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Research article
Sulforaphene Attenuates Cutibacterium acnes-Induced Inflammation
1WCU Biomodulation Major and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation, Jeungpyeong 27909, Republic of Korea
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022; 32(11): 1390-1395
Published November 28, 2022
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract
Radish seeds have long been used in East Asian traditional medicine for antibacterial purposes and to treat intestinal and skin inflammation [1]. Sulforaphene (SFEN, Fig. 1A), an active compound in radish seeds and a highly studied phytochemical, is a material that gives sulforaphane its carbon double bonds [2-4]. Additionally, SFEN is involved in lipid metabolism [5], has antibacterial effects on different types of bacteria [6], and also alleviates inflammatory diseases, including cancer [5, 7-10].
Fig. 1. Effects of sulforaphene (SFEN) on HaCaT cell viability.
(A) Chemical structure of SFEN. (B) MTT assay results showed that SFEN did not exhibit cytotoxicity until 20 μM concentration. All graphs represent the means ± SEM (
n = 3). Asterisks indicate a significant inhibition by SFEN compared with non-treated group (**p < 0.01) using Student’st -test.
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, usually starting in puberty and disappearing in a person’s mid-20s [11]. Clinically, it appears in the form of comedones, pustules, cysts, and nodules [12]. It mainly appears on the face, neck, and chest where there is a lot of sebum secretion. As a result, it sometimes leaves unpleasant scarring on the skin [13]. The condition is not only a cosmetic concern, it also causes various psychological problems [14]. Acne occurs for a variety of reasons. In women, acne sometimes worsens periodically [13], usually about 1-2 weeks before menstruation, and it is thought to be caused by a progesterone hormone. Patients with endocrine disorders are particularly prone to acne [15], while various additives in cosmetics can also be a cause [16]. Physical and mental stress, such as lack of sleep and overwork, can exacerbate acne by increasing the secretion of androgens [17]. Acne worsens in strong sunlight or in hot, humid environments. If an affected individual constantly touches, rubs, or presses on acne, secondary infection and spread of the condition can also occur [13].
During puberty, an excess of male hormone can activate secretion of the sebaceous glands, and the epithelium of the hair follicles is complete and immature keratinization occurs, which is an abnormal keratinization called heterokeratosis [18]. Among the bacteria resident in hair follicles is
Materials and Methods
Chemicals and Reagents
SFEN was obtained from LKT Laboratories, Inc. (USA). Among the antibodies, p-IκBα (Ser32) and p-IKKα/β (Ser176/180) were obtained from Cell Signaling Biotechnology (USA). Other antibodies were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. (USA). DMEM, RPMI-1640 and fetal bovine serum (FBS) were obtained from Welgene, Inc. (Korea). Brain heart infusion broth, a GasPak system, and brain heart infusion agar (BD Biosciences, Inc., USA) were used to culture
Cell Culture
HaCaT cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS at 5% CO2 and 37°C. RPMI-1640 medium is used for culture of Human THP-1 promonocytic cells. Each cell was seeded and, when it reached 80% confluence, was replaced with serum-free media for starvation. After 1 h of treatment with SFEN, heat-killed
Bacterial Culture
Brain heart infusion broth is used for culturing
Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
pGF-NF-κB-mCMV-EF1-Puro was purchased from System Biosciences, Inc. (USA). A Luciferase Assay Kit was also obtained (Promega Inc., USA), as were human IL-1β, human
RNAs from HaCaT cells were prepared by using RNAiso Plus (Takara Bio Inc., Japan). The concentration and purity of the RNAs were measured using a NanoDrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). A PrimeScriptTM 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Takara Bio Inc.) was used for reverse transcription. IQ SYBR (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., USA) was used for RT-PCR. cDNA (2 μl) was used in triplicate with
Western Blot Assay
Protein lysates (60 mg) were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto a PVDF membrane (MilliporeSigma, Inc.). The membrane was blocked in skim milk over 2 h and then incubated with an indicated primary antibody over 6 h. After washing 3 times, hybridization was carried out with an HRP-conjugated secondary antibody. A chemiluminescence detection kit from MilliporeSigma, Inc. was used for protein bands.
Statistical Analysis
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey's test were used.
Effects of SFEN on C. acnes Growth
An MIC test was performed to determine the antibacterial effect of SFEN. The strains used for MIC were
Table 1 . Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test for SFEN.
