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Research article
Induction of Fungal Secondary Metabolites by Co-Culture with Actinomycete Producing HDAC Inhibitor Trichostatins
1Chemical Biology Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Cheongju 28116, Republic of Korea
2Department of Biomolecular Science, KRIBB school of Bioscience, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
3Korean Lichen Research Institute, Sunchon National University, Suncheon 57922, Republic of Korea
4Antimicrobial Discovery Center, Department of Biology, Northeastern University, Boston 02115 MA, USA
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(11): 1437-1447
Published November 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract
Fungi are major composers of ecosystems and producer of new secondary metabolites that are used in medicine and agriculture [1]. To date, 100,000 fungi have been identified and approximately 5 million fungal species may exist [2]. A recent whole-genome sequencing analysis indicated that fungi have the potential to produce more secondary metabolites than expected [3]. Despite this genetic capability, many biosynthetic pathways are silent or the rediscovery of secondary metabolites is frequent under traditional laboratory culture conditions [4, 5]. Various strategies have been developed to access cryptic metabolites [6-8]. Co-culture of two microorganisms in the same culture environment is a representative strategy [9, 10]. This strategy induces physical and metabolite interactions between the two microorganisms, which ultimately increases gene expression, and consequently increases metabolite production. Another approach is epigenetic manipulation at the chromatin level using histone deacetylase (HDAC) and DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors, which regulate transcriptional gene expression in fungi [11, 12].
In a previous study, we examined the chemical profiles of actinomycetes isolated from soil samples collected from Ulleung Island by liquid chromatography-photodiode array-mass spectrometry (LC-PDA-MS) [13]. Among the 208 actinomycete strains isolated,
We hypothesized that if fungi were cultured with an actinomycete, producing HDAC inhibitors, TSA analogues, novel fungal secondary metabolites are induced by HDAC inhibitors or physical interaction between two microorganisms. To test this hypothesis, various fungal strains were co-cultured with an actinomycete on agar plates, and their metabolic profiles were monitored by LC-MS. The co-culture of
Materials and Methods
General Experimental Procedures
Optical rotations were measured using a JASCO P-1020 polarimeter (JASCO, Japan). UV spectra were recorded on a NP80 NanoPhotometer (IMPLEN, Germany). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were obtained in CD3OD:CDCl3 co-solvent as the internal standards (
Strain Identification
Soil samples were collected from Ulleung Island, Republic of Korea [13]. Among the isolated strains, 13F051 displayed the most similar 16S rRNA gene sequence (GenBank Accession No. MW774247) to
Fungal strain 15F098 was isolated from soil samples collected from Jeju Island. BLAST similarity search analysis indicated that the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence of the 15F098 fungal strain had the most similar ITS sequence (GenBank Accession No. OL376480) to that of
The endolichenic fungal strain 15S058 was provided by the Korea Lichen & Allied Bioresources Center (KOLABIC), Korea Lichen Research Institute (KoLRI), Sunchon National University [17]. This strain had the most similar ITS sequence (GenBank Accession No. OK639166) to that of
For each co-culture experiment,
Extraction and Isolation
Each cultured agar media (60-mm dish × 100) was soaked with acetone three times, and acetone was removed from the organic solvent fraction by evaporation. A acetone extracts (
Dinapinone analogue 1 (1). Brown amorphous powder;
Table 1 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 1 in CD3OD:CDCl3 = 1:1.
