 1 fungal and 4 bacterial – were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection. The recommended culture media for each strain was used, and cultures were performed under conditions that encourage biofilm formation. The testing for effects of the nutraceutical blend on biofilm disruption involved these steps: 1) Culture each microorganism to facilitate biofilm formation in flat-bottom 96-well culture plates, 2) Add NEBB and continue culture for 24 h, 3) Remove planktonic (free) forms including disrupted biofilm and forms released from biofilm and wash the remaining biofilm with physiological saline, 4) Evaluate the estimated mass and metabolic activity of the remaining biofilm in untreated versus treated cultures.
Table 3 . Microbial strains and culture media.
Microbial strain Culture medium (Duration, temperature) Candida albicans (Robin) Berkhout (ATCC 10231)Yeast malt broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Rosenbach (ATCC 6538)Tryptic soy broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus simulans Kloos and Schleifer (ATCC 11631)*Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula (ATCC 9027)Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Borrelia burgdorferi Strain B31 (ATCC 35210)BSK-H complete medium (35 days, 33°C) *Coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant.
Removal of Planktonic Forms
The treatment of established biofilm with NEBB and the resulting disruption of biofilm included release of planktonic forms into the culture supernatant and detachment of clumps of bacteria living in biofilm. In order to provide conclusive data on the effects on biofilms, following published methodology [62], planktonic forms had to be removed from the cultures before staining for biofilm mass and metabolic activity, The removal of planktonic forms and the addition of washing buffer was done using a very low speed to avoid mechanical removal of biofilm material. The removal of planktonic forms was performed using electronic 12-channel pipettes (Viaflo, Integra, USA), where the speed was set to “1” (the maximum speed is “10”). Phosphate-buffered saline was added, also using speed “1”, where the liquid was dispensed onto the sidewalls of each well to avoid disruption of biofilm by direct pipetting actions onto biofilm. For the cultures of
Crystal Violet Staining for Biofilm Mass
The quantitative evaluation of biofilm mass for each microbial form was determined by crystal violet staining [63]. The saline was removed from each well and a 0.1% solution of Crystal Violet was added. The biofilm cultures were allowed to incubate with the crystal violet solution for a minimum of 10 min at room temperature, after which the culture plates were washed in distilled water. The distilled water was removed, and the stained biofilm plates allowed to air dry. The crystal violet was solubilized in 10% acetic acid for 15 min and the optical density measured by a plate-based spectrophotometer at 550 nanometers. The crystal violet staining was a measure for the relative mass of biofilm in each well. Untreated cultures served as a control for maximum biofilm formation. Blank wells without microbial forms served as negative controls. The percent-inhibition of biofilm formation was calculated for each dose of the test products.
Biofilm Metabolic Activity Using the MTT Assay
A second set of culture plates was washed in the same way as the plates used for Crystal Violet staining. The culture plates were tested for metabolic activity using the MTT assay, which involves a colorimetric reaction based on cellular metabolic activity [64]. The MTT assay has been used for testing of metabolic activity in multiple types of biofilm [65, 66]. In this bioassay, chemical reactions involved in cellular metabolic reactions where oxidoreductase enzymes reduce the tetrazolium dye 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) to insoluble formazan crystals that are purple in color. The crystals are solubilized by addition of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate. The color development is measured by micro-plate-based spectrophotometry where the optical density is measured at 570 nanometers, using a PowerWave plate reader (BioTek Instruments, USA).
Statistical Analysis
Average and standard deviation for each data set was calculated using Microsoft Excel. Statistical analysis was performed using the 2-tailed, independent t-test. Statistical significance was set at
Disruption of Established Microbial Biofilm
The treatment of established microbial biofilms in vitro with NEBB showed reduced biofilm. The types of observations varied between the different microbial species.
Fig. 1. Disruption of established microbial biofilm from
Candida albicans (A),Staphylococcus simulans (B),Staphylococcus aureus (C), andBorrelia burgdorferi (D) after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend across a dose range of 0.8 – 12.5 mg/ml. Data is shown as the average + standard deviation of nine repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Biofilm mass was quantified by crystal violet staining (solid lines), and the metabolic activity of the microbial biofilms was measured by the MTT assay (dashed lines). All data points were statistically significant when compared to the untreated control biofilm cultures, except where the data point is annotated by NS (not significant).