Microbial strains Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) SFEN (mM) Norfloxacin (mM) Clindamycin (mM) C. acnes CCARM 90080.31 - 0.07 E. coli CCARM 00121.25 0.38 - S. aureus CCARM 31021.25 100.21 - E. coli ATCC 259221.25 0.19 - S. aureus ATCC 292131.25 3.13 - S. pneumoniae CCARM 00311.25 - -
Effects of SFEN on Proinflammatory Cytokines in C. acnes -Treated HaCaT Keratinocytes
To conduct the experiment at a concentration without cytotoxicity, the MTT assay was performed. As in Fig. 1B, SFEN shows decreased viability at concentrations above 40 μM. Therefore, another experiment was conducted with an SFEN concentration of less than 20 μM, which does not affect cell death. The protein levels of
Fig. 2. Effects of SFEN on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in HaCaT cells.
The secretion levels of (A)
IL-6 , and (B)IL-8 were detected by ELISA. The expression levels of (C)IL-6 mRNA, and (D)IL-8 mRNA were detected using qPCR described in Materials and Methods. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control.
Effects of SFEN on NF-κB Signaling Pathway Inhibition in HaCaT Keratinocytes
The transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the expression of
Fig. 3. Inhibitory effects of SFEN on the transcription activity of NF-κB and the upstream regulator proteins of NF-κB.
(A)Transcription activity of NF-κB was measured by luciferase reporter gene assay described in Materials and Methods. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (
p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control. (B) Phosphorylated and total forms of IKKα/β (Ser176/180) and IκBα (Ser32) proteins were determined by western blot assay as described in Materials and Methods.
Effects of SFEN on C. acnes -Induced IL-1β in Cocultured HaCaT Keratinocytes and THP-1 Monocytes
An experimental method of coculturing two cells was used to simulate a phenomenon occurring in the human body. In the human body, keratinocytes cause skin inflammation through interaction with Langerhans cells. The THP-1 cell line was originally known as a monocytic leukemia cell, but has characteristics of dendritic cells [25]. To show the protein level of IL-1β in the coculture model (Fig. 4A), the cells were divided into three conditioned groups: HaCaT only, THP-1 only, and HaCaT and THP-1. Heat-killed
Fig. 4. Effects of SFEN on the production of IL-1β cytokine in a coculture model of HaCaT cells and THP-1 cells.
(A) The coculture method of HaCaT cells and THP-1 cells using Transwells as described in Materials and Methods. (B and C) The concentration of IL-1β in conditioned media was detected by ELISA. White bar indicates
C. acnes -induced group and black bar indicates the control group. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control.
The sebaceous glands are abundant on the face, back, and chest areas where acne is common. These glands are connected to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. [14]. Under normal conditions, sebum rises along the hair follicle wall and is discharged through the skin, but when the hair follicle is blocked, sebum cannot be discharged and gets trapped around the hair follicle, and bacteria that cause inflammation grow, which leads to acne [11]. Among the bacteria resident in hair follicles,
There are many reports that
A coculture model of HaCaT and THP-1 cells was used to evaluate the effects of the material more similar to an in vivo situation. The cytokines produced by
In conclusion, we identified effects of SFEN on the growth of
This work was supported by the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE)(2021RIS-001), a Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs (TIPA) grant funded by the Korea government (Ministry of SMEs and Startups) (No. S3174595), National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT)(2019R1C1C1004387), Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture and Forestry(IPET) through Technology Commercialization Support Program, funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA)(821027) and the Korea National University of Transportation 2022.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
- Gao L, Li H, Li B, Shao H, Yu X, Miao Z,
et al . 2022. Traditional uses, phytochemistry, transformation of ingredients and pharmacology of the dried seeds ofRaphanus sativus L. (Raphani Semen), A comprehensive review.J. Ethnopharmacol. 294 : 115387. - Zheng W, Li X, Zhang T, Wang J. 2022. Biological mechanisms and clinical efficacy of sulforaphane for mental disorders.
Gen. Psychiatr. 35 : e100700. - Kow CS, Ramachandram DS, Hasan SS. 2022. Use of sulforaphane in COVID-19: Clinical trials are needed.
Mol. Immunol. 145 : 78-79. - Dana AH, Alejandro SP. 2022. Role of sulforaphane in endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis through regulation of the antioxidant response.
