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Research article
A Bioactive Fraction from Streptomyces sp. Enhances Maize Tolerance against Drought Stress
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Qurayyat, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia, 2Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, 62521, Beni-Suef, Egypt, 3Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613, Giza, Egypt, 4Department of Biology, College of Science and Arts at Khulis, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 5Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 6Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Jouf University, Sakaka, P.O. 2014, Saudi Arabia, 7Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 8Biology Department, Faculty of Science at Yanbu, Taibah University, King Khalid Rd., Al Amoedi, 46423, Yanbu El-Bahr, Saudi Arabia
Correspondence to:J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2020; 30(8): 1156-1168
Published August 28, 2020
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Graphical Abstract

Drought stress is one of the foremost environmental factors that negatively affect the quality and productivity of crops cultivated in (semi)-arid regions [1]. Recently, it was estimated that drought stress may cause reduction of food production in the range of 15-48% [2]. In this regard, it is expected that the next few years will see a double increase in dry land and 30% reduction in water availability [3]. This makes drought a major problem for crop productivity and hence, threatens food security for the rapidly growing population of the world [4]. Indeed, only twelve crops and fourteen animal species currently satisfy 90% of the food needs for the Earth’s inhabitants [5]. Among these crops, wheat, rice and maize are the major sources of food and energy for more than 50% of the global population [6].
Maize (
Currently, several approaches are being applied such as controlled watering, traditional breeding and using genetically modified drought-tolerant cultivars to improve maize growth under water shortage conditions. However, although promising results were reported under greenhouse condition, there have been some difficulties encountered in practice because they are technical and have high labor cost [10, 14]. Recently, treating plants with symbiotic microorganisms to improve the tolerance against drought stress in (semi)-arid regions has gained the attention of many researchers [15-17]. In this regard, there has been a huge increase of about 10% annually in the global market for microbial symbionts that enhance plant growth and increase yield under many stress conditions [1, 18]. Among these beneficial microorganisms, plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are considered one of the most promising solutions to improve crop growth and productivity under abiotic and/or biotic conditions [19]. Moreover, the PGPB, especially those isolated from dry regions, have been investigated to alleviate the negative effects of drought stress in many plants [20]. Actinobacteria are highly abundant microbial species of the soil microbiome and constitute about 10-50% of all species in different soil conditions [21]. Interestingly, the application of PGP Actinobacteria or their cell-free extracts provides considerable improvement in the growth and tolerance of crops like maize, soybean, rice and wheat under drought stress [16, 20].
The positive effect of Actinobacteria may also contribute to efficient use of water and minerals [22, 23], synthesis of essential plant hormones such as gibberellins (GA), auxin (IAA), cytokinins (CK) and salicylic acid (SA) [24], fixation of atmospheric nitrogen [25] and solubilization of phosphates [26]. They also increase generation of ROS scavengers and osmoprotectants [27] and enhance the activities of several enzymes involved in the plant antioxidant defense system [28].
The protective effects of Actinobacteria in maize under stressful environments were tested on a limited number of physiological and biochemical features [16, 29]. However, few works have addressed the simultaneous changes in growth, physiology and global metabolism of maize plant treated with Actinobacteria cell-free extract under drought conditions.
Thus, this work aims to address the comprehensive effects of cell-free extracts of several Actinobacteria isolates on the physiological responses and metabolic interface of maize experiencing drought. To our knowledge, this is the first study examining the global impact of Actinobacteria extract on maize under drought conditions.
Materials and Methods
Isolation of Actinobacteria
In order to isolate Actinobacteria, different soil samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm from a cultivated field in the Al-Jouf region (17°24'34.3 42°51'10.0), Saudi Arabia. Actinobacterial isolation was performed by soil dilution method reported earlier by Waksman [30] using glycerol-yeast agar medium (GYA: glycerol 5 ml/l, yeast extract 2 g/l, dipotassium phosphate 1 g/l, and agar 15 g/l) supplemented with nystatin (50 μg/l) as isolation medium. In brief, the soil suspension was prepared by mixing 1 g of dry soil with 9 ml sterile saline solution, which was then shaken well and heated at 50°C for 30 min. Then a ten-fold serial dilution of soil suspension up to 10-8 dilution was prepared. The last three dilutions of the soil suspension were inoculated into sterilized plastic plates followed by adding 20 ml of GYA medium. Then the poured medium was swirled slowly and incubated at 28°C for 7 days. Actinobacterial colonies with well-defined morphology were purified by sub-culturing the colonies on the same medium and then incubating for 7 days at 28°C. The pure isolates were preserved in slants containing starch casein agar medium at 4°C and in sterilized glycerol (20%) as suspensions at −20°C [31].
Morphological, Physiological, Biological, and Biological Screenings of Actinobacteria
The identification of the obtained actinobacterial isolates was performed based on their morphological, physiological and biochemical features. The morphological investigation was performed using the light microscope according to the method of Shirling and Gottlieb [32]. Physiological and biochemical identification were done based on utilization of different nitrogen and carbon sources as well as activities of some enzymes following the method adopted by Williams
Molecular Identification of the Most Potent Actinobacterial Isolates Using 16S rRNA Sequence Analysis
The selected actinobacterial isolate was then confirmed using molecular biology techniques including amplification of 16S rRNA and purification and sequencing of the amplicon as described before [37]. The obtained forward and reverse DNA sequence reads were used to produce contig sequence using DNAStar Lasergene software (version 7). The sequence of Actinobacteria was compared to references of 16S rRNA gene sequences of other actinobacterial isolates by the NCBI BLAST server.
Preparation of Cell-Free Extract Fractions
Cells of the selected actinobacterium were harvested from a 3-day culture in GY liquid media by centrifugation at 6,000 ×
Screening for the Bioactive Fractions
A homogenous lot of healthy maize seeds were surface sterilized using sodium hypochlorite (2.0%) for 20 min and then washed five times with distilled water. In order to screen for the bioactive fraction in the actinobacterial cell-free extract, groups of surface sterilized maize seeds, each of 100 seeds, were soaked in 1 ppm of cell-free extract or fractions (F1-4 and F2.1-2.12) for 4 h at 22oC, and then left to dry in an air cabinet. Another group of seeds were kept without treatment. After that, 20 uniform grains from each group were placed in each of five clean, sterilized Petri dishes (15 cm in diameter) lined with a filter paper. The effect of osmotic stress was induced by subjecting the non-treated and treated maize seeds to osmotic potential using 15% of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). The Petri dishes were incubated for four days in darkness at 25°C. After seven days, the seedling fresh mass was determined, and the percentages of germination were estimated using the following equation: Germination percentage = Number of normal seedlings/Number of total planting seeds × 100.
Isolation and Identification of the Bioactive Compounds in the Most Active Fraction (F2.7)
TLC analysis revealed that sub-fraction (F2.7) mainly contained one active compound. This fraction was further purified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), (Shimadzu class-LC 10 AD chromatograph coupled with Shimadzu SPD-10 AUV-VIS, phenomenex C18, 25 cm 4.6 mm, 5 Mm particle size). The purity of this sub-fraction was verified by UV spectrum analysis, which showed one main peak with maximum absorption at 250 nm. The purified compound was further identified by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance analysis (NMR).
Greenhouse Experiment
A group of sterilized seeds were soaked in the prepared cell-free extract or the best bioactive fraction (F2) prior to cultivation in the soil. Another group of seeds were soaked in culturing medium without Actinobacteria as a control. Plants, treated or non-treated, were subjected to severe drought stress. The plants in the control groups were re-watered daily up to 60% (soil water content (SWC)). In drought treatments, the water contents were adjusted after sowing to 30% SWC (severe stress, leaves wilting during the day). The growth conditions of the greenhouse were set at 21°C, with a 16 h photoperiod and at 60% humidity. At the end of the experiment, treated and non-treated plants were collected for morphological and biochemical analyses.
Estimation of the Photosynthesis Rate
The rate of photosynthesis was determined to fully expanded leaves [7] using the portable photosynthesis system (LI-COR LI-6400, USA) and the photosynthesis rate was expressed by μmol/CO2/m-2/s-1. A minimum of 5 min of leaf equilibration was set at each step before data were logged. The system leaf chamber conditions were set at 400 or 620 ppm CO2, 22oC (block temperature) and saturated photon flux density was 1500 μmol/m-2/s-1.
Stress Markers
Lipid peroxidation was determined by quantifying the fatty acid oxidation-produced malonaldehyde (MDA) according to the thiobarbituric acid assay [38]. Protein oxidation was assessed via carbonyl quantification [39]. Whereas, xylenol orange method was employed to measure hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA; 0.1%) extract of plant samples [40].
Metabolite Profiling
The contents of carbohydrates including some individual sugars, organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids were estimated using (HPLC) or gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses according to the methods described in our previous investigation [41]. The identification and quantification of individual compounds were achieved by comparing the peak area with that of calibration curve of the corresponding standards and referring to NIST(05) and Golm Metabolome ( databases. Extraction and quantification of the total concentration of sugars was carried out following Nelson’s colorimetric method as described in AbdElgawad
Quantitative Estimation of Individual Sugars
The dried powder obtained from maize leaves was extracted in acetonitrile (50%, v/v). Sugars profile in the clear extract was quantified by HPLC analysis. Mobile phase (acetonitrile and water at 75:25 ratio (v/v)) was applied at a flow rate of 1 ml/min at 30°C [41]. To identify sugars, their retention times were compared with corresponding standards. The levels of each sugar were determined by using a calibration curve.