Position 1 Position 1 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 172.4, C b 1' 172.4, C b 2 2' 3 78.7, CH 4.86, m 3' 78.7, CH 4.86, m 4 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4' 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4a 133.8, C 4a' 133.8, C 5 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5' 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5a 141.0, C 5a' 141.0, C 6 99.0, CH 6.76, s 6' 99.0, CH 6.76, s 7 162.6, C 7' 162.6, C 8 109.0, C 8' 109.0, C 9 155.8, C 9' 155.8, C 9a 109.0, C 9a' 109.0, C 10 163.8, C 10' 163.8, C 10a 100.2, C 10a' 100.2, C 11 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 11' 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 12 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m12' 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m13 68.6, CH 4.10, m a 13' 67.8, CH 4.10, m a 14 44.8, CH2 1.61, m a 14' 43.7, CH2 1.66, m a
1.59, ma 15 72.1, CH 3.80, m 15' 70.8, CH 4.05, m 16 38.6, CH2 1.44, m a 16' 44.2, CH2 1.67, m a
1.59, ma 17 26.0, CH2 1.42, m a
1.30, ma 17' 71.3, CH 4.03, m 18 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 18' 44.3, CH2 1.59, m a
1.52, m19 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 19' 71.6, CH 3.77, m 20 32.5, CH2 1.25, m 20' 40.7, CH2 1.42, m a 21 23.3, CH2 1.27, m 21' 19.2, CH2 1.41, m a
1.34, ma 22 14.4, CH3 0.86, dd (8.5, 5.3) 22' 14.4, CH3 0.90, dd (8.5, 5.3) a Resonances overlappedb Peaks only detected in HMBC
Dinapinone analogue 2 (2). Brown amorphous powder;
Sambutoxin analogue 1 (3). White amorphous powder;
Table 2 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 3 and 4 in DMSO-
d 6.Position 3 4 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 11.2, br 2 160.9, C 160.1, C 3 109.5, C 108.9, C 4 161.8, C 160.6, C b 5 113.1, C 112.8, C 6 132.3, CH 7.11, s 137.0, C 7.55, s 7 76.7, CH 4.76, dd (11.2, 1.5) 77.1, CH 4.80, dd, (11.1, 1.5) 8 29.8, CH2 1.82, m a
1.41, ma 29.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.39, m9 22.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.59, m22.7, CH2 1.81, m a
1.59, m10 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 11 79.2, CH 3.50, m 79.2, CH 3.49, m 12 33.1, CH2 1.49, m 33.1, CH2 1.50, m 13 32.8, CH2 1.34, m
1.10, m32.8, CH2 1.34, m a
1.10, ma 14 29.6, CH 1.43, m 29.6, CH 1.43, m 15 43.7, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 43.6, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 16 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 17 29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, m29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, ma 18 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 1- N -methyl36.1, CH3 3.38, s 14-methyl 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 16-methyl 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 1' 124.7, C 124.5, C 2' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) 3' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 4' 156.4, C 156.4, C 5' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 6' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) a Resonances overlappedb Peaks only detected in HMBC NMR
Sambutoxin analogue 2 (4). White amorphous powder;
Induction Mechanism Monitoring Assay
Antibacterial Assay
Two gram-positive bacteria (
Cell Viability Assay
HeLa (human cervical cancer), MDA-MB-231 (human breast cancer), Neuro-2a (mouse neuroblastoma), and PC12 (pheochromocytoma of rat adrenal medulla) cell lines were maintained in Dulbeccós modified Eaglés medium (LM 001-05, DMEM, Welgene, Korea) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Welgene, Korea, S 001-07), 100 units penicillin, and 100 μg/ml streptomycin (15140-122, Gibico, USA) at 37°C with 5% CO2 in a humidified atmosphere. Each cell line was seeded into 96-well cell culture plates (1 × 104 cells/well) and incubated for 16 h. The cells were then treated with various concentrations of the test compounds. After incubation for 24 h, 10 μl of EZ-Cytox colorimetric assay (0793, Daeil Lab service, Korea) was directly added and incubated at 37°C for 2 h. Absorbance was measured at 450 nm using a microplate reader (Spectra Max 190, Molecular Devices, USA). Cell viability was normalized to that of control cells.
Scratch Wound Healing Assay
MDA-MB-231 cells were seeded overnight in 24-well cell culture plates (8 × 104 cells/well). Each well was artificially scratched using a Scar scratcher (201925, SPL, Korea). The cells were incubated in DMEM containing 1 μg/ml mitomycin C for 3 h, followed by incubation with the test compounds at the indicated concentrations. After incubation for 24 h, the cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min, stained with 0.2% crystal violet, and imaged under a microscope. Wound closure areas were measured using ImageJ (Software 1.48q, Rayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, USA)
Time-lapse Cell Tracking Analysis.
