Fig. 1. Result of WSSV PCR assay in dead shrimp during the experiment and live shrimp in each group on the last day (day 6).
Lane M: 100-bp ladder; Lane 1: Dead shrimp in group 3 (WSSV+MP) within 24 h after MP exposure; Lane 2: Dead shrimp in group 3 (WSSV+MP) within 96 h after MP exposure; Lane 3: Live shrimp in group 1 (WSSV) on day 6; Lane 4: Live shrimp in group 2 (MP) on day 6; Lane 5: Live shrimp in group 3 (WSSV+MP) on day 6; Lane 6: Live shrimp in group 4 (Control) on day 6; Lane N: Negative control (DEPC-water); Lane P: WSSV positive control (941-bp).