Life Sci. 299 : 120554. - Wang L, Jiang H, Liang X, Zhou W, Qiu Y, Xue C,
et al . 2021. Preparation of sulforaphene from radish seed extracts with recombinant food-grade Yarrowia lipolytica harboring high myrosinase activity.J. Agric. Food Chem. 69 : 5363-5371. - Lim S, Han S-W, Kim J. 2016. Sulforaphene identified from radish (
Raphanus sativus L.) seeds possesses antimicrobial properties against multidrug-resistant bacteria and methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus .J. Funct.Foods 24 : 131-141. - Gao L, Du F, Wang J, Zhao Y, Liu J, Cai D,
et al . 2021. Examination of the differences between sulforaphane and sulforaphene in colon cancer: A study based on next-generation sequencing.Oncol. Lett. 22 : 690. - Zhang G, Jin C, Zhu Y, Fu F, Wang G, Li S. 2020. Sulforaphene inhibits the progression of osteosarcoma via regulating FSTL1/NF-κB pathway.
Life Sci. 263 : 118485. - Yang W, Liu Y, Xu QQ, Xian YF, Lin ZX. 2020. Sulforaphene ameliorates neuroinflammation and hyperphosphorylated tau protein via regulating the PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β pathway in experimental models of Alzheimer's disease.
Oxid. Med. Cell Longev. 2020 : 4754195. - Yang H, Kang MJ, Hur G, Lee TK, Park IS, Seo SG,
et al . 2020. Sulforaphene suppresses adipocyte differentiation via induction of post-translational degradation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein Beta (C/EBPβ).Nutrients 12 : 758. - Valente Duarte De Sousa IC. 2019. New and emerging drugs for the treatment of acne vulgaris in adolescents.
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. 20 : 1009-1024. - Williams HC, Dellavalle RP, Garner S. 2012. Acne vulgaris.
Lancet 379 : 361-372. - Mohsin N, Hernandez LE, Martin MR, Does AV, Nouri K. 2022. Acne treatment review and future perspectives.
Dermatol. Ther. 35 : e15719. - Andersen RK, Bouazzi D, Erikstrup C, Nielsen KR, Burgdorf KS, Bruun MT,
et al . 2022. The social and psychological impact of acne treatment: A cross-sectional study of blood donors.J. Cutan. Med. Surg. 26 : 485-493. - Marron SE, Chernyshov PV, Tomas-Aragones L. 2019. Quality-of-life research in acne vulgaris: current status and future directions.
Am. J. Clin. Dermatol. 20 : 527-538. - Tanghetti EA. 2013. The role of inflammation in the pathology of acne.
J. Clin. Aesthet. Dermatol. 6 : 27-35. - Beylot C, Auffret N, Poli F, Claudel JP, Leccia MT, Del Giudice P,
et al . 2014. Propionibacterium acnes: an update on its role in the pathogenesis of acne.J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol. Venereol. 28 : 271-278. - Temiz SA, Daye M. 2022. Dapsone for the treatment of acne vulgaris: do the risks outweigh the benefits?
Cutan. Ocul. Toxicol. 41 : 60-66. - Suh HD. 2010. Pharmacologic treatment acne.
J. Korean Med. Assoc. 53 : 623-629. - Zouboulis CC, Eady A, Philpott M, Goldsmith LA, Orfanos C, Cunliffe WC,
et al . 2005. What is the pathogenesis of acne?Exp. Dermatol. 14 : 143-152. - Zaenglein AL, Pathy AL, Schlosser BJ, Alikhan A, Baldwin HE, Berson DS,
et al . 2016. Guidelines of care for the management of acne vulgaris.J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 74 : 945-973. - Boen M, Jacob C. 2019. A Review and update of treatment options using the acne scar classification system.