Organic Acids Profile Analysis
Maize dried powdered tissues of known weight were homogenized in butylated hydroxyanisole (0.3%, w/v) and phosphoric acid (0.1%) and by using a MagNA Lyser instrument. Organic acids were estimated by HPLC (Supelcogel C-610H column), a UV detection system operated at 210 nm (LaChromL-7455 diode array, LaChrom, Japan). Next, 0.1% of phosphoric acid (v/v) was applied as mobile phase (0.45 ml/min flow rate) [41]. The levels of each organic acid were estimated by calibration curve for each corresponding standard.
Amino Acids Profile
The amino acids in maize dried powdered tissues were extracted in 80% aqueous ethanol using a MagNA Lyser (Roche, Belgium) [43]. The clear supernatant was obtained by centrifugation for 20 min at 14,000 ×
Isolation and Analysis of Fatty Acids
For the fatty acids’ isolation, identification and quantification, the method of Torras-Claveria
Quantitative Analysis of Antioxidants
The antioxidant glutathione and ascorbate content was extracted then determined with reversed-phase HPLC according to Potters
Total Antioxidant Activity
The maize tissue extracts’ scavenging activity of free radicals was assayed by two methods, 2,2-diphenyl-1- picryl-hydrazyl‐hydrate (DPPH) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) [47]. The extracts were prepared by grinding fresh maize tissues (300 mg) in 3 ml 80% (v/v) ice-cold ethanol. The DPPH assay was performed by mixing each extract with 0.5 ml of DPPH solution (0.25 mM in 95% ethanol). The mixture was shaken well then allowed to stand for 30 min at room temperature. Thereafter, 2 ml of double distilled water was added, and the absorbance was measured at 517 nm to calculate the percentage of inhibition. For the FRAP assay, the freshly prepared reagent was dispensed in the micro-titration plate and mixed extracts. The incubation was for 30 min at 37°C, the absorbance was measured at 593 nm (micro-plate reader, Synergy Mx, Biotek Instruments Inc., USA). The antioxidant capacity was calculated via Trolox standard-curve quantification using concentration up to 650 μM.
Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses of data were carried out via analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) from the SPSS statistical program (SPSS Inc., USA). Tukey’s test (
Results and Discussion
Morphological and Biochemical Identification of the Isolated Actinobacteria
Three actinobacterial strains (Ac3, Ac6 and Ac11) were isolated and purified from the rhizosphere of cereal plants cultivated fields in Jouf city (Saudi Arabia). The isolates were classified based on morphological and biochemical features. Microscopic examination revealed that the three isolates belong to the genus
Table 1 . Morphological characterization , nitrogen and carbon source utilization, and biochemical activities of selected actinomycete isolates (Ac3, Ac6 and Ac11).
Isolates Ac3 Ac6 Ac11 Spore chain Aerial mycelium + + + Pigmentation + - + Spiral + + + Rectiflexibiles - - + Verticillat - - - Substrate Yellow - - + Orange - - - Gray + - - Red - + - N source utilization L-Cysteine + + + L-Phenylalanine - + + L-Histidine + - + L-Lysine + + + L-Asparagine + + - L-Arginine - + + L-proline + + - L-Valine + + + Tyrosine + + + C source utilization D-fructose + + - D-glucose + - - Sucrose - + + Maltose + - - Raffinose - + + Lactose + + - Galactose - + + Meso-Inositol + - - Celullose + - + Xylose - + + Dextran + + - Enzymes activity Catalase + + + Peroxidase + + + Starch hydrolysis - + - Gelatin liquefication + + + Casein hydrolysis - - + Lipolysis + + + Citrate utilization + + + Nitrate reduction + - - Urease + + + H2S Production + + + DNase + + + The + and – signs indicated the presence and absence, respectively.
This result is consistent with the variations in the biochemical and morphological features reported among different Actinobacteria strains isolated from rhizosphere of palm tree [47] and with the previously characterized five Actinobacteria species isolated from the rhizospheric soil of cereals [20]. It is well known that
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Actinobacterial Cell-Free Extracts
In order to choose the most active actinobacterial cell-free extracts, antibacterial and antioxidant activity were first tested. Results showed considerable antioxidant activities using both DPPH and FRAP assays in all tested isolates, which closely matched with their higher flavonoid contents (Fig. 1). Among tested isolates, Ac3 revealed the greatest antioxidant capacities as well as antibacterial activities comparable to positive control, giving zone of inhibition diameters of 19.974 ± 0.325 and 26.947 ± 2.839 mm against
Fig. 1.
Assessment of the crude actionobacterial cell-free extracts. (A ) Flavonoid and phenolic contents (mg/g cell- free extract), (B ) antioxidant capacity as analyzed by FRAP, μmole Trolox/g extract as well as DPPH percentage of inhibition.
Fig. 2.
The antibacterial activities of crude actinobacterial cell-free extracts against the phytopathogens Streptomycin was used as a positive control with concentration 50 μg.Pseudomonas syringae andXanthomonas oryzae .
Additionally, there were reported potential antioxidant activities in bioactive compounds extracted from
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Most Active Actinobacteria
The identity of the most active actinobacterial isolate Ac3 was confirmed by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene using the universal primers 27 and 1492R. The amplified sequence exhibited a high degree of homology, showing 99.79% similarities with 16S rRNA gene from many Streptomyces species such as
Fig. 3.
The phylogenetic tree constructed by the maximum likelihood method using MEGAX software for the 16S rRNA sequences of Numbers at nodes represent the percentage values given by 1,000 bootstrap analysis samples.Streptomyces sp. AC3.
Characterization of the Most Active Actinobacteria Cell-Free Extract
Among the tested isolates, the Ac3 cell-free extract was further characterized. The profile of flavonoids and the contents of the phytohormones and siderophores were measured in the candidate isolate Ac3 (Table 2). The results showed that isoquercitrin was the predominant flavonoid with a concentration of 8.361 ± 0.67 mg/g cell-free extract followed by apigenin (7.489 ± 0.6 mg/g cell-free extract). Moreover, a remarkable production of hormones (IAA, ABA and GA) and of siderophores (
Table 2 . The contents of flavonoids, hormones and siderophores produced by the selected actinomycete (Ac3).
Parameter Ac3 Quercetin 1.143±0.09 Quercetrin 1.915±0.15 Luteolin 0.901±0.12 Apigenin 7.489±0.6 Isoquercetrin 8.361±0.67 Rutin 0.847±0.07 Ellagic acid 0.417±0.01 Velutin 0.357±0.03 Naringenin 1.232±0.1 Genistein 1.885±0.15 Daidzein 2.082±0.17 Fisetin 3.847±0.31 O-hydroxydaidzein 1.033±0.08 IAA-Me 1.1598 13C6-IAA-Me ABA 0.1098 d6-ABA GA 0.1663 Sidephore Catechol 9.1961 Sidephore Salicylate 7.653 Values are the average of 3 replicates (mean ± SD).
Similarly, Banerjee
F2.7 is the Most Effective Sub-Fraction in Enhancing Maize Tolerance to Drought
In order to select the most active fraction of the cell-free extract of Ac3, a seed germination experiment was conducted using 4 fractions (F1-F4) under induced osmotic pressure (15% PEG). The results indicated that F2 increased the percentage of germination compared to control without treatment under the same conditions (Fig. 4). In addition, the highest maize seedling FW was recorded for the same fraction F2. Further fractionation was conducted for the best active fraction F2 and 12 sub-fractions were obtained. All sub-fractions were evaluated, and the results revealed that sub-fraction F2.7 was the best in promoting the germination percentage and seedling fresh mass of maize grown under both normal and osmotic stress conditions (Fig. 4). Therefore, F2.7 was further evaluated. The sub-fraction (F2.7) mainly contained one active compound which was identified by 1H and 13C NMR. The 1H NMR spectra signals were: 1H-NMR (dissolved in DMSO-d6) 6.20 (1H, d, J = 2.1 Hz, H-6), 6.40 (1H, d, J = 2.1 Hz, H-8), 6.86 (1H, d, J = 8.4 Hz, H-5'), 7.57 (1H, dd, J = 8.5 and 2.3 Hz, H-6'), 7.71 (1H, d, J = 2.4 Hz, H-2'), 5.41 (d, J= 7.6 Hz, H-1-glc). Also, the signals of 13C-NMR (dissolved in DMSO-d6), 157.32 (C-2), 134.21 (C- 3), 178.8 (C-4), 162.441 (C-5), 99.85 (C-6), 165.61 (C-7), 94.58 (C-8), 157.61 (C-9), 104.13 (C-10), 122.17 (C-1'), 116.04 (C-2'), 145.64 (C-3'), 149.19 (C-4'), 118.02 (C-5'), 122.95 (C-6'), 103.31 (C-1''), 60.7 (C-6''), 69.12 (C-4''), 75.3 (C-2''), 77.01 (C-3''), 78.07 (C-5''). Accordingly, the purified compound was identified as isoquercetin.
Fig. 4.
Impact of crude actinobacterial cell-free extract or its fractions (F1-4 and F2.1-2.12) on germination percentage. (A ) Seedling fresh mass (B ) of maize grown under normal (0% polyethylene glycol, PEG) or osmotic stress conditions (15% PEG). Asterisks indicate significant changes (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01) compared to control.
Effect of F2.7 on Maize Growth and Photosynthesis Under Drought Conditions
Desiccation is known to threaten plant life through impairing essential processes like photosynthesis and hence, induces plant growth decline [27]. This fact is very consistent with the current results, where drought caused marked decrease in maize fresh weight (FW) and dry weight (DW) by 53.5% and 48.1%, respectively, as compared to well-watered plants (Table 3). Interestingly, actinobacterial Ac3 cell-free extract F2.7 fraction induced significant increase in both FW and DW by 96.6% and 52.4%, respectively, compared to non-treated maize plants under drought. Moreover, the net photosynthesis reduced markedly by 44.2% under drought condition. On the other hand, this reduction was significantly recovered by 52.2% due to F2.7 treatment, relative to the non-treated plants (Table 3).