Established biofilm of the coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant strain of
The treatment of established biofilms of
The effect of NEBB on mature biofilms from
This prompted further testing of Borrelia biofilm cultures, to examine which fraction, the enzyme or the herbal, affected the metabolic activity the most (Fig. 2). Borrelia biofilm treated with the enzyme fraction showed reduced biomass (Fig. 2A) but the enzyme fraction had no effect on the metabolic activity (Fig. 2B). In contrast, the highest dose of the herbal fraction had a statistically significant increase in Borrelia biofilm metabolic activity (Fig. 2B).
Fig. 2. Effects on established bacterial biofilm from
Borrelia burgdorferi on biofilm mass (A) and biofilm metabolic activity (B) after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB), compared to treatment with the NEBB enzyme fraction versus the NEBB herbal fraction. Data is shown as the average ± standard deviation of nine repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Levels of statistical significance are shown on the graphs where changes compared to untreated biofilm is indicated by asterisks, wherep < 0.10: (*),p < 0.05: * andp < 0.01: **.
Fig. 3. Disruption of established microbial biofilm from
Pseudomonas aeruginosa after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend across a dose range of 0.5 – 30 mg/ml. Data is shown as the average ± standard deviation of a minimum of 3 repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Biofilm mass was quantified by crystal violet staining (solid lines), and the metabolic activity of the microbial biofilms was measured by the MTT assay (dashed lines). Slime formation was scored with “3” (300%) change indicating that each culture in the microtiter plate had turned to a mucus plug. All data points were statistically significant when compared to the untreated control biofilm cultures, except where the data point is annotated by NS (not significant).
Established biofilms of
Another observation associated with NEBB treatment was slime production.
The disruption of persistent immune-evasive and treatment-resistant microbial biofilms is a focus for research into novel types of treatments. Given today’s alarming problems with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it is a desirable solution to evaluate non-pharmacological, non-antibiotic natural strategies [31].
Biofilms are the predominant form of existence of many microorganisms, including bacteria and simple fungi. The definition of biofilm involves a broad description of single-species, or multi-species, microbial community structures observed in both natural and laboratory environments. Treatment of microbial biofilms is recognized as an urgent need, in light of the multi-species communities inhabiting biofilm, and the resistance of such biofilms to conventional pharmaceutical treatments. Novel therapeutic strategies include combinations of enzymes targeted at the various matrix components surrounding adherent biofilm colonies, for a comprehensive approach to disrupting established biofilm [69]. Since many botanical compounds have also been associated with effects on biofilm survival and function, it was of interest to study the effect of a complex nutraceutical blend of enzymes and botanical extracts (NEBB), designed to break up established biofilm in the gut and tissue. NEBB was tested on established biofilms on 5 microbial species, selected based on their known ability to form biofilm, and the widely known association of these biofilms with chronic health problems.
We report here that established biofilms exposed to NEBB showed reduced biofilm mass when using crystal violet staining. The effects of NEBB on
The spirochete
The preliminary results reported here point to further directions for research, including biofilms associated with gut mucosa, as well as bacterial biofilms in tissue such as cartilage, and research involving intracellular biofilm-like colonies [76, 77]. This work, although novel and highly necessary, has limitations. Further research is needed involving multispecies biofilm, such as Borrelia/Candida or Borrelia/Staphylococcus co-cultures, and should include transcriptomics to evaluate changes to gene expression in co-cultures with or without treatment with NEBB, based on recent publications on multispecies biofilm [62, 78, 79]. In a clinical situation, biofilm will likely consist of multiple species, with an unknown combination of bacterial types, assisting the maintenance of the biofilm environment to protect itself from immune-mediated biofilm elimination. Our diagnostic methods are limited by tools available, and access to the deep tissue areas where biofilm may reside in quiescence avoiding detection [76].
We conclude that a targeted blend of botanical extracts and enzymes directed at biofilm matrix components is efficacious of disrupting established biofilm in vitro. This does not prove efficacy in a clinical situation. Further studies should establish whether NEBB disrupts for example
There is a great and urgent need for further research into complex biofilm communities. This is a well-known territory in geological sciences [80] but is in its infancy in medical science. Established biofilms may be more inflammatory and virulent than free planktonic forms, and further research should include proteomic evaluation of such stressors from complex multi-species biofilms.
