Fig. 5. Connectedness among bacterial and fungal genera in the monoculture and companion cultivation groups based on network analysis.
CK, pepper monoculture; T1, gallic companion cultivation; T2, oats companion cultivation; T3, cage companion cultivation; T4, celery cultivation; T5, white clover companion cultivation. Nodes (colored dots) indicate the genera involved in the networks and links indicate the relationship among the nodes. Red lines represent significant positive (Spearman’s correlation, R > 0.7 and p < 0.05) relationships, and blue lines denote negative (Spearman’s correlation, R < -0.7 and p < 0.05) relationships. The different colored dots represent the different phyla to which the genera belong. The numbers inside the nodes are the keystone genera (top five based on the betweenness centrality score) in the network.