Table 3 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on the biomass, photosynthesis, the contents of carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids under normal and drought condition compared to non-treated control plants.
Parameter Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought +F2.7 Biomass and Photosynthesis FW (g/plant) 5.08±0.09a 4.13±0.97ab 2.36±0.78c 4.64±0.74d DW (g/plant) 0.81±0ab 0.91±0.13a 0.42±0.07d 0.64±0.09c Photosynthesis (umoles CO2 m-2 leaf area S-1) 8.14±1.09a 7.21±1.08a 4.54±0.81c 6.91±0.96b Carbohydrates Glucose 1.82±0.09c 1.66±0.07ab 2.88±0.6a 3±1.1a Fructose 1.09±0.13a 1.14±0.17a 2.92±0.2a 3.4±0.2a Sucrose 1.93±0.17a 2.07±0.98a 3.02±0.22a 5.2±0.2b Soluble sugars 9.06±1.51b 9.1±0.7a 14.51±1.88a 19.8±1.1a Starch 27.83±1.35c 30.19±0.23b 35.77±0.9ab 39.3±2a Total Carbohydrates 62.07±3.05c 70.81±4.17ab 80.81±6.29a 94±6.4a Organic acids Oxalic 3.92±0.93b 4.34±0.26ab 4.75±0.41b 7.94±1.08a Malic 25.07±1.23b 19.6±0.61b 17.81±0.99ab 42.72±1.36a Succinic 2.84±0.27b 2.47±0.66b 4.71±0.22ab 6.35±0.46a Citric 5.21±0.16cd 8.19±0.68c 15.91±1.21b 19.95±0.73a Isobutyric 5.37±1.42ab 5.33±1b 4.78±0.41b 6.84±0.83a Fumaric 8.67±1.01c 9.25±0.31c 12.06±1.07b 17.04±1.03a Amino acids GlutamIic acid 30.24±ab 34.48±ab 44.73±b 47.98±a Glutamine 121.87±c 132.11±c 142.35±b 162.6±a Lysine 7.56±b 6.13±ab 4±b 4.26±a Alph-keto glutaric acid 0.05±b 0.06±b 0.09±ab 0.11±a Histidine 1.15±a 0.95±ab 0.74±a 1.54±a Alanine 34.75±ab 50.13±b 65.52±b 80.9±a Arginie 1.4±ab 1.71±ab 2.03±ab 2.83±a Ornithine 0.1±a 0.1±a 0.11±a 0.87±a Proline 0.8±ab 0.77±ab 1.12±b 1.29±a Asparagine 1.2±c 1.61±b 1.97±b 2.27±a Isoleucine 0.23±a 0.32±a 0.31±a 0.47±b Leucine 0.18±a 0.23±a 0.41±a 0.39±b Methionine 0.59±a 0.5±ab 0.91±a 1.33±b Threonine 0.226±a 0.106±a 0.67±a 0.3±b Valine 1.5±a 1.93±a 1.81±a 2.92±b Serine 0.28±a 0.35±a 0.43±a 0.5±b Phenylalanine 0.73±a 0.71±b 0.5±ab 0.38±a Glycine 1.01±a 0.7±a 0.4±a 0.1±b Aspartaat 0.04±b 0.04±c 0.06±b 0.08±a Cystine 0.19±a 0.23±ab 0.26±a 0.3±a Tyrosine 1.01±ab 0.78±b 1.56±a 2.33±a Fatty acids Dodecanoic (C12:0) ) 1647.2±147.03b 2849.6±357.79a 3051.9±168.2a 4254.2±192.85c Tetradecanoic (C14:0 716.7±47.93a 821.1±6.6a 925.4±91.63b 1029.8±81.55b Pentadecanoic (C15:0) 136.8±5.73a 164.2±10.96a 191.6±7.22bc 219±8.72d Hexadecadienoic (C16:2) 1303.6±185.01a 1540.8±103.96b 1778±176.79b 2215.3±119.77c Heptadecanoic (C17:0) 2941.1±295.31b 4901.2±392.5a 8861.3±203.28b 11821.4±265.19b Octadecanoic (C18:0) 110.6±12.7a 97.4±7.1a 124.2±8.09b 171±6.6c Eicosanoic (C20:0) 2498.4±222.98b 2562±372.2a 3625.6±212.7b 4689.2±241.9c Docosanoic (C22:0) 167.5±11.21a 175.3±13.37a 223±20.42b 310.7±3.36c Tricosanoic (C23:0) 16.8±0.75a 16.3±1.12a 15.7±0.87a 15.2±0.87b Pentacosanoic (C25:0) 530.8±60.88a 517.5±44.32a 774.2±38.1b 650.8±31c Hexadecatrienoic (C16:3) 506.3±71.96a 619.9±99.6b 703.6±56.03b 847.2±57.52c Octadecenoic (18:1) 174.4±11.7a 151.2±21.25a 228±19.67b 304.7±3.74c Octadecatrienoic (C18:3) 984.2±63.25a 996±86.78a 1296.8±64.86b 897.5±85.53c Eicosadienoic (C20:2) 362.2±29.13a 346.7±18.55a 331.1±23.28b 315.5±19.42b Tetracosenoic (C24:1) 345.5±74.82a 491.2±49.3b 536.9±3.86b 427.4±28.39c Hexadecanoic (C16:0) 8395.1±147.72a 9233.4±506.22ab 5471.7±124.93b 4010.1±408.57c Hexadecanoic (C16:1 283.2±43.08a 231.8±61.38a 380.4±41.46ab 379±37.1c Octadecadienoic (C18:2) 32±2.12a 32.6±0.25a 41.3±3.86a 33.9±0.62a Tetracosanoic (C24:0) 210.8±8.96a 221.9±14.82a 333±9.59b 244.1±10.83c Hexacosanoic (26:0) 42.3±4.86a 55.1±3.98a 67.9±3.24b 80.7±6.1a Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD Different letters represent significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05.
The same observed reduction in biomass and photosynthesis was investigated by Khan
The Effects of F2.7 and Drought on Maize Primary Metabolism
It is well known that photosynthesis is the most vital process in plant metabolism, whereas carbohydrates are the main energy source essential for all other metabolic pathways. Thus, due to its positive effect on photosynthesis, we assumed that treating maize with Actinobacteria cell-free extract may alter its metabolism and consequently impact its behavior under water deficit conditions. Therefore, the accumulation of many primary and some secondary related metabolites was estimated in treated and non-treated maize grown in drought and normal irrigation conditions. The levels of carbohydrates, amino acids and organic acids were assessed in both treated and non-treated maize under drought and normal conditions (Table 3). For carbohydrates, the accumulation was increased under drought conditions, especially the levels of total soluble sugars, total carbohydrates and starch, which were increased significantly by 60%, 30.2% and 28.5%, respectively, as compared to control plants. The F2.7 fraction of actinomycetes caused an increase in all fractions of sugar, and sucrose was significantly increased by 70.2% compared to the non-treated plants under water deficit.
Such impact of Actinobacteria on carbohydrate accumulation was correlated with the observed enhancement in photosynthesis (Table 3). The improved photosynthesis combined with increase in the accumulation of carbohydrate was reported before [7]. In addition, accumulation of sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose might activate the TCA cycle and hence, increase cycle intermediates like some organic acids [67, 68]. In line with this, comparison between the organic acid in treated and non-treated maize plants under drought conditions indicated significantly higher concentrations of oxalic, isobutyric, citric, and fumaric by 25.4%, 67.16%, 43.1% and 43.1%, respectively (Table 3). This accumulation of carbohydrates and organic acids was observed in chickpea inoculated with PGPR by Khan
Under abiotic stress environment, the plant amino acids are accumulated to cope with the stress because amino acids are the precursors of protein and some amino acids act as osmoprotectants or antioxidants [70]. Overall, the results obtained revealed that the levels of glutamine and asparagine were increased in non-treated maize under drought condition by 16.8% and 64.2%, respectively. Whereas, the rest of the amino acids were accumulated significantly in the treated plants under same conditions (Table 4). Induced amino acid levels in treated maize may be attributed to the protective role of actinobacterial cell-free extract in improving plant photosynthesis and growth. In this context, drought-increased amino acid levels have been previously reported [71]. Additionally, the fatty acid profile in maize was analyzed in treated and non-treated plants under normal and drought treatments. It is well known that fatty acids are important not only as membrane structural components or storage compounds but also, for synthesis of plant hormones such as jasmonates that enhance plant tolerance against drought stress [72, 73]. In this regard, data revealed that drought stress caused significant elevation of the majority of the fatty acids except for Eicosadienoic (C20:2) and Hexadecanoic (C16:0) that were reduced significantly by 8.6% and 35%, respectively, as compared with well-watered maize plants. The cell-free extract fraction induced marked rise in fatty acids content in treated maize plants under both normal and water deficit irrigation (Table 3). Similar data were obtained in maize treated with Actinobacteria under drought stress [20]. This suggests that the secondary metabolites produced by the actinomycetes played the dominant role.
Table 4 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on contents of lipid peroxidation product (MDA), protein oxidation, total peroxides (H2O2), ascorbate (ASC), glutathione (GSH), tocopherols, and glycine betaine as well as antioxidant power (FRAP) in maize compared to nontreated control plants under normal and drought condition.