The research was conducted at NIS Labs, an independent contract research organization that specializes in natural products research and testing. The study was sponsored by Researched Nutritionals LLC, the manufacturer of the nutraceutical blend tested in the study.
Authors Contributions
GSJ, DC, and DEH conceived of the questions to be tested. GSJ wrote the research protocol and designed the study and conducted the work presented here. GSJ performed the data analysis. GSJ, DC, and DEH wrote the manuscript. All co-authors participated in the final edit of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
DEH is employed as the Director of Physician Education and Clinical Trials for the study sponsor, Researched Nutritionals, LLC.
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Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(6): 715-723
Published online June 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Disruption of Established Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms by a Blend of Enzymes and Botanical Extracts
Gitte S. Jensen1*, Dina Cruickshank2, and Debby E. Hamilton3
1NIS Labs, 1437 Esplanade, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601, USA
2NIS Labs, 807 St Geory St. Port Dover, Ontario NO A INO, Canada
3Researched Nutritionals, Po Box 224 Los Olivos, California 93441, USA
Correspondence to:Gitte S. Jensen,
Microbial biofilms are resilient, immune-evasive, often antibiotic-resistant health challenges, and increasingly the target for research into novel therapeutic strategies. We evaluated the effects of a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB) on established biofilm. Five microbial strains with known implications in chronic human illnesses were tested: Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus simulans (coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant), Borrelia burgdorferi, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The strains were allowed to form biofilm in vitro. Biofilm cultures were treated with NEBB containing enzymes targeted at lipids, proteins, and sugars, also containing the mucolytic compound N-acetyl cysteine, along with antimicrobial extracts from cranberry, berberine, rosemary, and peppermint. The post-treatment biofilm mass was evaluated by crystal-violet staining, and metabolic activity was measured using the MTT assay. Average biofilm mass and metabolic activity for NEBB-treated biofilms were compared to the average of untreated control cultures. Treatment of established biofilm with NEBB resulted in biofilm-disruption, involving significant reductions in biofilm mass and metabolic activity for Candida and both Staphylococcus species. For B. burgdorferi, we observed reduced biofilm mass, but the remaining residual biofilm showed a mild increase in metabolic activity, suggesting a shift from metabolically quiescent, treatment-resistant persister forms of B. burgdorferi to a more active form, potentially more recognizable by the host immune system. For P. aeruginosa, low doses of NEBB significantly reduced biofilm mass and metabolic activity while higher doses of NEBB increased biofilm mass and metabolic activity. The results suggest that targeted nutraceutical support may help disrupt biofilm communities, offering new facets for integrative combinational treatment strategies.
Keywords: Borrelia burgdorferi, drug-resistance, persister cells, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus
A microbial biofilm is a community of adherent microbial cellular forms with properties that help protect the microbial community from disruption by physical, chemical, or immunological attack. Microbial forms living in biofilms are morphologically and functionally distinct from those of free-floating (planktonic) forms of the same species. Biofilms have greater resistance to chemical, physical, and immunological insults than the planktonic forms from the same species [1]. Microbial biofilms pose a major medical and industrial challenge due to resistance to chemical treatments, antibiotics, and an ability to evade immune recognition [2]. As a result, there is a strong research focus on identifying methods to discourage biofilm initiation and formation, and to disrupt existing biofilms [3].
Microbial biofilms form on liquid/solid interfaces in nature, such as rocks and clay particles and decaying plant materials. Biofilms also form on metals and plastics, including medical devices and implants, causing device-related infections, which are associated with a large majority of hospital-acquired infections [4-6]. Biofilms also form on body surfaces, such as the mucosal membranes in the gut, bladder, eye, ear, and lung, as well as in chronic wounds [2]. Persistent biofilm infections can induce a hyper-inflammatory state in the host [7], and include many chronic inflammatory infections including gastrointestinal tract [8], urinary tract, otitis media, infective endocarditis, cystic fibrosis [9], and dental plaque [10].
