Fig. 4A.Linearly arranged SAV0927 in the crystal. Each gray box represents the asymmetric unit, and the two side boxes are truncated. (A) The packing interactions between the asymmetric units are indicated by blue arrows. Top view of the asymmetric unit is shown at the bottom left. One of the interactions between the dimers are boxed and enlarged at the bottom right. Each interface between the dimers has a pocket indicated by a red arrow. (B) This inset is magnified in the black box at His37 and Tyr38 residues are shown at stick and polar interactions and appear at the dotted line. (C) The left panel of the black box is a magnified view of the hydrophobic pocket at The white arrows indicate the length and width of the pocket. The red boxed region in the left panel is enlarged at the right panel. Five residues in the hydrophobic pocket are displayed in the stick representations (right panel).