Parameters Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought+F2.7 MDA (mg/g) 8.1±0.08a 7.71±0.97a 19.35±1.03c 9.07±1.67b H2O2 (umol/g) 450.61±0a 459.59±0.13a 624.45±0.07c 457.96±0.09b Protein oxidation (mg carbonyl/gFW) 1.4±1.09a 1.69±0.88a 3.44±0.81b 2±1.32a ASC 2.2±0.12a 3.21±0.1a 4.65±0.2b 6.3±0.3b GSH 0.21±0.02a 0.3±0.1a 0.66±0.02b 0.6±0ab Tocopherols 2.23±0.31a 2.58±0.34a 3.46±0.35b 4±0.4a FRAP 16.76±1.42a 22.53±1.41a 30.88±1.15c 41.5±1b Glycine betaine 4.16±0.26a 3.93±0.25ab 7.05±0.92d 5.9±0.6c Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD. The different letters indicate significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05.
Actinobacterial Fraction F2.7 Treatment Enhanced Maize Tolerance Against Drought Induced Osmotic Stress
Osmotic adjustment including osmolyte accumulation is one of the chief strategies through which plants maintain proper water uptake and cell turgidity to tolerate water deficit conditions [74, 75]. In order to cope with osmotic stress, the plant cells accumulate compatible osmolytes such as low molecular mass biomolecules including glycine, proline, betaine and soluble and alcoholic sugars [76] to protect the cell organelles from oxidative damage triggered by drought [77].
In line with this, the cell-free extract fraction F2.7 induced the significant increase in the total soluble sugars, sucrose, proline, arginine and glycine betaine under water deficit conditions, compared to non-treated plants under the same conditions. Similarly, Tomczyk and Gudej [78] observed a marked increase in the content of soluble sugars in cucumber plants treated with rhizobacteria under drought.
Treatment with F2.7 Maintained the Redox Homeostasis and Mitigated Drought-Induced Cell Damage
Accumulation of ROS and its related oxidative damage is a characteristic of plants cultivated under drought stress [27]. The lack of efficient antioxidant defense systems to maintain redox balance inside the cell is correlated to damage induced in the essential cell compounds, especially membrane lipids and proteins and hence, cell injury [79]. The obtained data showed a significant accumulation of H2O2, protein carbonyls and lipid peroxides (MDA) by 38.6%, 145.7% and 139%, respectively, in non-treated maize in response to drought condition (Table 4).
Plants scavenge ROS and hence, tolerate oxidative stress, through production of low-molecular-weight water soluble antioxidants such as ascorbate (ASC) and glutathione (GSH) and the lipid soluble tocopherol, polyphenols and carotenoid compounds [80, 82]. In this regard, the recorded data (Table 4) revealed that drought stressed maize plants treated with cell-free extract fraction F2.7 have an enhanced redox homeostasis designated by low concentrations of stress markers (H2O2, protein carbonyls and MDA) and higher TAC (FRAP), as compared with the non-treated ones. These improved antioxidants in treated maize plants could be attributed to the improvement in the accumulation of biomolecular antioxidants. Consistent with this hypothesis, the current results showed marked accumulation in ASC, GSH and tocopherols level in treated maize under drought, relative to the non-treated plants. Similarly, Selim
In conclusion, using secondary metabolites of PGPB is an ecofriendly and economically effective approach to improve the growth of maize plants under normal and drought conditions. The potential of Actinobacteria extract in improving maize growth and tolerance against drought may be ascribed to phytohormones and siderophores which enhance root health and therefore, facilitate the absorption of minerals and nutrients from soil. Furthermore, the positive indirect impacts of Actinobacteria antioxidant and osmotic-related metabolites may be due to the induction of plant ROS scavengers and osmoprotectants such as sugars, amino acids, phenolics and flavonoids. Besides, the effective actinomycetes fraction F2.7 not only enhances maize drought tolerance but also improves the nutritional quality of the crop through increasing the contents of some vital compounds like fatty acids and carbohydrates. Thus, the obtained results recommend utilization of cell-free extract of Actinobacteria as an effective alternative tool for enhancing both growth and performance of important crops grown under abiotic conditions.
The Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at Jouf University, Saudi Arabia funded this Project under grant no. (40/187). The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for technical and financial support.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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Research article
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2020; 30(8): 1156-1168
Published online August 28, 2020
Copyright © The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology.
A Bioactive Fraction from Streptomyces sp. Enhances Maize Tolerance against Drought Stress
Mona Warrad 1*, Yasser M. Hassan 2*, Mahmoud S.M. Mohamed 3, Nashwa Hagagy 4, 7, Omar A. Al-Maghrabi 5, Samy Selim 6, 7, Ahmed M. Saleh 8 and Hamada AbdElgawad 2
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Al-Qurayyat, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia, 2Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, 62521, Beni-Suef, Egypt, 3Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 12613, Giza, Egypt, 4Department of Biology, College of Science and Arts at Khulis, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 5Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 6Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Jouf University, Sakaka, P.O. 2014, Saudi Arabia, 7Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 8Biology Department, Faculty of Science at Yanbu, Taibah University, King Khalid Rd., Al Amoedi, 46423, Yanbu El-Bahr, Saudi Arabia
Correspondence to:Mona Warrad
Yasser M. Hassan
Drought stress is threatening the growth and productivity of many economical crops. Therefore, it is necessary to establish innovative and efficient approaches for improving crop growth and productivity. Here we investigated the potentials of the cell-free extract of Actinobacteria (Ac) isolated from a semi-arid habitat (Al-Jouf region, Saudi Arabia) to recover the reduction in maize growth and improve the physiological stress tolerance induced by drought. Three Ac isolates were screened for production of secondary metabolites, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The isolate Ac3 revealed the highest levels of flavonoids, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities in addition to having abilities to produce siderophores and phytohormones. Based on seed germination experiment, the selected bioactive fraction of Ac3 cell-free extract (F2.7, containing mainly isoquercetin), increased the growth and photosynthesis rate under drought stress. Moreover, F2.7 application significantly alleviated drought stress-induced increases in H2O2, lipid peroxidation (MDA) and protein oxidation (protein carbonyls). It also increased total antioxidant power and molecular antioxidant levels (total ascorbate, glutathione and tocopherols). F2.7 improved the primary metabolism of stressed maize plants; for example, it increased in several individuals of soluble carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, and fatty acids. Interestingly, to reduce stress impact, F2.7 accumulated some compatible solutes including total soluble sugars, sucrose and proline. Hence, this comprehensive assessment recommends the potentials of actinobacterial cell-free extract as an alternative ecofriendly approach to improve crop growth and quality under water deficit conditions.
Keywords: Actinobacteria, cell free extract, drought stress, Streptomyces, osmoregulation
Drought stress is one of the foremost environmental factors that negatively affect the quality and productivity of crops cultivated in (semi)-arid regions [1]. Recently, it was estimated that drought stress may cause reduction of food production in the range of 15-48% [2]. In this regard, it is expected that the next few years will see a double increase in dry land and 30% reduction in water availability [3]. This makes drought a major problem for crop productivity and hence, threatens food security for the rapidly growing population of the world [4]. Indeed, only twelve crops and fourteen animal species currently satisfy 90% of the food needs for the Earth’s inhabitants [5]. Among these crops, wheat, rice and maize are the major sources of food and energy for more than 50% of the global population [6].
Maize (
Currently, several approaches are being applied such as controlled watering, traditional breeding and using genetically modified drought-tolerant cultivars to improve maize growth under water shortage conditions. However, although promising results were reported under greenhouse condition, there have been some difficulties encountered in practice because they are technical and have high labor cost [10, 14]. Recently, treating plants with symbiotic microorganisms to improve the tolerance against drought stress in (semi)-arid regions has gained the attention of many researchers [15-17]. In this regard, there has been a huge increase of about 10% annually in the global market for microbial symbionts that enhance plant growth and increase yield under many stress conditions [1, 18]. Among these beneficial microorganisms, plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are considered one of the most promising solutions to improve crop growth and productivity under abiotic and/or biotic conditions [19]. Moreover, the PGPB, especially those isolated from dry regions, have been investigated to alleviate the negative effects of drought stress in many plants [20]. Actinobacteria are highly abundant microbial species of the soil microbiome and constitute about 10-50% of all species in different soil conditions [21]. Interestingly, the application of PGP Actinobacteria or their cell-free extracts provides considerable improvement in the growth and tolerance of crops like maize, soybean, rice and wheat under drought stress [16, 20].
The positive effect of Actinobacteria may also contribute to efficient use of water and minerals [22, 23], synthesis of essential plant hormones such as gibberellins (GA), auxin (IAA), cytokinins (CK) and salicylic acid (SA) [24], fixation of atmospheric nitrogen [25] and solubilization of phosphates [26]. They also increase generation of ROS scavengers and osmoprotectants [27] and enhance the activities of several enzymes involved in the plant antioxidant defense system [28].
The protective effects of Actinobacteria in maize under stressful environments were tested on a limited number of physiological and biochemical features [16, 29]. However, few works have addressed the simultaneous changes in growth, physiology and global metabolism of maize plant treated with Actinobacteria cell-free extract under drought conditions.
Thus, this work aims to address the comprehensive effects of cell-free extracts of several Actinobacteria isolates on the physiological responses and metabolic interface of maize experiencing drought. To our knowledge, this is the first study examining the global impact of Actinobacteria extract on maize under drought conditions.