MDA-MB-231 cells (8 × 103 cells/100 μl) were seeded on μ-Slide I (80106, ibidi, Germany). After 4 h, 900 μl DMEM was added to the slide. After incubation for 16 h, cells were treated with indicated concentrations of compound and directly transferred to a HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer (Phase Holographic Imaging) kept in a 37°C incubator. Live cells were imaged every 15 min for 12 h. Migration was analyzed using the HoloStudio M4 software.
Strain Selection using the Co-Culture System
A total of 108 fungal strains were co-cultured with
To identify the producer of the induced compounds, we monitored the chemical profiles of each mono-cultured extracts by LC-MS. The fungal strains produced the induced compounds, which was also confirmed by previous studies and are discussed below.
Induction Factors for Fungal Derived Compounds (1−5) in Co-Culture System
When designing a co-culture experiment, physical interactions or the small molecules produced by the microorganism are speculated to increase the amount of secondary metabolites produced in the co-culture system. To investigate the induction factors that enhanced the production of compounds in the co-culture, each of the three fungal strains was cultured with a disk containing acetone extracts of
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of isolated compounds 1‒5 in the co-culture system.
Structure Determination
Mixture of compounds 1 and 2 was isolated as a brown amorphous powder. Based on NMR spectroscopy analysis, the planar structure of mixture was assumed to be dinapinone analogues isolated from
Fig. 2. Selected COSY and HMBC correlations.
Fig. 4. Structurally related known compounds, Dianapinone AC2 and Sambutoxin.
The relative configurations of the hydroxylated C-3, C-13, and C-15 corresponding to carbon chains were established as 3
Fig. 3. Key ROESY correlations and coupling constants.
While, NMR spectra of compound 2 were not obtained due to insufficient amount, compound 2 was determined as atropisomer of compound 1 based on HRESIMS spectroscopy. In addition, since 2 has negative specific rotation values, the absolute axis configuration of 2 was determined to be M.
Compound 3 was isolated as a white amorphous powder. The molecular formula of 2 was determined to be C25H35NO4 with nine unsaturation degrees based on HRESIMS and NMR spectroscopy (Table 2). The NMR spectra of 3 suggested that 3 is a sambutoxin analogue, which was first isolated from the potato parasite
The relative configuration of the tetrahydropyran moiety was determined using coupling constant and ROESY correlations (Fig. 3). The coupling constant between H-7 and H-8ax was relatively large (3
Compound 4 was isolated as a white amorphous powder. The spectroscopic features of 4 were similar to those of 3. However, its molecular formula was determined to be C26H37NO4 by HRESIMS, indicating the presence of a methyl group. The chemical composition of 4 was further confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR spectra, where an
The relative configurations at C-7, C-11, C-14, and C-16 were determined based on the Δδ values of its germinal methylene protons (H-15) and ROESY correlation, similar to 3 as shown in Fig. 3 [23].
Biological Activities
Few microbial chemical cues promote the activation of silent biosynthetic gene clusters encoding defensive secondary metabolites to enhance survival in co-cultures of bacteria and fungi [10]. Based on the observation that the quantities of compounds 1 and 2 (mixture = 9:1, before separation of atropisomers) and 3-5 were enhanced by co-culture with actinomycete, it was assumed that 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 have antibacterial activity. To test this hypothesis, an agar disk diffusion assay was performed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 against various pathogenic bacteria. However, compounds 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 were inactive (Table S1). Compounds 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 were not cytotoxic in various cancer cell lines (Table S2). Only 5 was cytotoxic against PC12 cells at a concentration of up to 50 μM. Cell migration is implicated in cancer cell metastasis [25]. To evaluate anti-migration activity, we performed a scratch wound healing assay in MDA-MB-231 cells. After treatment with the indicated concentrations of the test compounds for 24 h, the rate of cells migrating to the empty area was significantly decreased by treatment with compounds 3, 4, and 5 in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 5). To further investigate the effect of the compounds on cell migration, we performed time-lapse cell tracking analysis. The cells were treated with 25 μM of the indicated compounds. Cell movement was captured with a HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer every 15 min for 12 h. As expected, cell motility was markedly inhibited in cells treated with compounds 3 (44% inhibition), 4 (32% inhibition), and 5 (65% inhibition) compared to control cells treated with DMSO (Fig. 6).