Biofilms secrete a complex mucus polymer structure that plays a role in microbial adhesion, cell-to-cell interactions, antimicrobial resistance, and immune evasion [11, 12]. The structural framework of the biofilm matrix contains many types of polymers, including polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, bacterial cellulose, and extracellular DNA that offers structural and functional protection [13]. The organisms living within the biofilm need to be able to communicate with each other in a process called quorum sensing [14]. Biofilms may contain multiple species coexisting and collaborating.
The difficulty in treating biofilm infections with pharmaceutical antibiotics and antimicrobials has led to a search for new treatment approaches, including disruption of the protective biofilm matrix, disruption of biofilm adhesion to the substrate, disruption of intra-biofilm communication via quorum sensing, and altering the gene expression of the microbe to be unable to sustain the biofilm environment (Table 1) [6]. When the microbes are no longer able to maintain the biofilm environment, they may revert to a free planktonic state that is more vulnerable to antimicrobial treatments and more visible to the immune system [15].
Table 1 . Enzymes in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend..
Enzymes– 67 mg/oral dose Target specificity Disruption of biofilm Lysosyme (from hen’s egg white) Peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls [45, 46] Serratiopeptidase Proteins [47, 48] Beta-glucanase Carbohydrates including fungal beta-glucans [49, 50] Lipase Lipids [26, 51] Protease Proteins [27, 28] Cellulase/ Hemicellulase Bacterial cellulose [52, 53]
Enzymes that degrade biofilm polymers have been shown to inhibit new biofilm formation, detach existing biofilm colonies, and increase sensitivity of the biofilm to antimicrobial treatments [16], with the goal of reverting the microbial forms back to their planktonic state [6]. Combinations of antimicrobials that interfere with quorum sensing and adhesion with biofilm-disrupting agents offer additional strategies [17-21].
Based on the composition of biofilm matrices, enzymes are identified that can disrupt biofilm. Lysozyme is an enzyme that is naturally present in mucosal secretions and tissues of animals and humans as part of our innate immune system and able to disrupt bacterial biofilms [22, 23]. B-1,3-glucan is a vital component of fungal biofilms including
Biofilm formation requires a different gene expression profile than the free-floating microbial forms [29, 30]. Therefore, natural, or synthetic compounds that affect those aspects of microbial gene expression may discourage biofilm formation [31], and force microbes into the free-floating form that is more recognizable by the immune system. Examples include synthetic compounds [32], botanicals [33, 34], essential oils [35], secreted metabolites from beneficial probiotic bacteria [36], and bee venom [37].
Some herbs can inhibit the quorum sensing communication between microbes that contributes to the development of biofilms. Cranberry is well known for its use in preventing and treating urinary tract infections [38]. This is in part due to its ability to prevent and disassemble biofilms by multiple mechanisms including anti-adhesion, decreasing quorum sensing, and direct anti-microbial effects [39, 40]. Berberine, rosemary, and peppermint are other herbs that have been shown to be antimicrobial, anti-quorum sensing, and contributing to biofilm breakdown [41-43]. In addition to herbs, amino acids such as N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) are mucolytic and effective for eliminating bacterial biofilms [44].
We evaluated the biofilm-disrupting properties of a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB) that contained a combination of enzymes and botanical antimicrobial extracts (Table 1). NEBB was tested for effects on disrupting established biofilms of five biofilm-forming microbial species, including one fungal species and four bacterial strains (Table 2). The purpose of this work was to conduct an initial screening for the effects of a consumable nutraceutical formulation, used by medical doctors to support the treatment of patients with severe chronic illnesses with suspected microbial biofilm involvement, which includes
Table 2 . Herbal ingredients in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend..
Herbal Ingredients – 905 mg/oral dose* Types of anti-microbial effects Cranberry (fruit) extract Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [38, 39], inhibition of quorum-sensing [40] Berberine Growth inhibition [41, 54], inhibition of bacterial [55] and fungal [56] biofilm formation Rosemary (leaf) extract Inhibition of bacterial [57] and fungal [58] biofilm formation Peppermint oil powder Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [59], disruption of quorum sensing [60] N-acetyl cysteine Growth inhibition [44], Disrupts mucins [61] *This includes 300 mg of N-acetyl cysteine.