Dermatol. Surg. 45 : 411-422. - Oh JH, Kim SH, Kwon OK, Kim JH, Oh SR, Han SB,
et al . 2022. Purpurin suppresses atopic dermatitis via TNF-α/IFN-γ-induced inflammation in HaCaT cells.Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 36 : 3946320221111135. - Jayasinghe AMK, Kirindage K, Fernando IPS, Han EJ, Oh GW, Jung WK,
et al . 2022. Fucoidan Isolated fromSargassum confusum suppresses inflammatory responses and oxidative stress in TNF-α/IFN-γ-stimulated HaCaT keratinocytes by activating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway.Mar. Drugs 20 : 117. - Heo Y, Yeo KU, Cha WS, Yeon DE, Choi SH, Lee JY,
et al . 2013. Development of skin sensitization alternative test through co-culture of THP-1 dendritic cell line and HaCaT keratinocyte cell line.J. Alternat. Anim. Exp. 7 : 29-34. - Kim J, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Takeuchi O, Uematsu S, Legaspi AJ,
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Related articles in JMB
Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022; 32(11): 1390-1395
Published online November 28, 2022
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Sulforaphene Attenuates Cutibacterium acnes-Induced Inflammation
Hwan Ju Hwang1, Jong-Eun Kim2*, and Ki Won Lee1*
1WCU Biomodulation Major and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
2Department of Food Science and Technology, Korea National University of Transportation, Jeungpyeong 27909, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to:Jong-Eun Kim,
Ki Won Lee,
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous gland attached to the hair follicles. Cutibacterium acnes is a major cause of inflammation caused by acne. It is well known that C. acnes secretes a lipolytic enzyme to break down lipids in sebum, and free fatty acids produced at this time accelerate the inflammatory reaction. There are several drugs used to treat acne; however, each one has various side effects. According to previous studies, sulforaphene (SFEN) has several functions associated with lipid metabolism, brain function, and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, we examined the effects of SFEN on bacterial growth and inflammatory cytokine production induced by C. acnes. The results revealed that SFEN reduced the growth of C. acnes and inhibited proinflammatory cytokines in C. acnes-treated HaCaT keratinocytes through inhibiting NF-κB-related pathways. In addition, SFEN regulated the expression level of IL-1α, a representative pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed in co-cultured HaCaT keratinocytes and THP-1 monocytes induced by C. acnes. In conclusion, SFEN showed antibacterial activity against C. acnes and controlled the inflammatory response on keratinocytes and monocytes. This finding means that SFEN has potential as both a cosmetic material for acne prevention and a pharmaceutical material for acne treatment.
Keywords: Acne, Cutibacterium acnes, inflammation
Radish seeds have long been used in East Asian traditional medicine for antibacterial purposes and to treat intestinal and skin inflammation [1]. Sulforaphene (SFEN, Fig. 1A), an active compound in radish seeds and a highly studied phytochemical, is a material that gives sulforaphane its carbon double bonds [2-4]. Additionally, SFEN is involved in lipid metabolism [5], has antibacterial effects on different types of bacteria [6], and also alleviates inflammatory diseases, including cancer [5, 7-10].
Figure 1. Effects of sulforaphene (SFEN) on HaCaT cell viability.
(A) Chemical structure of SFEN. (B) MTT assay results showed that SFEN did not exhibit cytotoxicity until 20 μM concentration. All graphs represent the means ± SEM (
n = 3). Asterisks indicate a significant inhibition by SFEN compared with non-treated group (**p < 0.01) using Student’st -test.
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, usually starting in puberty and disappearing in a person’s mid-20s [11]. Clinically, it appears in the form of comedones, pustules, cysts, and nodules [12]. It mainly appears on the face, neck, and chest where there is a lot of sebum secretion. As a result, it sometimes leaves unpleasant scarring on the skin [13]. The condition is not only a cosmetic concern, it also causes various psychological problems [14]. Acne occurs for a variety of reasons. In women, acne sometimes worsens periodically [13], usually about 1-2 weeks before menstruation, and it is thought to be caused by a progesterone hormone. Patients with endocrine disorders are particularly prone to acne [15], while various additives in cosmetics can also be a cause [16]. Physical and mental stress, such as lack of sleep and overwork, can exacerbate acne by increasing the secretion of androgens [17]. Acne worsens in strong sunlight or in hot, humid environments. If an affected individual constantly touches, rubs, or presses on acne, secondary infection and spread of the condition can also occur [13].