Fig. 5. Effects of compounds on the migration of MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Representative images of wound-healing assay. (B) Quantitative wound healing data obtained by measuring the wound area.
Fig. 6. Effects of compounds on cell mobility of MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Cells were treated with 25 μM of each compound. Cell movement was captured every 15 min for 12 h. (B) Cell mobility analyzed with HoloStudio M4 software.
This co-culture system, four new and one known compounds were isolated from the co-culture of two fungal strains with
When the co-culture experiment was designed, the fungal secondary metabolites were expected to be produced by HDAC inhibitors produced by
The new compounds (1-4) structurally related to dinapione and sambutoxin. Although their structural novelty is not notable, the discovery of these compounds increases the structural diversity of available analogues and extends their biological activities.
Supplemental Materials
This work was supported by the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) Research Initiative Program (KGM52922322 and KGM1222312) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT (MSIT) and the Basic Science Research Program (2021R1I1A2049704) of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea. We thank the Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Korea, for providing the NMR (700MHz) and HRESIMS data.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Related articles in JMB

Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2023; 33(11): 1437-1447
Published online November 28, 2023
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Induction of Fungal Secondary Metabolites by Co-Culture with Actinomycete Producing HDAC Inhibitor Trichostatins
Gwi Ja Hwang1, Jongtae Roh1,2, Sangkeun Son4, Byeongsan Lee1, Jun-Pil Jang1, Jae-Seoun Hur3, Young-Soo Hong1,2, Jong Seog Ahn1,2, Sung-Kyun Ko1,2*, and Jae-Hyuk Jang1,2*
1Chemical Biology Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Cheongju 28116, Republic of Korea
2Department of Biomolecular Science, KRIBB school of Bioscience, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
3Korean Lichen Research Institute, Sunchon National University, Suncheon 57922, Republic of Korea
4Antimicrobial Discovery Center, Department of Biology, Northeastern University, Boston 02115 MA, USA
Correspondence to:Jae-Hyuk Jang,
Sung-Kyun Ko,
A recently bioinformatic analysis of genomic sequences of fungi indicated that fungi are able to produce more secondary metabolites than expected. Despite their potency, many biosynthetic pathways are silent in the absence of specific culture conditions or chemical cues. To access cryptic metabolism, 108 fungal strains isolated from various sites were cultured with or without Streptomyces sp. 13F051 which mainly produces trichostatin analogues, followed by comparison of metabolic profiles using LC-MS. Among the 108 fungal strains, 14 produced secondary metabolites that were not recognized or were scarcely produced in mono-cultivation. Of these two fungal strains, Myrmecridium schulzeri 15F098 and Scleroconidioma sphagnicola 15S058 produced four new compounds (1-4) along with a known compound (5), demonstrating that all four compounds were produced by physical interaction with Streptomyces sp. 13F051. Bioactivity evaluation indicated that compounds 3-5 impede migration of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.
Keywords: Co-culture system, fungal cryptic secondary metabolites, structure determination, physical interaction
Fungi are major composers of ecosystems and producer of new secondary metabolites that are used in medicine and agriculture [1]. To date, 100,000 fungi have been identified and approximately 5 million fungal species may exist [2]. A recent whole-genome sequencing analysis indicated that fungi have the potential to produce more secondary metabolites than expected [3]. Despite this genetic capability, many biosynthetic pathways are silent or the rediscovery of secondary metabolites is frequent under traditional laboratory culture conditions [4, 5]. Various strategies have been developed to access cryptic metabolites [6-8]. Co-culture of two microorganisms in the same culture environment is a representative strategy [9, 10]. This strategy induces physical and metabolite interactions between the two microorganisms, which ultimately increases gene expression, and consequently increases metabolite production. Another approach is epigenetic manipulation at the chromatin level using histone deacetylase (HDAC) and DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors, which regulate transcriptional gene expression in fungi [11, 12].
