eISSN 1738-8872
pISSN 1017-7825

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study.

Strain/plasmid Relevant characteristics Source/reference
pESAC13 Vector used for library construction, aacIII(IV), oriT, attP-int Bio S&T
pNPPB1s pESAC13 with NPP B1 BGC excluding nppO, nppM, and three regulatory genes (nppRIV, nppRV, nppRVI) This work
pUN8 pUC19 with 8 kb of the right-hand portion of NPP BGC (nppO-nppRVI) This work
pSEN8 pSE34 with oriT and 8 kb of the right-hand portion of NPP BGC (nppO-nppRVI) containing KanR This work
pNPPREG pSBAC with 32 kb of the right-hand portion of BGC (part of nppC-nppRVI) [11]
pNPPREG2 pNPPREG, which replaced AprR with HygR This work
pNPPREG3 pNPPREG, which replaced AprR with KanR This work
E. coli
DH10B E. coli host for cloning and constructs derived from various BAC vectors Bio S&T
DH5α E. coli host for cloning and constructs derived from various vectors TRANS
EPI300 E. coli host for cloning and constructs derived from various vectors
ET12567/pUB307 E. coli host for transferring various plasmids into Streptomyces via conjugation
Pseudonocardia autotrophica
KCTC9441 Original NPP A1-producing strain
GG5036SP NPP B1-producing strain (mutation in nppC) [10]
NPP001 GG5036SP with pNPPB1s This work
NPP002 NPP001 with pNPPREG2 This work
J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022;32:911~917
© J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.