During puberty, an excess of male hormone can activate secretion of the sebaceous glands, and the epithelium of the hair follicles is complete and immature keratinization occurs, which is an abnormal keratinization called heterokeratosis [18]. Among the bacteria resident in hair follicles is
Materials and Methods
Chemicals and Reagents
SFEN was obtained from LKT Laboratories, Inc. (USA). Among the antibodies, p-IκBα (Ser32) and p-IKKα/β (Ser176/180) were obtained from Cell Signaling Biotechnology (USA). Other antibodies were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. (USA). DMEM, RPMI-1640 and fetal bovine serum (FBS) were obtained from Welgene, Inc. (Korea). Brain heart infusion broth, a GasPak system, and brain heart infusion agar (BD Biosciences, Inc., USA) were used to culture
Cell Culture
HaCaT cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS at 5% CO2 and 37°C. RPMI-1640 medium is used for culture of Human THP-1 promonocytic cells. Each cell was seeded and, when it reached 80% confluence, was replaced with serum-free media for starvation. After 1 h of treatment with SFEN, heat-killed
Bacterial Culture
Brain heart infusion broth is used for culturing
Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
pGF-NF-κB-mCMV-EF1-Puro was purchased from System Biosciences, Inc. (USA). A Luciferase Assay Kit was also obtained (Promega Inc., USA), as were human IL-1β, human
RNAs from HaCaT cells were prepared by using RNAiso Plus (Takara Bio Inc., Japan). The concentration and purity of the RNAs were measured using a NanoDrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). A PrimeScriptTM 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Takara Bio Inc.) was used for reverse transcription. IQ SYBR (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., USA) was used for RT-PCR. cDNA (2 μl) was used in triplicate with
Western Blot Assay
Protein lysates (60 mg) were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto a PVDF membrane (MilliporeSigma, Inc.). The membrane was blocked in skim milk over 2 h and then incubated with an indicated primary antibody over 6 h. After washing 3 times, hybridization was carried out with an HRP-conjugated secondary antibody. A chemiluminescence detection kit from MilliporeSigma, Inc. was used for protein bands.
Statistical Analysis
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey's test were used.
Effects of SFEN on C. acnes Growth
An MIC test was performed to determine the antibacterial effect of SFEN. The strains used for MIC were
Table 1 . Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test for SFEN..
Microbial strains Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) SFEN (mM) Norfloxacin (mM) Clindamycin (mM) C. acnes CCARM 90080.31 - 0.07 E. coli CCARM 00121.25 0.38 - S. aureus CCARM 31021.25 100.21 - E. coli ATCC 259221.25 0.19 - S. aureus ATCC 292131.25 3.13 - S. pneumoniae CCARM 00311.25 - -
Effects of SFEN on Proinflammatory Cytokines in C. acnes -Treated HaCaT Keratinocytes
To conduct the experiment at a concentration without cytotoxicity, the MTT assay was performed. As in Fig. 1B, SFEN shows decreased viability at concentrations above 40 μM. Therefore, another experiment was conducted with an SFEN concentration of less than 20 μM, which does not affect cell death. The protein levels of
Figure 2. Effects of SFEN on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in HaCaT cells.
The secretion levels of (A)
IL-6 , and (B)IL-8 were detected by ELISA. The expression levels of (C)IL-6 mRNA, and (D)IL-8 mRNA were detected using qPCR described in Materials and Methods. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control.
Effects of SFEN on NF-κB Signaling Pathway Inhibition in HaCaT Keratinocytes
The transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the expression of
Figure 3. Inhibitory effects of SFEN on the transcription activity of NF-κB and the upstream regulator proteins of NF-κB.
(A)Transcription activity of NF-κB was measured by luciferase reporter gene assay described in Materials and Methods. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (
p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control. (B) Phosphorylated and total forms of IKKα/β (Ser176/180) and IκBα (Ser32) proteins were determined by western blot assay as described in Materials and Methods.
Effects of SFEN on C. acnes -Induced IL-1β in Cocultured HaCaT Keratinocytes and THP-1 Monocytes
An experimental method of coculturing two cells was used to simulate a phenomenon occurring in the human body. In the human body, keratinocytes cause skin inflammation through interaction with Langerhans cells. The THP-1 cell line was originally known as a monocytic leukemia cell, but has characteristics of dendritic cells [25]. To show the protein level of IL-1β in the coculture model (Fig. 4A), the cells were divided into three conditioned groups: HaCaT only, THP-1 only, and HaCaT and THP-1. Heat-killed
Figure 4. Effects of SFEN on the production of IL-1β cytokine in a coculture model of HaCaT cells and THP-1 cells.
(A) The coculture method of HaCaT cells and THP-1 cells using Transwells as described in Materials and Methods. (B and C) The concentration of IL-1β in conditioned media was detected by ELISA. White bar indicates
C. acnes -induced group and black bar indicates the control group. Bars marked with different letters (a–c) are significantly different (p < 0.05) according to Tukey's test. The hashes (#) indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05) compared to untreated control.