Materials and Methods
Isolation of Actinobacteria
In order to isolate Actinobacteria, different soil samples were collected at a depth of 20 cm from a cultivated field in the Al-Jouf region (17°24'34.3 42°51'10.0), Saudi Arabia. Actinobacterial isolation was performed by soil dilution method reported earlier by Waksman [30] using glycerol-yeast agar medium (GYA: glycerol 5 ml/l, yeast extract 2 g/l, dipotassium phosphate 1 g/l, and agar 15 g/l) supplemented with nystatin (50 μg/l) as isolation medium. In brief, the soil suspension was prepared by mixing 1 g of dry soil with 9 ml sterile saline solution, which was then shaken well and heated at 50°C for 30 min. Then a ten-fold serial dilution of soil suspension up to 10-8 dilution was prepared. The last three dilutions of the soil suspension were inoculated into sterilized plastic plates followed by adding 20 ml of GYA medium. Then the poured medium was swirled slowly and incubated at 28°C for 7 days. Actinobacterial colonies with well-defined morphology were purified by sub-culturing the colonies on the same medium and then incubating for 7 days at 28°C. The pure isolates were preserved in slants containing starch casein agar medium at 4°C and in sterilized glycerol (20%) as suspensions at −20°C [31].
Morphological, Physiological, Biological, and Biological Screenings of Actinobacteria
The identification of the obtained actinobacterial isolates was performed based on their morphological, physiological and biochemical features. The morphological investigation was performed using the light microscope according to the method of Shirling and Gottlieb [32]. Physiological and biochemical identification were done based on utilization of different nitrogen and carbon sources as well as activities of some enzymes following the method adopted by Williams
Molecular Identification of the Most Potent Actinobacterial Isolates Using 16S rRNA Sequence Analysis
The selected actinobacterial isolate was then confirmed using molecular biology techniques including amplification of 16S rRNA and purification and sequencing of the amplicon as described before [37]. The obtained forward and reverse DNA sequence reads were used to produce contig sequence using DNAStar Lasergene software (version 7). The sequence of Actinobacteria was compared to references of 16S rRNA gene sequences of other actinobacterial isolates by the NCBI BLAST server.
Preparation of Cell-Free Extract Fractions
Cells of the selected actinobacterium were harvested from a 3-day culture in GY liquid media by centrifugation at 6,000 ×
Screening for the Bioactive Fractions
A homogenous lot of healthy maize seeds were surface sterilized using sodium hypochlorite (2.0%) for 20 min and then washed five times with distilled water. In order to screen for the bioactive fraction in the actinobacterial cell-free extract, groups of surface sterilized maize seeds, each of 100 seeds, were soaked in 1 ppm of cell-free extract or fractions (F1-4 and F2.1-2.12) for 4 h at 22oC, and then left to dry in an air cabinet. Another group of seeds were kept without treatment. After that, 20 uniform grains from each group were placed in each of five clean, sterilized Petri dishes (15 cm in diameter) lined with a filter paper. The effect of osmotic stress was induced by subjecting the non-treated and treated maize seeds to osmotic potential using 15% of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). The Petri dishes were incubated for four days in darkness at 25°C. After seven days, the seedling fresh mass was determined, and the percentages of germination were estimated using the following equation: Germination percentage = Number of normal seedlings/Number of total planting seeds × 100.
Isolation and Identification of the Bioactive Compounds in the Most Active Fraction (F2.7)
TLC analysis revealed that sub-fraction (F2.7) mainly contained one active compound. This fraction was further purified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), (Shimadzu class-LC 10 AD chromatograph coupled with Shimadzu SPD-10 AUV-VIS, phenomenex C18, 25 cm 4.6 mm, 5 Mm particle size). The purity of this sub-fraction was verified by UV spectrum analysis, which showed one main peak with maximum absorption at 250 nm. The purified compound was further identified by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance analysis (NMR).
Greenhouse Experiment
A group of sterilized seeds were soaked in the prepared cell-free extract or the best bioactive fraction (F2) prior to cultivation in the soil. Another group of seeds were soaked in culturing medium without Actinobacteria as a control. Plants, treated or non-treated, were subjected to severe drought stress. The plants in the control groups were re-watered daily up to 60% (soil water content (SWC)). In drought treatments, the water contents were adjusted after sowing to 30% SWC (severe stress, leaves wilting during the day). The growth conditions of the greenhouse were set at 21°C, with a 16 h photoperiod and at 60% humidity. At the end of the experiment, treated and non-treated plants were collected for morphological and biochemical analyses.
Estimation of the Photosynthesis Rate
The rate of photosynthesis was determined to fully expanded leaves [7] using the portable photosynthesis system (LI-COR LI-6400, USA) and the photosynthesis rate was expressed by μmol/CO2/m-2/s-1. A minimum of 5 min of leaf equilibration was set at each step before data were logged. The system leaf chamber conditions were set at 400 or 620 ppm CO2, 22oC (block temperature) and saturated photon flux density was 1500 μmol/m-2/s-1.
Stress Markers
Lipid peroxidation was determined by quantifying the fatty acid oxidation-produced malonaldehyde (MDA) according to the thiobarbituric acid assay [38]. Protein oxidation was assessed via carbonyl quantification [39]. Whereas, xylenol orange method was employed to measure hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA; 0.1%) extract of plant samples [40].
Metabolite Profiling
The contents of carbohydrates including some individual sugars, organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids were estimated using (HPLC) or gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses according to the methods described in our previous investigation [41]. The identification and quantification of individual compounds were achieved by comparing the peak area with that of calibration curve of the corresponding standards and referring to NIST(05) and Golm Metabolome ( databases. Extraction and quantification of the total concentration of sugars was carried out following Nelson’s colorimetric method as described in AbdElgawad
Quantitative Estimation of Individual Sugars
The dried powder obtained from maize leaves was extracted in acetonitrile (50%, v/v). Sugars profile in the clear extract was quantified by HPLC analysis. Mobile phase (acetonitrile and water at 75:25 ratio (v/v)) was applied at a flow rate of 1 ml/min at 30°C [41]. To identify sugars, their retention times were compared with corresponding standards. The levels of each sugar were determined by using a calibration curve.
Organic Acids Profile Analysis
Maize dried powdered tissues of known weight were homogenized in butylated hydroxyanisole (0.3%, w/v) and phosphoric acid (0.1%) and by using a MagNA Lyser instrument. Organic acids were estimated by HPLC (Supelcogel C-610H column), a UV detection system operated at 210 nm (LaChromL-7455 diode array, LaChrom, Japan). Next, 0.1% of phosphoric acid (v/v) was applied as mobile phase (0.45 ml/min flow rate) [41]. The levels of each organic acid were estimated by calibration curve for each corresponding standard.
Amino Acids Profile
The amino acids in maize dried powdered tissues were extracted in 80% aqueous ethanol using a MagNA Lyser (Roche, Belgium) [43]. The clear supernatant was obtained by centrifugation for 20 min at 14,000 ×
Isolation and Analysis of Fatty Acids
For the fatty acids’ isolation, identification and quantification, the method of Torras-Claveria
Quantitative Analysis of Antioxidants
The antioxidant glutathione and ascorbate content was extracted then determined with reversed-phase HPLC according to Potters
Total Antioxidant Activity
The maize tissue extracts’ scavenging activity of free radicals was assayed by two methods, 2,2-diphenyl-1- picryl-hydrazyl‐hydrate (DPPH) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) [47]. The extracts were prepared by grinding fresh maize tissues (300 mg) in 3 ml 80% (v/v) ice-cold ethanol. The DPPH assay was performed by mixing each extract with 0.5 ml of DPPH solution (0.25 mM in 95% ethanol). The mixture was shaken well then allowed to stand for 30 min at room temperature. Thereafter, 2 ml of double distilled water was added, and the absorbance was measured at 517 nm to calculate the percentage of inhibition. For the FRAP assay, the freshly prepared reagent was dispensed in the micro-titration plate and mixed extracts. The incubation was for 30 min at 37°C, the absorbance was measured at 593 nm (micro-plate reader, Synergy Mx, Biotek Instruments Inc., USA). The antioxidant capacity was calculated via Trolox standard-curve quantification using concentration up to 650 μM.
Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses of data were carried out via analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) from the SPSS statistical program (SPSS Inc., USA). Tukey’s test (
Results and Discussion
Morphological and Biochemical Identification of the Isolated Actinobacteria
Three actinobacterial strains (Ac3, Ac6 and Ac11) were isolated and purified from the rhizosphere of cereal plants cultivated fields in Jouf city (Saudi Arabia). The isolates were classified based on morphological and biochemical features. Microscopic examination revealed that the three isolates belong to the genus
Table 1 . Morphological characterization , nitrogen and carbon source utilization, and biochemical activities of selected actinomycete isolates (Ac3, Ac6 and Ac11)..
Isolates Ac3 Ac6 Ac11 Spore chain Aerial mycelium + + + Pigmentation + - + Spiral + + + Rectiflexibiles - - + Verticillat - - - Substrate Yellow - - + Orange - - - Gray + - - Red - + - N source utilization L-Cysteine + + + L-Phenylalanine - + + L-Histidine + - + L-Lysine + + + L-Asparagine + + - L-Arginine - + + L-proline + + - L-Valine + + + Tyrosine + + + C source utilization D-fructose + + - D-glucose + - - Sucrose - + + Maltose + - - Raffinose - + + Lactose + + - Galactose - + + Meso-Inositol + - - Celullose + - + Xylose - + + Dextran + + - Enzymes activity Catalase + + + Peroxidase + + + Starch hydrolysis - + - Gelatin liquefication + + + Casein hydrolysis - - + Lipolysis + + + Citrate utilization + + + Nitrate reduction + - - Urease + + + H2S Production + + + DNase + + + The + and – signs indicated the presence and absence, respectively..
