eISSN 1738-8872
pISSN 1017-7825

Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Transcription analysis of NPP B1 BGC by Real-Time qRT-PCR. Open circle, transcripts from the P. autotrophica GG5036SP mutant at 24 h; closed circle, transcripts from P. autotrophica GG5036SP mutant at 48 h; open triangle, transcripts from the P. autotrophica NPP001 at 24 h; closed triangle, transcripts from P. autotrophica NPP001 at 48 h; open quadrangle from the P. autotrophica NPP002 at 24 h; closed quadrangle, transcripts from P. autotrophica NPP002 at 48 h; house-keeping gene, rpsO (purple); PKS genes, nppA (red), nppC (yellow), nppI (emerald green) and nppJ (sky blue); regulatory genes related to NPP B1 biosynthesis, nppRI (blue), nppRII (pink), nppRIII (dark blue), nppRIV (light yellow), nppRV (brown) and nppRVI (green). All transcript measurements were performed at least in duplicate.
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022;32:911~917
© J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.