The sebaceous glands are abundant on the face, back, and chest areas where acne is common. These glands are connected to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. [14]. Under normal conditions, sebum rises along the hair follicle wall and is discharged through the skin, but when the hair follicle is blocked, sebum cannot be discharged and gets trapped around the hair follicle, and bacteria that cause inflammation grow, which leads to acne [11]. Among the bacteria resident in hair follicles,
There are many reports that
A coculture model of HaCaT and THP-1 cells was used to evaluate the effects of the material more similar to an in vivo situation. The cytokines produced by
In conclusion, we identified effects of SFEN on the growth of
This work was supported by the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE)(2021RIS-001), a Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs (TIPA) grant funded by the Korea government (Ministry of SMEs and Startups) (No. S3174595), National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT)(2019R1C1C1004387), Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture and Forestry(IPET) through Technology Commercialization Support Program, funded by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA)(821027) and the Korea National University of Transportation 2022.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Table 1 . Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test for SFEN..
Microbial strains Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) SFEN (mM) Norfloxacin (mM) Clindamycin (mM) C. acnes CCARM 90080.31 - 0.07 E. coli CCARM 00121.25 0.38 - S. aureus CCARM 31021.25 100.21 - E. coli ATCC 259221.25 0.19 - S. aureus ATCC 292131.25 3.13 - S. pneumoniae CCARM 00311.25 - -
- Gao L, Li H, Li B, Shao H, Yu X, Miao Z,
et al . 2022. Traditional uses, phytochemistry, transformation of ingredients and pharmacology of the dried seeds ofRaphanus sativus L. (Raphani Semen), A comprehensive review.J. Ethnopharmacol. 294 : 115387. - Zheng W, Li X, Zhang T, Wang J. 2022. Biological mechanisms and clinical efficacy of sulforaphane for mental disorders.
Gen. Psychiatr. 35 : e100700. - Kow CS, Ramachandram DS, Hasan SS. 2022. Use of sulforaphane in COVID-19: Clinical trials are needed.
Mol. Immunol. 145 : 78-79. - Dana AH, Alejandro SP. 2022. Role of sulforaphane in endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis through regulation of the antioxidant response.
Life Sci. 299 : 120554. - Wang L, Jiang H, Liang X, Zhou W, Qiu Y, Xue C,
et al . 2021. Preparation of sulforaphene from radish seed extracts with recombinant food-grade Yarrowia lipolytica harboring high myrosinase activity.J. Agric. Food Chem. 69 : 5363-5371. - Lim S, Han S-W, Kim J. 2016. Sulforaphene identified from radish (
Raphanus sativus L.) seeds possesses antimicrobial properties against multidrug-resistant bacteria and methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus .J. Funct.Foods 24 : 131-141. - Gao L, Du F, Wang J, Zhao Y, Liu J, Cai D,
et al . 2021. Examination of the differences between sulforaphane and sulforaphene in colon cancer: A study based on next-generation sequencing.Oncol. Lett. 22 : 690. - Zhang G, Jin C, Zhu Y, Fu F, Wang G, Li S. 2020. Sulforaphene inhibits the progression of osteosarcoma via regulating FSTL1/NF-κB pathway.
Life Sci. 263 : 118485. - Yang W, Liu Y, Xu QQ, Xian YF, Lin ZX. 2020. Sulforaphene ameliorates neuroinflammation and hyperphosphorylated tau protein via regulating the PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β pathway in experimental models of Alzheimer's disease.
Oxid. Med. Cell Longev. 2020 : 4754195. - Yang H, Kang MJ, Hur G, Lee TK, Park IS, Seo SG,
et al . 2020. Sulforaphene suppresses adipocyte differentiation via induction of post-translational degradation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein Beta (C/EBPβ).Nutrients 12 : 758. - Valente Duarte De Sousa IC. 2019. New and emerging drugs for the treatment of acne vulgaris in adolescents.
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. 20 : 1009-1024. - Williams HC, Dellavalle RP, Garner S. 2012. Acne vulgaris.
Lancet 379 : 361-372. - Mohsin N, Hernandez LE, Martin MR, Does AV, Nouri K. 2022. Acne treatment review and future perspectives.
Dermatol. Ther. 35 : e15719. - Andersen RK, Bouazzi D, Erikstrup C, Nielsen KR, Burgdorf KS, Bruun MT,
et al . 2022. The social and psychological impact of acne treatment: A cross-sectional study of blood donors.J. Cutan. Med. Surg. 26 : 485-493. - Marron SE, Chernyshov PV, Tomas-Aragones L. 2019. Quality-of-life research in acne vulgaris: current status and future directions.
Am. J. Clin. Dermatol. 20 : 527-538. - Tanghetti EA. 2013. The role of inflammation in the pathology of acne.
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