Fig. 5. SDS-PAGE analysis of the CYP707A2 proteins.
The presence of the CYP707A2 protein (54 kDa) was confirmed by staining an 8% SDS-PAGE gel with Coomassie Blue. (A) SDS-PAGE of insoluble and soluble proteins of E. coli cultures. (B) SDS-PAGE of total cell lysates and fractionated lysates from E. coli cell expressing CaCYP707A2. PM: protein morecular weight marker, Con: empty vector harboring E. coli. A2: CaCYP707A2 expressed E. coli. SC: soluble cytosolic fraction from CaCYP707A2 expressed E. coli. Mb: membrane fraction from CaCYP707A2 expressed E. coli. The red arrow indicates the protein of interest.