In a previous study, we examined the chemical profiles of actinomycetes isolated from soil samples collected from Ulleung Island by liquid chromatography-photodiode array-mass spectrometry (LC-PDA-MS) [13]. Among the 208 actinomycete strains isolated,
We hypothesized that if fungi were cultured with an actinomycete, producing HDAC inhibitors, TSA analogues, novel fungal secondary metabolites are induced by HDAC inhibitors or physical interaction between two microorganisms. To test this hypothesis, various fungal strains were co-cultured with an actinomycete on agar plates, and their metabolic profiles were monitored by LC-MS. The co-culture of
Materials and Methods
General Experimental Procedures
Optical rotations were measured using a JASCO P-1020 polarimeter (JASCO, Japan). UV spectra were recorded on a NP80 NanoPhotometer (IMPLEN, Germany). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were obtained in CD3OD:CDCl3 co-solvent as the internal standards (
Strain Identification
Soil samples were collected from Ulleung Island, Republic of Korea [13]. Among the isolated strains, 13F051 displayed the most similar 16S rRNA gene sequence (GenBank Accession No. MW774247) to
Fungal strain 15F098 was isolated from soil samples collected from Jeju Island. BLAST similarity search analysis indicated that the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence of the 15F098 fungal strain had the most similar ITS sequence (GenBank Accession No. OL376480) to that of
The endolichenic fungal strain 15S058 was provided by the Korea Lichen & Allied Bioresources Center (KOLABIC), Korea Lichen Research Institute (KoLRI), Sunchon National University [17]. This strain had the most similar ITS sequence (GenBank Accession No. OK639166) to that of
For each co-culture experiment,
Extraction and Isolation
Each cultured agar media (60-mm dish × 100) was soaked with acetone three times, and acetone was removed from the organic solvent fraction by evaporation. A acetone extracts (
Dinapinone analogue 1 (1). Brown amorphous powder;
Table 1 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 1 in CD3OD:CDCl3 = 1:1..
Position 1 Position 1 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 172.4, C b 1' 172.4, C b 2 2' 3 78.7, CH 4.86, m 3' 78.7, CH 4.86, m 4 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4' 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4a 133.8, C 4a' 133.8, C 5 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5' 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5a 141.0, C 5a' 141.0, C 6 99.0, CH 6.76, s 6' 99.0, CH 6.76, s 7 162.6, C 7' 162.6, C 8 109.0, C 8' 109.0, C 9 155.8, C 9' 155.8, C 9a 109.0, C 9a' 109.0, C 10 163.8, C 10' 163.8, C 10a 100.2, C 10a' 100.2, C 11 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 11' 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 12 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m12' 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m13 68.6, CH 4.10, m a 13' 67.8, CH 4.10, m a 14 44.8, CH2 1.61, m a 14' 43.7, CH2 1.66, m a
1.59, ma 15 72.1, CH 3.80, m 15' 70.8, CH 4.05, m 16 38.6, CH2 1.44, m a 16' 44.2, CH2 1.67, m a
1.59, ma 17 26.0, CH2 1.42, m a
1.30, ma 17' 71.3, CH 4.03, m 18 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 18' 44.3, CH2 1.59, m a
1.52, m19 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 19' 71.6, CH 3.77, m 20 32.5, CH2 1.25, m 20' 40.7, CH2 1.42, m a 21 23.3, CH2 1.27, m 21' 19.2, CH2 1.41, m a
1.34, ma 22 14.4, CH3 0.86, dd (8.5, 5.3) 22' 14.4, CH3 0.90, dd (8.5, 5.3) a Resonances overlapped.b Peaks only detected in HMBC.