Bacterial culture media were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc (USA): Nutrient Broth (Catalogue number 70122), Tryptic Soy Broth (Catalogue number T8907), and BSK medium with 6% rabbit serum (Catalogue number B8291). The 96-well culture plates were obtained from Thermo-Fisher Scientific (USA): CellStar (Greiner Bio-One, Catalogue number 655-180) for all microbes except
Nutraceutical Enzyme and Botanical Blend
The nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB), BioDisrupt, was provided by the manufacturer, Researched Nutritionals, Los Olivos, CA, USA. The product is a powder that contains water-soluble enzymes (Table 1) and botanical extracts and N-acetyl Cysteine (Table 2).
In order to ensure the product was sterile, and would not introduce bacteria, yeast, or mold spores into the microbial cultures, the product was irradiated at 10 kGy. At NIS Labs, a sample of the powder was tested on Petrifilm culture plates to ensure there were no detectable aerobic bacteria, yeasts, or mold in the test product. Sterile emulsions were prepared from NEBB and introduced into the microbial biofilm cultures. Serial dilutions were tested across a broad dose range. Initial dose response testing revealed the ideal dose in biofilm cultures of this nutraceutical formulation, designed for human consumption, covered a range from 1 – 40 mg/ml, which is 10-fold higher than the dose range used for testing of antimicrobial effects of highly purified compounds.
Microbial Strains and Culture Methods
Five microbes, known for their ability to live in biofilms, were included in this testing (Table 3). The 5 microbial strains – 1 fungal and 4 bacterial – were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection. The recommended culture media for each strain was used, and cultures were performed under conditions that encourage biofilm formation. The testing for effects of the nutraceutical blend on biofilm disruption involved these steps: 1) Culture each microorganism to facilitate biofilm formation in flat-bottom 96-well culture plates, 2) Add NEBB and continue culture for 24 h, 3) Remove planktonic (free) forms including disrupted biofilm and forms released from biofilm and wash the remaining biofilm with physiological saline, 4) Evaluate the estimated mass and metabolic activity of the remaining biofilm in untreated versus treated cultures.
Table 3 . Microbial strains and culture media..
Microbial strain Culture medium (Duration, temperature) Candida albicans (Robin) Berkhout (ATCC 10231)Yeast malt broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Rosenbach (ATCC 6538)Tryptic soy broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus simulans Kloos and Schleifer (ATCC 11631)*Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula (ATCC 9027)Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Borrelia burgdorferi Strain B31 (ATCC 35210)BSK-H complete medium (35 days, 33°C) *Coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant..
Removal of Planktonic Forms
The treatment of established biofilm with NEBB and the resulting disruption of biofilm included release of planktonic forms into the culture supernatant and detachment of clumps of bacteria living in biofilm. In order to provide conclusive data on the effects on biofilms, following published methodology [62], planktonic forms had to be removed from the cultures before staining for biofilm mass and metabolic activity, The removal of planktonic forms and the addition of washing buffer was done using a very low speed to avoid mechanical removal of biofilm material. The removal of planktonic forms was performed using electronic 12-channel pipettes (Viaflo, Integra, USA), where the speed was set to “1” (the maximum speed is “10”). Phosphate-buffered saline was added, also using speed “1”, where the liquid was dispensed onto the sidewalls of each well to avoid disruption of biofilm by direct pipetting actions onto biofilm. For the cultures of
Crystal Violet Staining for Biofilm Mass
The quantitative evaluation of biofilm mass for each microbial form was determined by crystal violet staining [63]. The saline was removed from each well and a 0.1% solution of Crystal Violet was added. The biofilm cultures were allowed to incubate with the crystal violet solution for a minimum of 10 min at room temperature, after which the culture plates were washed in distilled water. The distilled water was removed, and the stained biofilm plates allowed to air dry. The crystal violet was solubilized in 10% acetic acid for 15 min and the optical density measured by a plate-based spectrophotometer at 550 nanometers. The crystal violet staining was a measure for the relative mass of biofilm in each well. Untreated cultures served as a control for maximum biofilm formation. Blank wells without microbial forms served as negative controls. The percent-inhibition of biofilm formation was calculated for each dose of the test products.