This result is consistent with the variations in the biochemical and morphological features reported among different Actinobacteria strains isolated from rhizosphere of palm tree [47] and with the previously characterized five Actinobacteria species isolated from the rhizospheric soil of cereals [20]. It is well known that
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Actinobacterial Cell-Free Extracts
In order to choose the most active actinobacterial cell-free extracts, antibacterial and antioxidant activity were first tested. Results showed considerable antioxidant activities using both DPPH and FRAP assays in all tested isolates, which closely matched with their higher flavonoid contents (Fig. 1). Among tested isolates, Ac3 revealed the greatest antioxidant capacities as well as antibacterial activities comparable to positive control, giving zone of inhibition diameters of 19.974 ± 0.325 and 26.947 ± 2.839 mm against
Figure 1.
Assessment of the crude actionobacterial cell-free extracts. (A ) Flavonoid and phenolic contents (mg/g cell- free extract), (B ) antioxidant capacity as analyzed by FRAP, μmole Trolox/g extract as well as DPPH percentage of inhibition.
Figure 2.
The antibacterial activities of crude actinobacterial cell-free extracts against the phytopathogens Streptomycin was used as a positive control with concentration 50 μg.Pseudomonas syringae andXanthomonas oryzae .
Additionally, there were reported potential antioxidant activities in bioactive compounds extracted from
Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Most Active Actinobacteria
The identity of the most active actinobacterial isolate Ac3 was confirmed by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene using the universal primers 27 and 1492R. The amplified sequence exhibited a high degree of homology, showing 99.79% similarities with 16S rRNA gene from many Streptomyces species such as
Figure 3.
The phylogenetic tree constructed by the maximum likelihood method using MEGAX software for the 16S rRNA sequences of Numbers at nodes represent the percentage values given by 1,000 bootstrap analysis samples.Streptomyces sp. AC3.
Characterization of the Most Active Actinobacteria Cell-Free Extract
Among the tested isolates, the Ac3 cell-free extract was further characterized. The profile of flavonoids and the contents of the phytohormones and siderophores were measured in the candidate isolate Ac3 (Table 2). The results showed that isoquercitrin was the predominant flavonoid with a concentration of 8.361 ± 0.67 mg/g cell-free extract followed by apigenin (7.489 ± 0.6 mg/g cell-free extract). Moreover, a remarkable production of hormones (IAA, ABA and GA) and of siderophores (
Table 2 . The contents of flavonoids, hormones and siderophores produced by the selected actinomycete (Ac3)..
Parameter Ac3 Quercetin 1.143±0.09 Quercetrin 1.915±0.15 Luteolin 0.901±0.12 Apigenin 7.489±0.6 Isoquercetrin 8.361±0.67 Rutin 0.847±0.07 Ellagic acid 0.417±0.01 Velutin 0.357±0.03 Naringenin 1.232±0.1 Genistein 1.885±0.15 Daidzein 2.082±0.17 Fisetin 3.847±0.31 O-hydroxydaidzein 1.033±0.08 IAA-Me 1.1598 13C6-IAA-Me ABA 0.1098 d6-ABA GA 0.1663 Sidephore Catechol 9.1961 Sidephore Salicylate 7.653 Values are the average of 3 replicates (mean ± SD)..
Similarly, Banerjee
F2.7 is the Most Effective Sub-Fraction in Enhancing Maize Tolerance to Drought
In order to select the most active fraction of the cell-free extract of Ac3, a seed germination experiment was conducted using 4 fractions (F1-F4) under induced osmotic pressure (15% PEG). The results indicated that F2 increased the percentage of germination compared to control without treatment under the same conditions (Fig. 4). In addition, the highest maize seedling FW was recorded for the same fraction F2. Further fractionation was conducted for the best active fraction F2 and 12 sub-fractions were obtained. All sub-fractions were evaluated, and the results revealed that sub-fraction F2.7 was the best in promoting the germination percentage and seedling fresh mass of maize grown under both normal and osmotic stress conditions (Fig. 4). Therefore, F2.7 was further evaluated. The sub-fraction (F2.7) mainly contained one active compound which was identified by 1H and 13C NMR. The 1H NMR spectra signals were: 1H-NMR (dissolved in DMSO-d6) 6.20 (1H, d, J = 2.1 Hz, H-6), 6.40 (1H, d, J = 2.1 Hz, H-8), 6.86 (1H, d, J = 8.4 Hz, H-5'), 7.57 (1H, dd, J = 8.5 and 2.3 Hz, H-6'), 7.71 (1H, d, J = 2.4 Hz, H-2'), 5.41 (d, J= 7.6 Hz, H-1-glc). Also, the signals of 13C-NMR (dissolved in DMSO-d6), 157.32 (C-2), 134.21 (C- 3), 178.8 (C-4), 162.441 (C-5), 99.85 (C-6), 165.61 (C-7), 94.58 (C-8), 157.61 (C-9), 104.13 (C-10), 122.17 (C-1'), 116.04 (C-2'), 145.64 (C-3'), 149.19 (C-4'), 118.02 (C-5'), 122.95 (C-6'), 103.31 (C-1''), 60.7 (C-6''), 69.12 (C-4''), 75.3 (C-2''), 77.01 (C-3''), 78.07 (C-5''). Accordingly, the purified compound was identified as isoquercetin.
Figure 4.
Impact of crude actinobacterial cell-free extract or its fractions (F1-4 and F2.1-2.12) on germination percentage. (A ) Seedling fresh mass (B ) of maize grown under normal (0% polyethylene glycol, PEG) or osmotic stress conditions (15% PEG). Asterisks indicate significant changes (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01) compared to control.
Effect of F2.7 on Maize Growth and Photosynthesis Under Drought Conditions
Desiccation is known to threaten plant life through impairing essential processes like photosynthesis and hence, induces plant growth decline [27]. This fact is very consistent with the current results, where drought caused marked decrease in maize fresh weight (FW) and dry weight (DW) by 53.5% and 48.1%, respectively, as compared to well-watered plants (Table 3). Interestingly, actinobacterial Ac3 cell-free extract F2.7 fraction induced significant increase in both FW and DW by 96.6% and 52.4%, respectively, compared to non-treated maize plants under drought. Moreover, the net photosynthesis reduced markedly by 44.2% under drought condition. On the other hand, this reduction was significantly recovered by 52.2% due to F2.7 treatment, relative to the non-treated plants (Table 3).
Table 3 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on the biomass, photosynthesis, the contents of carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids under normal and drought condition compared to non-treated control plants..
Parameter Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought +F2.7 Biomass and Photosynthesis FW (g/plant) 5.08±0.09a 4.13±0.97ab 2.36±0.78c 4.64±0.74d DW (g/plant) 0.81±0ab 0.91±0.13a 0.42±0.07d 0.64±0.09c Photosynthesis (umoles CO2 m-2 leaf area S-1) 8.14±1.09a 7.21±1.08a 4.54±0.81c 6.91±0.96b Carbohydrates Glucose 1.82±0.09c 1.66±0.07ab 2.88±0.6a 3±1.1a Fructose 1.09±0.13a 1.14±0.17a 2.92±0.2a 3.4±0.2a Sucrose 1.93±0.17a 2.07±0.98a 3.02±0.22a 5.2±0.2b Soluble sugars 9.06±1.51b 9.1±0.7a 14.51±1.88a 19.8±1.1a Starch 27.83±1.35c 30.19±0.23b 35.77±0.9ab 39.3±2a Total Carbohydrates 62.07±3.05c 70.81±4.17ab 80.81±6.29a 94±6.4a Organic acids Oxalic 3.92±0.93b 4.34±0.26ab 4.75±0.41b 7.94±1.08a Malic 25.07±1.23b 19.6±0.61b 17.81±0.99ab 42.72±1.36a Succinic 2.84±0.27b 2.47±0.66b 4.71±0.22ab 6.35±0.46a Citric 5.21±0.16cd 8.19±0.68c 15.91±1.21b 19.95±0.73a Isobutyric 5.37±1.42ab 5.33±1b 4.78±0.41b 6.84±0.83a Fumaric 8.67±1.01c 9.25±0.31c 12.06±1.07b 17.04±1.03a Amino acids GlutamIic acid 30.24±ab 34.48±ab 44.73±b 47.98±a Glutamine 121.87±c 132.11±c 142.35±b 162.6±a Lysine 7.56±b 6.13±ab 4±b 4.26±a Alph-keto glutaric acid 0.05±b 0.06±b 0.09±ab 0.11±a Histidine 1.15±a 0.95±ab 0.74±a 1.54±a Alanine 34.75±ab 50.13±b 65.52±b 80.9±a Arginie 1.4±ab 1.71±ab 2.03±ab 2.83±a Ornithine 0.1±a 0.1±a 0.11±a 0.87±a Proline 0.8±ab 0.77±ab 1.12±b 1.29±a Asparagine 1.2±c 1.61±b 1.97±b 2.27±a Isoleucine 0.23±a 0.32±a 0.31±a 0.47±b Leucine 0.18±a 0.23±a 0.41±a 0.39±b Methionine 0.59±a 0.5±ab 0.91±a 1.33±b Threonine 0.226±a 0.106±a 0.67±a 0.3±b Valine 1.5±a 1.93±a 1.81±a 2.92±b Serine 0.28±a 0.35±a 0.43±a 0.5±b Phenylalanine 0.73±a 0.71±b 0.5±ab 0.38±a Glycine 1.01±a 0.7±a 0.4±a 0.1±b Aspartaat 0.04±b 0.04±c 0.06±b 0.08±a Cystine 0.19±a 0.23±ab 0.26±a 0.3±a Tyrosine 1.01±ab 0.78±b 1.56±a 2.33±a Fatty acids Dodecanoic (C12:0) ) 1647.2±147.03b 2849.6±357.79a 3051.9±168.2a 4254.2±192.85c Tetradecanoic (C14:0 716.7±47.93a 821.1±6.6a 925.4±91.63b 1029.8±81.55b Pentadecanoic (C15:0) 136.8±5.73a 164.2±10.96a 191.6±7.22bc 219±8.72d Hexadecadienoic (C16:2) 1303.6±185.01a 1540.8±103.96b 1778±176.79b 2215.3±119.77c Heptadecanoic (C17:0) 2941.1±295.31b 4901.2±392.5a 8861.3±203.28b 11821.4±265.19b Octadecanoic (C18:0) 110.6±12.7a 97.4±7.1a 124.2±8.09b 171±6.6c Eicosanoic (C20:0) 2498.4±222.98b 2562±372.2a 3625.6±212.7b 4689.2±241.9c Docosanoic (C22:0) 167.5±11.21a 175.3±13.37a 223±20.42b 310.7±3.36c Tricosanoic (C23:0) 16.8±0.75a 16.3±1.12a 15.7±0.87a 15.2±0.87b Pentacosanoic (C25:0) 530.8±60.88a 517.5±44.32a 774.2±38.1b 650.8±31c Hexadecatrienoic (C16:3) 506.3±71.96a 619.9±99.6b 703.6±56.03b 847.2±57.52c Octadecenoic (18:1) 174.4±11.7a 151.2±21.25a 228±19.67b 304.7±3.74c Octadecatrienoic (C18:3) 984.2±63.25a 996±86.78a 1296.8±64.86b 897.5±85.53c Eicosadienoic (C20:2) 362.2±29.13a 346.7±18.55a 331.1±23.28b 315.5±19.42b Tetracosenoic (C24:1) 345.5±74.82a 491.2±49.3b 536.9±3.86b 427.4±28.39c Hexadecanoic (C16:0) 8395.1±147.72a 9233.4±506.22ab 5471.7±124.93b 4010.1±408.57c Hexadecanoic (C16:1 283.2±43.08a 231.8±61.38a 380.4±41.46ab 379±37.1c Octadecadienoic (C18:2) 32±2.12a 32.6±0.25a 41.3±3.86a 33.9±0.62a Tetracosanoic (C24:0) 210.8±8.96a 221.9±14.82a 333±9.59b 244.1±10.83c Hexacosanoic (26:0) 42.3±4.86a 55.1±3.98a 67.9±3.24b 80.7±6.1a Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD Different letters represent significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05..