Dinapinone analogue 2 (2). Brown amorphous powder;
Sambutoxin analogue 1 (3). White amorphous powder;
Table 2 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 3 and 4 in DMSO-
d 6..Position 3 4 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 11.2, br 2 160.9, C 160.1, C 3 109.5, C 108.9, C 4 161.8, C 160.6, C b 5 113.1, C 112.8, C 6 132.3, CH 7.11, s 137.0, C 7.55, s 7 76.7, CH 4.76, dd (11.2, 1.5) 77.1, CH 4.80, dd, (11.1, 1.5) 8 29.8, CH2 1.82, m a
1.41, ma 29.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.39, m9 22.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.59, m22.7, CH2 1.81, m a
1.59, m10 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 11 79.2, CH 3.50, m 79.2, CH 3.49, m 12 33.1, CH2 1.49, m 33.1, CH2 1.50, m 13 32.8, CH2 1.34, m
1.10, m32.8, CH2 1.34, m a
1.10, ma 14 29.6, CH 1.43, m 29.6, CH 1.43, m 15 43.7, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 43.6, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 16 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 17 29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, m29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, ma 18 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 1- N -methyl36.1, CH3 3.38, s 14-methyl 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 16-methyl 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 1' 124.7, C 124.5, C 2' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) 3' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 4' 156.4, C 156.4, C 5' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 6' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) a Resonances overlapped.b Peaks only detected in HMBC NMR.
Sambutoxin analogue 2 (4). White amorphous powder;
Induction Mechanism Monitoring Assay
Antibacterial Assay
Two gram-positive bacteria (
Cell Viability Assay
HeLa (human cervical cancer), MDA-MB-231 (human breast cancer), Neuro-2a (mouse neuroblastoma), and PC12 (pheochromocytoma of rat adrenal medulla) cell lines were maintained in Dulbeccós modified Eaglés medium (LM 001-05, DMEM, Welgene, Korea) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Welgene, Korea, S 001-07), 100 units penicillin, and 100 μg/ml streptomycin (15140-122, Gibico, USA) at 37°C with 5% CO2 in a humidified atmosphere. Each cell line was seeded into 96-well cell culture plates (1 × 104 cells/well) and incubated for 16 h. The cells were then treated with various concentrations of the test compounds. After incubation for 24 h, 10 μl of EZ-Cytox colorimetric assay (0793, Daeil Lab service, Korea) was directly added and incubated at 37°C for 2 h. Absorbance was measured at 450 nm using a microplate reader (Spectra Max 190, Molecular Devices, USA). Cell viability was normalized to that of control cells.
Scratch Wound Healing Assay
MDA-MB-231 cells were seeded overnight in 24-well cell culture plates (8 × 104 cells/well). Each well was artificially scratched using a Scar scratcher (201925, SPL, Korea). The cells were incubated in DMEM containing 1 μg/ml mitomycin C for 3 h, followed by incubation with the test compounds at the indicated concentrations. After incubation for 24 h, the cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 min, stained with 0.2% crystal violet, and imaged under a microscope. Wound closure areas were measured using ImageJ (Software 1.48q, Rayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, USA)
Time-lapse Cell Tracking Analysis.
MDA-MB-231 cells (8 × 103 cells/100 μl) were seeded on μ-Slide I (80106, ibidi, Germany). After 4 h, 900 μl DMEM was added to the slide. After incubation for 16 h, cells were treated with indicated concentrations of compound and directly transferred to a HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer (Phase Holographic Imaging) kept in a 37°C incubator. Live cells were imaged every 15 min for 12 h. Migration was analyzed using the HoloStudio M4 software.
Strain Selection using the Co-Culture System
A total of 108 fungal strains were co-cultured with
To identify the producer of the induced compounds, we monitored the chemical profiles of each mono-cultured extracts by LC-MS. The fungal strains produced the induced compounds, which was also confirmed by previous studies and are discussed below.
Induction Factors for Fungal Derived Compounds (1−5) in Co-Culture System
When designing a co-culture experiment, physical interactions or the small molecules produced by the microorganism are speculated to increase the amount of secondary metabolites produced in the co-culture system. To investigate the induction factors that enhanced the production of compounds in the co-culture, each of the three fungal strains was cultured with a disk containing acetone extracts of
Figure 1. Chemical structures of isolated compounds 1‒5 in the co-culture system.