Biofilm Metabolic Activity Using the MTT Assay
A second set of culture plates was washed in the same way as the plates used for Crystal Violet staining. The culture plates were tested for metabolic activity using the MTT assay, which involves a colorimetric reaction based on cellular metabolic activity [64]. The MTT assay has been used for testing of metabolic activity in multiple types of biofilm [65, 66]. In this bioassay, chemical reactions involved in cellular metabolic reactions where oxidoreductase enzymes reduce the tetrazolium dye 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) to insoluble formazan crystals that are purple in color. The crystals are solubilized by addition of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate. The color development is measured by micro-plate-based spectrophotometry where the optical density is measured at 570 nanometers, using a PowerWave plate reader (BioTek Instruments, USA).
Statistical Analysis
Average and standard deviation for each data set was calculated using Microsoft Excel. Statistical analysis was performed using the 2-tailed, independent t-test. Statistical significance was set at
Disruption of Established Microbial Biofilm
The treatment of established microbial biofilms in vitro with NEBB showed reduced biofilm. The types of observations varied between the different microbial species.
Figure 1. Disruption of established microbial biofilm from
Candida albicans (A),Staphylococcus simulans (B),Staphylococcus aureus (C), andBorrelia burgdorferi (D) after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend across a dose range of 0.8 – 12.5 mg/ml. Data is shown as the average + standard deviation of nine repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Biofilm mass was quantified by crystal violet staining (solid lines), and the metabolic activity of the microbial biofilms was measured by the MTT assay (dashed lines). All data points were statistically significant when compared to the untreated control biofilm cultures, except where the data point is annotated by NS (not significant).
Established biofilm of the coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant strain of
The treatment of established biofilms of
The effect of NEBB on mature biofilms from
This prompted further testing of Borrelia biofilm cultures, to examine which fraction, the enzyme or the herbal, affected the metabolic activity the most (Fig. 2). Borrelia biofilm treated with the enzyme fraction showed reduced biomass (Fig. 2A) but the enzyme fraction had no effect on the metabolic activity (Fig. 2B). In contrast, the highest dose of the herbal fraction had a statistically significant increase in Borrelia biofilm metabolic activity (Fig. 2B).
Figure 2. Effects on established bacterial biofilm from
Borrelia burgdorferi on biofilm mass (A) and biofilm metabolic activity (B) after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend (NEBB), compared to treatment with the NEBB enzyme fraction versus the NEBB herbal fraction. Data is shown as the average ± standard deviation of nine repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Levels of statistical significance are shown on the graphs where changes compared to untreated biofilm is indicated by asterisks, wherep < 0.10: (*),p < 0.05: * andp < 0.01: **.
Figure 3. Disruption of established microbial biofilm from
Pseudomonas aeruginosa after treatment with a nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend across a dose range of 0.5 – 30 mg/ml. Data is shown as the average ± standard deviation of a minimum of 3 repeats of each treatment dose, as the % change from untreated biofilm, where the untreated biofilm had gone through identical procedures for removal of planktonic forms, washing, and addition of fresh medium. Biofilm mass was quantified by crystal violet staining (solid lines), and the metabolic activity of the microbial biofilms was measured by the MTT assay (dashed lines). Slime formation was scored with “3” (300%) change indicating that each culture in the microtiter plate had turned to a mucus plug. All data points were statistically significant when compared to the untreated control biofilm cultures, except where the data point is annotated by NS (not significant).
Established biofilms of
Another observation associated with NEBB treatment was slime production.
The disruption of persistent immune-evasive and treatment-resistant microbial biofilms is a focus for research into novel types of treatments. Given today’s alarming problems with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it is a desirable solution to evaluate non-pharmacological, non-antibiotic natural strategies [31].
Biofilms are the predominant form of existence of many microorganisms, including bacteria and simple fungi. The definition of biofilm involves a broad description of single-species, or multi-species, microbial community structures observed in both natural and laboratory environments. Treatment of microbial biofilms is recognized as an urgent need, in light of the multi-species communities inhabiting biofilm, and the resistance of such biofilms to conventional pharmaceutical treatments. Novel therapeutic strategies include combinations of enzymes targeted at the various matrix components surrounding adherent biofilm colonies, for a comprehensive approach to disrupting established biofilm [69]. Since many botanical compounds have also been associated with effects on biofilm survival and function, it was of interest to study the effect of a complex nutraceutical blend of enzymes and botanical extracts (NEBB), designed to break up established biofilm in the gut and tissue. NEBB was tested on established biofilms on 5 microbial species, selected based on their known ability to form biofilm, and the widely known association of these biofilms with chronic health problems.