The same observed reduction in biomass and photosynthesis was investigated by Khan
The Effects of F2.7 and Drought on Maize Primary Metabolism
It is well known that photosynthesis is the most vital process in plant metabolism, whereas carbohydrates are the main energy source essential for all other metabolic pathways. Thus, due to its positive effect on photosynthesis, we assumed that treating maize with Actinobacteria cell-free extract may alter its metabolism and consequently impact its behavior under water deficit conditions. Therefore, the accumulation of many primary and some secondary related metabolites was estimated in treated and non-treated maize grown in drought and normal irrigation conditions. The levels of carbohydrates, amino acids and organic acids were assessed in both treated and non-treated maize under drought and normal conditions (Table 3). For carbohydrates, the accumulation was increased under drought conditions, especially the levels of total soluble sugars, total carbohydrates and starch, which were increased significantly by 60%, 30.2% and 28.5%, respectively, as compared to control plants. The F2.7 fraction of actinomycetes caused an increase in all fractions of sugar, and sucrose was significantly increased by 70.2% compared to the non-treated plants under water deficit.
Such impact of Actinobacteria on carbohydrate accumulation was correlated with the observed enhancement in photosynthesis (Table 3). The improved photosynthesis combined with increase in the accumulation of carbohydrate was reported before [7]. In addition, accumulation of sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose might activate the TCA cycle and hence, increase cycle intermediates like some organic acids [67, 68]. In line with this, comparison between the organic acid in treated and non-treated maize plants under drought conditions indicated significantly higher concentrations of oxalic, isobutyric, citric, and fumaric by 25.4%, 67.16%, 43.1% and 43.1%, respectively (Table 3). This accumulation of carbohydrates and organic acids was observed in chickpea inoculated with PGPR by Khan
Under abiotic stress environment, the plant amino acids are accumulated to cope with the stress because amino acids are the precursors of protein and some amino acids act as osmoprotectants or antioxidants [70]. Overall, the results obtained revealed that the levels of glutamine and asparagine were increased in non-treated maize under drought condition by 16.8% and 64.2%, respectively. Whereas, the rest of the amino acids were accumulated significantly in the treated plants under same conditions (Table 4). Induced amino acid levels in treated maize may be attributed to the protective role of actinobacterial cell-free extract in improving plant photosynthesis and growth. In this context, drought-increased amino acid levels have been previously reported [71]. Additionally, the fatty acid profile in maize was analyzed in treated and non-treated plants under normal and drought treatments. It is well known that fatty acids are important not only as membrane structural components or storage compounds but also, for synthesis of plant hormones such as jasmonates that enhance plant tolerance against drought stress [72, 73]. In this regard, data revealed that drought stress caused significant elevation of the majority of the fatty acids except for Eicosadienoic (C20:2) and Hexadecanoic (C16:0) that were reduced significantly by 8.6% and 35%, respectively, as compared with well-watered maize plants. The cell-free extract fraction induced marked rise in fatty acids content in treated maize plants under both normal and water deficit irrigation (Table 3). Similar data were obtained in maize treated with Actinobacteria under drought stress [20]. This suggests that the secondary metabolites produced by the actinomycetes played the dominant role.
Table 4 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on contents of lipid peroxidation product (MDA), protein oxidation, total peroxides (H2O2), ascorbate (ASC), glutathione (GSH), tocopherols, and glycine betaine as well as antioxidant power (FRAP) in maize compared to nontreated control plants under normal and drought condition..
Parameters Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought+F2.7 MDA (mg/g) 8.1±0.08a 7.71±0.97a 19.35±1.03c 9.07±1.67b H2O2 (umol/g) 450.61±0a 459.59±0.13a 624.45±0.07c 457.96±0.09b Protein oxidation (mg carbonyl/gFW) 1.4±1.09a 1.69±0.88a 3.44±0.81b 2±1.32a ASC 2.2±0.12a 3.21±0.1a 4.65±0.2b 6.3±0.3b GSH 0.21±0.02a 0.3±0.1a 0.66±0.02b 0.6±0ab Tocopherols 2.23±0.31a 2.58±0.34a 3.46±0.35b 4±0.4a FRAP 16.76±1.42a 22.53±1.41a 30.88±1.15c 41.5±1b Glycine betaine 4.16±0.26a 3.93±0.25ab 7.05±0.92d 5.9±0.6c Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD. The different letters indicate significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05..
Actinobacterial Fraction F2.7 Treatment Enhanced Maize Tolerance Against Drought Induced Osmotic Stress
Osmotic adjustment including osmolyte accumulation is one of the chief strategies through which plants maintain proper water uptake and cell turgidity to tolerate water deficit conditions [74, 75]. In order to cope with osmotic stress, the plant cells accumulate compatible osmolytes such as low molecular mass biomolecules including glycine, proline, betaine and soluble and alcoholic sugars [76] to protect the cell organelles from oxidative damage triggered by drought [77].
In line with this, the cell-free extract fraction F2.7 induced the significant increase in the total soluble sugars, sucrose, proline, arginine and glycine betaine under water deficit conditions, compared to non-treated plants under the same conditions. Similarly, Tomczyk and Gudej [78] observed a marked increase in the content of soluble sugars in cucumber plants treated with rhizobacteria under drought.
Treatment with F2.7 Maintained the Redox Homeostasis and Mitigated Drought-Induced Cell Damage
Accumulation of ROS and its related oxidative damage is a characteristic of plants cultivated under drought stress [27]. The lack of efficient antioxidant defense systems to maintain redox balance inside the cell is correlated to damage induced in the essential cell compounds, especially membrane lipids and proteins and hence, cell injury [79]. The obtained data showed a significant accumulation of H2O2, protein carbonyls and lipid peroxides (MDA) by 38.6%, 145.7% and 139%, respectively, in non-treated maize in response to drought condition (Table 4).
Plants scavenge ROS and hence, tolerate oxidative stress, through production of low-molecular-weight water soluble antioxidants such as ascorbate (ASC) and glutathione (GSH) and the lipid soluble tocopherol, polyphenols and carotenoid compounds [80, 82]. In this regard, the recorded data (Table 4) revealed that drought stressed maize plants treated with cell-free extract fraction F2.7 have an enhanced redox homeostasis designated by low concentrations of stress markers (H2O2, protein carbonyls and MDA) and higher TAC (FRAP), as compared with the non-treated ones. These improved antioxidants in treated maize plants could be attributed to the improvement in the accumulation of biomolecular antioxidants. Consistent with this hypothesis, the current results showed marked accumulation in ASC, GSH and tocopherols level in treated maize under drought, relative to the non-treated plants. Similarly, Selim
In conclusion, using secondary metabolites of PGPB is an ecofriendly and economically effective approach to improve the growth of maize plants under normal and drought conditions. The potential of Actinobacteria extract in improving maize growth and tolerance against drought may be ascribed to phytohormones and siderophores which enhance root health and therefore, facilitate the absorption of minerals and nutrients from soil. Furthermore, the positive indirect impacts of Actinobacteria antioxidant and osmotic-related metabolites may be due to the induction of plant ROS scavengers and osmoprotectants such as sugars, amino acids, phenolics and flavonoids. Besides, the effective actinomycetes fraction F2.7 not only enhances maize drought tolerance but also improves the nutritional quality of the crop through increasing the contents of some vital compounds like fatty acids and carbohydrates. Thus, the obtained results recommend utilization of cell-free extract of Actinobacteria as an effective alternative tool for enhancing both growth and performance of important crops grown under abiotic conditions.
The Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at Jouf University, Saudi Arabia funded this Project under grant no. (40/187). The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for technical and financial support.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Fig 3.

Fig 4.

Table 1 . Morphological characterization , nitrogen and carbon source utilization, and biochemical activities of selected actinomycete isolates (Ac3, Ac6 and Ac11)..
Isolates Ac3 Ac6 Ac11 Spore chain Aerial mycelium + + + Pigmentation + - + Spiral + + + Rectiflexibiles - - + Verticillat - - - Substrate Yellow - - + Orange - - - Gray + - - Red - + - N source utilization L-Cysteine + + + L-Phenylalanine - + + L-Histidine + - + L-Lysine + + + L-Asparagine + + - L-Arginine - + + L-proline + + - L-Valine + + + Tyrosine + + + C source utilization D-fructose + + - D-glucose + - - Sucrose - + + Maltose + - - Raffinose - + + Lactose + + - Galactose - + + Meso-Inositol + - - Celullose + - + Xylose - + + Dextran + + - Enzymes activity Catalase + + + Peroxidase + + + Starch hydrolysis - + - Gelatin liquefication + + + Casein hydrolysis - - + Lipolysis + + + Citrate utilization + + + Nitrate reduction + - - Urease + + + H2S Production + + + DNase + + + The + and – signs indicated the presence and absence, respectively..
Table 2 . The contents of flavonoids, hormones and siderophores produced by the selected actinomycete (Ac3)..
Parameter Ac3 Quercetin 1.143±0.09 Quercetrin 1.915±0.15 Luteolin 0.901±0.12 Apigenin 7.489±0.6 Isoquercetrin 8.361±0.67 Rutin 0.847±0.07 Ellagic acid 0.417±0.01 Velutin 0.357±0.03 Naringenin 1.232±0.1 Genistein 1.885±0.15 Daidzein 2.082±0.17 Fisetin 3.847±0.31 O-hydroxydaidzein 1.033±0.08 IAA-Me 1.1598 13C6-IAA-Me ABA 0.1098 d6-ABA GA 0.1663 Sidephore Catechol 9.1961 Sidephore Salicylate 7.653 Values are the average of 3 replicates (mean ± SD)..
Table 3 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on the biomass, photosynthesis, the contents of carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and fatty acids under normal and drought condition compared to non-treated control plants..
Parameter Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought +F2.7 Biomass and Photosynthesis FW (g/plant) 5.08±0.09a 4.13±0.97ab 2.36±0.78c 4.64±0.74d DW (g/plant) 0.81±0ab 0.91±0.13a 0.42±0.07d 0.64±0.09c Photosynthesis (umoles CO2 m-2 leaf area S-1) 8.14±1.09a 7.21±1.08a 4.54±0.81c 6.91±0.96b Carbohydrates Glucose 1.82±0.09c 1.66±0.07ab 2.88±0.6a 3±1.1a Fructose 1.09±0.13a 1.14±0.17a 2.92±0.2a 3.4±0.2a Sucrose 1.93±0.17a 2.07±0.98a 3.02±0.22a 5.2±0.2b Soluble sugars 9.06±1.51b 9.1±0.7a 14.51±1.88a 19.8±1.1a Starch 27.83±1.35c 30.19±0.23b 35.77±0.9ab 39.3±2a Total Carbohydrates 62.07±3.05c 70.81±4.17ab 80.81±6.29a 94±6.4a Organic acids Oxalic 3.92±0.93b 4.34±0.26ab 4.75±0.41b 7.94±1.08a Malic 25.07±1.23b 19.6±0.61b 17.81±0.99ab 42.72±1.36a Succinic 2.84±0.27b 2.47±0.66b 4.71±0.22ab 6.35±0.46a Citric 5.21±0.16cd 8.19±0.68c 15.91±1.21b 19.95±0.73a Isobutyric 5.37±1.42ab 5.33±1b 4.78±0.41b 6.84±0.83a Fumaric 8.67±1.01c 9.25±0.31c 12.06±1.07b 17.04±1.03a Amino acids GlutamIic acid 30.24±ab 34.48±ab 44.73±b 47.98±a Glutamine 121.87±c 132.11±c 142.35±b 162.6±a Lysine 7.56±b 6.13±ab 4±b 4.26±a Alph-keto glutaric acid 0.05±b 0.06±b 0.09±ab 0.11±a Histidine 1.15±a 0.95±ab 0.74±a 1.54±a Alanine 34.75±ab 50.13±b 65.52±b 80.9±a Arginie 1.4±ab 1.71±ab 2.03±ab 2.83±a Ornithine 0.1±a 0.1±a 0.11±a 0.87±a Proline 0.8±ab 0.77±ab 1.12±b 1.29±a Asparagine 1.2±c 1.61±b 1.97±b 2.27±a Isoleucine 0.23±a 0.32±a 0.31±a 0.47±b Leucine 0.18±a 0.23±a 0.41±a 0.39±b Methionine 0.59±a 0.5±ab 0.91±a 1.33±b Threonine 0.226±a 0.106±a 0.67±a 0.3±b Valine 1.5±a 1.93±a 1.81±a 2.92±b Serine 0.28±a 0.35±a 0.43±a 0.5±b Phenylalanine 0.73±a 0.71±b 0.5±ab 0.38±a Glycine 1.01±a 0.7±a 0.4±a 0.1±b Aspartaat 0.04±b 0.04±c 0.06±b 0.08±a Cystine 0.19±a 0.23±ab 0.26±a 0.3±a Tyrosine 1.01±ab 0.78±b 1.56±a 2.33±a Fatty acids Dodecanoic (C12:0) ) 1647.2±147.03b 2849.6±357.79a 3051.9±168.2a 4254.2±192.85c Tetradecanoic (C14:0 716.7±47.93a 821.1±6.6a 925.4±91.63b 1029.8±81.55b Pentadecanoic (C15:0) 136.8±5.73a 164.2±10.96a 191.6±7.22bc 219±8.72d Hexadecadienoic (C16:2) 1303.6±185.01a 1540.8±103.96b 1778±176.79b 2215.3±119.77c Heptadecanoic (C17:0) 2941.1±295.31b 4901.2±392.5a 8861.3±203.28b 11821.4±265.19b Octadecanoic (C18:0) 110.6±12.7a 97.4±7.1a 124.2±8.09b 171±6.6c Eicosanoic (C20:0) 2498.4±222.98b 2562±372.2a 3625.6±212.7b 4689.2±241.9c Docosanoic (C22:0) 167.5±11.21a 175.3±13.37a 223±20.42b 310.7±3.36c Tricosanoic (C23:0) 16.8±0.75a 16.3±1.12a 15.7±0.87a 15.2±0.87b Pentacosanoic (C25:0) 530.8±60.88a 517.5±44.32a 774.2±38.1b 650.8±31c Hexadecatrienoic (C16:3) 506.3±71.96a 619.9±99.6b 703.6±56.03b 847.2±57.52c Octadecenoic (18:1) 174.4±11.7a 151.2±21.25a 228±19.67b 304.7±3.74c Octadecatrienoic (C18:3) 984.2±63.25a 996±86.78a 1296.8±64.86b 897.5±85.53c Eicosadienoic (C20:2) 362.2±29.13a 346.7±18.55a 331.1±23.28b 315.5±19.42b Tetracosenoic (C24:1) 345.5±74.82a 491.2±49.3b 536.9±3.86b 427.4±28.39c Hexadecanoic (C16:0) 8395.1±147.72a 9233.4±506.22ab 5471.7±124.93b 4010.1±408.57c Hexadecanoic (C16:1 283.2±43.08a 231.8±61.38a 380.4±41.46ab 379±37.1c Octadecadienoic (C18:2) 32±2.12a 32.6±0.25a 41.3±3.86a 33.9±0.62a Tetracosanoic (C24:0) 210.8±8.96a 221.9±14.82a 333±9.59b 244.1±10.83c Hexacosanoic (26:0) 42.3±4.86a 55.1±3.98a 67.9±3.24b 80.7±6.1a Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD Different letters represent significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05..
Table 4 . Effect of maize treatment with actinomycete (Ac3) bioactive sub-fraction F2.7 on contents of lipid peroxidation product (MDA), protein oxidation, total peroxides (H2O2), ascorbate (ASC), glutathione (GSH), tocopherols, and glycine betaine as well as antioxidant power (FRAP) in maize compared to nontreated control plants under normal and drought condition..
Parameters Control Control+F2.7 Drought Drought+F2.7 MDA (mg/g) 8.1±0.08a 7.71±0.97a 19.35±1.03c 9.07±1.67b H2O2 (umol/g) 450.61±0a 459.59±0.13a 624.45±0.07c 457.96±0.09b Protein oxidation (mg carbonyl/gFW) 1.4±1.09a 1.69±0.88a 3.44±0.81b 2±1.32a ASC 2.2±0.12a 3.21±0.1a 4.65±0.2b 6.3±0.3b GSH 0.21±0.02a 0.3±0.1a 0.66±0.02b 0.6±0ab Tocopherols 2.23±0.31a 2.58±0.34a 3.46±0.35b 4±0.4a FRAP 16.76±1.42a 22.53±1.41a 30.88±1.15c 41.5±1b Glycine betaine 4.16±0.26a 3.93±0.25ab 7.05±0.92d 5.9±0.6c Values are the mean of 3 replicates ± SD. The different letters indicate significant differences between the treatments in each group as analyzed by Duncan’s test
p < 0.05..
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