Structure Determination
Mixture of compounds 1 and 2 was isolated as a brown amorphous powder. Based on NMR spectroscopy analysis, the planar structure of mixture was assumed to be dinapinone analogues isolated from
Figure 2. Selected COSY and HMBC correlations.
Figure 4. Structurally related known compounds, Dianapinone AC2 and Sambutoxin.
The relative configurations of the hydroxylated C-3, C-13, and C-15 corresponding to carbon chains were established as 3
Figure 3. Key ROESY correlations and coupling constants.
While, NMR spectra of compound 2 were not obtained due to insufficient amount, compound 2 was determined as atropisomer of compound 1 based on HRESIMS spectroscopy. In addition, since 2 has negative specific rotation values, the absolute axis configuration of 2 was determined to be M.
Compound 3 was isolated as a white amorphous powder. The molecular formula of 2 was determined to be C25H35NO4 with nine unsaturation degrees based on HRESIMS and NMR spectroscopy (Table 2). The NMR spectra of 3 suggested that 3 is a sambutoxin analogue, which was first isolated from the potato parasite
The relative configuration of the tetrahydropyran moiety was determined using coupling constant and ROESY correlations (Fig. 3). The coupling constant between H-7 and H-8ax was relatively large (3
Compound 4 was isolated as a white amorphous powder. The spectroscopic features of 4 were similar to those of 3. However, its molecular formula was determined to be C26H37NO4 by HRESIMS, indicating the presence of a methyl group. The chemical composition of 4 was further confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR spectra, where an
The relative configurations at C-7, C-11, C-14, and C-16 were determined based on the Δδ values of its germinal methylene protons (H-15) and ROESY correlation, similar to 3 as shown in Fig. 3 [23].
Biological Activities
Few microbial chemical cues promote the activation of silent biosynthetic gene clusters encoding defensive secondary metabolites to enhance survival in co-cultures of bacteria and fungi [10]. Based on the observation that the quantities of compounds 1 and 2 (mixture = 9:1, before separation of atropisomers) and 3-5 were enhanced by co-culture with actinomycete, it was assumed that 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 have antibacterial activity. To test this hypothesis, an agar disk diffusion assay was performed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 against various pathogenic bacteria. However, compounds 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 were inactive (Table S1). Compounds 1 and 2 (mixture) and 3-5 were not cytotoxic in various cancer cell lines (Table S2). Only 5 was cytotoxic against PC12 cells at a concentration of up to 50 μM. Cell migration is implicated in cancer cell metastasis [25]. To evaluate anti-migration activity, we performed a scratch wound healing assay in MDA-MB-231 cells. After treatment with the indicated concentrations of the test compounds for 24 h, the rate of cells migrating to the empty area was significantly decreased by treatment with compounds 3, 4, and 5 in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 5). To further investigate the effect of the compounds on cell migration, we performed time-lapse cell tracking analysis. The cells were treated with 25 μM of the indicated compounds. Cell movement was captured with a HoloMonitor M4 time-lapse cytometer every 15 min for 12 h. As expected, cell motility was markedly inhibited in cells treated with compounds 3 (44% inhibition), 4 (32% inhibition), and 5 (65% inhibition) compared to control cells treated with DMSO (Fig. 6).
Figure 5. Effects of compounds on the migration of MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Representative images of wound-healing assay. (B) Quantitative wound healing data obtained by measuring the wound area.
Figure 6. Effects of compounds on cell mobility of MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Cells were treated with 25 μM of each compound. Cell movement was captured every 15 min for 12 h. (B) Cell mobility analyzed with HoloStudio M4 software.
This co-culture system, four new and one known compounds were isolated from the co-culture of two fungal strains with
When the co-culture experiment was designed, the fungal secondary metabolites were expected to be produced by HDAC inhibitors produced by
The new compounds (1-4) structurally related to dinapione and sambutoxin. Although their structural novelty is not notable, the discovery of these compounds increases the structural diversity of available analogues and extends their biological activities.