We report here that established biofilms exposed to NEBB showed reduced biofilm mass when using crystal violet staining. The effects of NEBB on
The spirochete
The preliminary results reported here point to further directions for research, including biofilms associated with gut mucosa, as well as bacterial biofilms in tissue such as cartilage, and research involving intracellular biofilm-like colonies [76, 77]. This work, although novel and highly necessary, has limitations. Further research is needed involving multispecies biofilm, such as Borrelia/Candida or Borrelia/Staphylococcus co-cultures, and should include transcriptomics to evaluate changes to gene expression in co-cultures with or without treatment with NEBB, based on recent publications on multispecies biofilm [62, 78, 79]. In a clinical situation, biofilm will likely consist of multiple species, with an unknown combination of bacterial types, assisting the maintenance of the biofilm environment to protect itself from immune-mediated biofilm elimination. Our diagnostic methods are limited by tools available, and access to the deep tissue areas where biofilm may reside in quiescence avoiding detection [76].
We conclude that a targeted blend of botanical extracts and enzymes directed at biofilm matrix components is efficacious of disrupting established biofilm in vitro. This does not prove efficacy in a clinical situation. Further studies should establish whether NEBB disrupts for example
There is a great and urgent need for further research into complex biofilm communities. This is a well-known territory in geological sciences [80] but is in its infancy in medical science. Established biofilms may be more inflammatory and virulent than free planktonic forms, and further research should include proteomic evaluation of such stressors from complex multi-species biofilms.
The research was conducted at NIS Labs, an independent contract research organization that specializes in natural products research and testing. The study was sponsored by Researched Nutritionals LLC, the manufacturer of the nutraceutical blend tested in the study.
Authors Contributions
GSJ, DC, and DEH conceived of the questions to be tested. GSJ wrote the research protocol and designed the study and conducted the work presented here. GSJ performed the data analysis. GSJ, DC, and DEH wrote the manuscript. All co-authors participated in the final edit of the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
DEH is employed as the Director of Physician Education and Clinical Trials for the study sponsor, Researched Nutritionals, LLC.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Table 1 . Enzymes in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend..
Enzymes– 67 mg/oral dose Target specificity Disruption of biofilm Lysosyme (from hen’s egg white) Peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls [45, 46] Serratiopeptidase Proteins [47, 48] Beta-glucanase Carbohydrates including fungal beta-glucans [49, 50] Lipase Lipids [26, 51] Protease Proteins [27, 28] Cellulase/ Hemicellulase Bacterial cellulose [52, 53]
Table 2 . Herbal ingredients in the nutraceutical enzyme and botanical blend..
Herbal Ingredients – 905 mg/oral dose* Types of anti-microbial effects Cranberry (fruit) extract Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [38, 39], inhibition of quorum-sensing [40] Berberine Growth inhibition [41, 54], inhibition of bacterial [55] and fungal [56] biofilm formation Rosemary (leaf) extract Inhibition of bacterial [57] and fungal [58] biofilm formation Peppermint oil powder Inhibition of bacterial biofilm formation [59], disruption of quorum sensing [60] N-acetyl cysteine Growth inhibition [44], Disrupts mucins [61] *This includes 300 mg of N-acetyl cysteine.
Table 3 . Microbial strains and culture media..
Microbial strain Culture medium (Duration, temperature) Candida albicans (Robin) Berkhout (ATCC 10231)Yeast malt broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus Rosenbach (ATCC 6538)Tryptic soy broth (24 h, 37°C) Staphylococcus simulans Kloos and Schleifer (ATCC 11631)*Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula (ATCC 9027)Nutrient broth (24 h, 37°C) Borrelia burgdorferi Strain B31 (ATCC 35210)BSK-H complete medium (35 days, 33°C) *Coagulase-negative, penicillin-resistant..
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