Fig. 2. Symmetry mismatches in selected T4SS complexes.
(A) The 3D reconstruction of the Cag T4SS reveals a distinct symmetry mismatch within its structure, composed of three elements: the Outer Membrane Core Complex (OMCC - EMD20020, blue) with 14-fold symmetry, the Periplasmic Ring Complex (PR - EMD20021, green) with 17-fold symmetry, and an uncharacterized stalk structure (grey). (B) The Dot/Icm T4SS exhibits its own unique symmetry inconsistencies. It comprises an OMC disk (EMD22068, blue) with a 13-fold symmetry and a PR (EMD22069, green) with an 18-fold symmetry. (C) Asymmetry is further illustrated in the 3D reconstruction of the R388 T4SS, which shows the OMCC (EMD13765, blue) composed of an O-layer (EMD12707) with a 14-fold symmetry, an I-layer (EMD12708) with a 16-fold symmetry, and a stalk (EMD13768, yellow) with a 5-fold symmetry.