Supplemental Materials
This work was supported by the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) Research Initiative Program (KGM52922322 and KGM1222312) funded by the Ministry of Science ICT (MSIT) and the Basic Science Research Program (2021R1I1A2049704) of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea. We thank the Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang, Korea, for providing the NMR (700MHz) and HRESIMS data.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Fig 4.

Fig 5.

Fig 6.

Table 1 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 1 in CD3OD:CDCl3 = 1:1..
Position 1 Position 1 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 172.4, C b 1' 172.4, C b 2 2' 3 78.7, CH 4.86, m 3' 78.7, CH 4.86, m 4 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4' 33.4, CH2 3.19, m
3.06, m4a 133.8, C 4a' 133.8, C 5 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5' 117.3, CH 7.05, s 5a 141.0, C 5a' 141.0, C 6 99.0, CH 6.76, s 6' 99.0, CH 6.76, s 7 162.6, C 7' 162.6, C 8 109.0, C 8' 109.0, C 9 155.8, C 9' 155.8, C 9a 109.0, C 9a' 109.0, C 10 163.8, C 10' 163.8, C 10a 100.2, C 10a' 100.2, C 11 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 11' 56.4, CH3 3.82, s 12 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m12' 42.7, CH2 2.10, m
1.92, m13 68.6, CH 4.10, m a 13' 67.8, CH 4.10, m a 14 44.8, CH2 1.61, m a 14' 43.7, CH2 1.66, m a
1.59, ma 15 72.1, CH 3.80, m 15' 70.8, CH 4.05, m 16 38.6, CH2 1.44, m a 16' 44.2, CH2 1.67, m a
1.59, ma 17 26.0, CH2 1.42, m a
1.30, ma 17' 71.3, CH 4.03, m 18 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 18' 44.3, CH2 1.59, m a
1.52, m19 30.3, CH2 1.24, m a 19' 71.6, CH 3.77, m 20 32.5, CH2 1.25, m 20' 40.7, CH2 1.42, m a 21 23.3, CH2 1.27, m 21' 19.2, CH2 1.41, m a
1.34, ma 22 14.4, CH3 0.86, dd (8.5, 5.3) 22' 14.4, CH3 0.90, dd (8.5, 5.3) a Resonances overlapped.b Peaks only detected in HMBC.
Table 2 . 1H (700 MHz) and 13C (150 MHz) NMR data of 3 and 4 in DMSO-
d 6..Position 3 4 δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)δ C, typeδ H, mult. (J in Hz)1 11.2, br 2 160.9, C 160.1, C 3 109.5, C 108.9, C 4 161.8, C 160.6, C b 5 113.1, C 112.8, C 6 132.3, CH 7.11, s 137.0, C 7.55, s 7 76.7, CH 4.76, dd (11.2, 1.5) 77.1, CH 4.80, dd, (11.1, 1.5) 8 29.8, CH2 1.82, m a
1.41, ma 29.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.39, m9 22.7, CH2 1.82, m a
1.59, m22.7, CH2 1.81, m a
1.59, m10 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 30.6, CH2 1.65, m
1.30, ma 11 79.2, CH 3.50, m 79.2, CH 3.49, m 12 33.1, CH2 1.49, m 33.1, CH2 1.50, m 13 32.8, CH2 1.34, m
1.10, m32.8, CH2 1.34, m a
1.10, ma 14 29.6, CH 1.43, m 29.6, CH 1.43, m 15 43.7, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 43.6, CH2 1.03, t (7.0) 16 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 31.1, CH 1.35, m a 17 29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, m29.7, CH2 1.25, m a
1.09, ma 18 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 11.2, CH3 0.81, t (7.4) 1- N -methyl36.1, CH3 3.38, s 14-methyl 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 19.4, CH3 0.80, d (6.5) 16-methyl 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 18.8, CH3 0.78, d (6.5) 1' 124.7, C 124.5, C 2' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) 3' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 4' 156.4, C 156.4, C 5' 114.8, CH 6.73, d (8.4) 114.8, CH 6.75, d (8.5) 6' 130.0, CH 7.19, d (8.4) 130.0, CH 7.21, d (8.5) a Resonances overlapped.b Peaks only detected in HMBC NMR.
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